-Prolouge- Behind The Wall I



Thirty-nine years ago, the world faced an unprecedented disaster. Nature unleashed its fury, striking with meteorites, earthquakes, tsunamis, and more. The entire globe was plunged into chaos as people cried out for help. Even governments could do little beyond ordering evacuations.

In the midst of this terror, humanity encountered terrifying creatures and monsters, which only added to the chaos and horror. Countless lives were lost that day. Silence fell, but the monsters continued to lurk, hunting down the remaining human survivors, denying them any sense of peace.

Then, one day, a man discovered something extraordinary. A beam of light emanated from his hands, and he realized he wasn't alone. Others experienced this phenomenon as well. They called it "The Force"—a beacon of hope, a chance to live peacefully again and fight against the monstrous threats and thought they were being protected by the Gods.

These individuals, known as "Force Wielders," rose up and began to rebuild. They constructed homes and shelters for the weak, creating safe havens amidst the ongoing turmoil. Over the past thirty-nine years, while the environment slowly recovered, these Force Wielders have kept us safe from the monsters beyond our walls.


Behind the walls, life continued as normally as it could under the protection of the Force Wielders. People went about their daily routines, children attended school, and communities thrived in relative safety. In one of these schools, a random old man was recounting the past to a group of curious children.

"Outside of the walls, is it still dangerous?" a child asked, raising their hand.

"Yes, it is," the old man replied solemnly. "That's why, no matter what happens, we have no choice but to stay behind these walls." He scanned the faces of his students, only to realize one was missing. "Lucius? Where's Lucius?"

A blonde-haired child raised his hand. "I saw him sneak out, sir."

"Why didn't you tell me? Aren't you two friends? Go get him now; he shouldn't leave the class whenever he pleases!" The old man's irritation was evident, though his tone softened as the blonde boy, named Shen, ran out to fetch Lucius.

Shen ran to the place where he knew Lucius would be. It was a secluded spot near the towering, cracked wall that marked the boundary of their safe zone. When he arrived, he found Lucius standing in the breeze, staring at the wall.

"Lucius, you always come here whenever you want, huh?" Shen scoffed. "The teachers are calling for you."

Lucius remained focused on the wall, a wistful expression on his face. "Can you imagine it, Shen? Behind these walls... we were told there are other walls and dangerous monsters..." He smiled, a mix of eagerness and curiosity lighting up his eyes.

"Shen, do you want to leave this place someday?" Lucius turned to face his friend with a grin, his eyes sparkling with an adventurous spirit.

"It's too dangerous out there, Lucius. We have to stay safe. Come on, let's go back before we get into more trouble."

"But don't you want to, Shen? Imagine it. Instead of hiding, why don't we see with our own eyes? Truly..." Lucius tried to convince Shen, his voice filled with excitement. Shen was slightly moved as the breeze flowed through their hair, deepening the tension.

Shen smiled and nodded. "Let's leave this place. Once we have our Force forms, we can definitely try to be free!" They both grinned, excitement sparkling in their eyes.

Suddenly, their babysitter appeared, anger etched on her face. "This is where you've been hiding? Get back here!"

Panic surged through them as they bolted in the opposite direction. Lucius grabbed Shen's wrist, and they laughed together as they ran, the thrill of their shared rebellion coursing through them.


Time passed as they spent the day running away and teasing their babysitter, their laughter echoing through the hidden corners of their walled community. By evening, Lucius found himself back at his small, modest home, sitting down to a humble dinner with his parents.

Lucius quietly ate his meal, the day's adventures still fresh in his mind. His mother broke the silence, her voice edged with concern. "I heard you were scolded by the teachers for skipping class with a friend of yours..."

Lucius felt her glare but took it casually. "School's boring. I want to go outside..."

His mother's face hardened, and she clenched her fist. "No. No matter how badly you want it, I won't let you go outside. And don't try to be a bad influence on your friend! Here is safe, and you need to focus on your studies!"

Lucius stopped eating, staring at his plate. The walls of their home, like the walls surrounding their community, seemed to close in on him. He nodded silently, but inside, his resolve to see the world beyond the walls only grew stronger.

His mother remained silent, calming herself down. "Lucius, I know you feel trapped within these walls. It's dangerous out there. Don't ever, ever try to see what's outside."


Lucius nodded again, quietly leaving the table and retreating to his small room. He closed the door behind him, shutting out his mother's stern gaze and sigh. "Lucius!" she called after him, but he didn't respond. She sighed heavily, the weight of her worries evident in her voice.

As night fell, Lucius lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling, his mind buzzing with thoughts of the outside world. Suddenly, a soft tapping on his window jolted him from his reverie. He shivered, glancing towards the sound. Peeking through the glass, he saw Shen grinning up at him.

"Shen? What are you doing here?" Lucius whispered, opening the window just enough to hear his friend.

"The west side of the walls is left unguarded tonight! Let's sneak out while we have the chance!" Shen whispered loudly, his excitement barely contained.

Lucius shivered again, a mixture of fear and exhilaration coursing through him. He smiled. "Really?"

"Yeah! Come on, it's just going to be a quick peek!" Shen assured him, reaching through the window to grab Lucius's wrist.

Lucius hesitated for only a moment before climbing out of the window. They moved silently through the darkened streets, their footsteps barely making a sound. The thrill of the forbidden adventure made their hearts race.

They navigated through hidden alleyways, ducking behind crates and barrels, avoiding the occasional patrol. The shadows of the towering walls loomed over them, adding to the tension.

Finally, they reached the west side of the wall, a section left in disrepair and seemingly forgotten by the guards. Shen pointed to a narrow gap where the stones had crumbled away. "There it is," he whispered.

Lucius took a deep breath, his pulse quickening. This was it—their chance to see beyond the confines of their sheltered world. They squeezed through the gap, emerging on the other side where the night air felt different, fresher, and filled with possibilities.

"Just a quick peek," Shen reminded him, though the excitement in his voice hinted at the deeper adventure they both craved.

They stood there for a moment, taking in the vast, unknown world beyond their walls, a place both terrifying and thrilling. For Lucius, this glimpse was enough to fuel his desire for freedom, igniting a spark that would never fade.


As Shen found a hole through the wall, he beckoned Lucius to follow. They both struggled to crawl through the narrow gap. The wall was tall and thick, forcing them to inch forward on their stomachs.

"Why do they have this hole?" Lucius asked, his voice muffled as he crawled.

"I dug it!" Shen replied, a grin spreading across his face. "You kept talking about leaving, so I started digging until it was ready for you!" He paused, glancing back at Lucius. "But I didn't want to see it alone. I wanted to see the outside with you."

Lucius was stunned, feeling a mix of gratitude and fear. They continued to crawl, the earth cold and damp beneath them. Every scrape of stone and shift of dirt seemed to echo in the still night.

Finally, they emerged on the other side. As they stood up, they were met with an eerie silence. The world beyond the wall was nothing like they had expected. The sky was dark, blanketed by the night, and a cold breeze chilled their skin. It felt like they were standing in the middle of nowhere, an expanse of emptiness stretching out before them.

The boys stood in silence, their breath visible in the frigid air. The vast, desolate landscape was a stark contrast to the lively, confined world they had known. The anticipation that had driven them was replaced by a sense of awe and uncertainty.

Shen, usually so full of energy, was momentarily subdued. "It's... different," he said quietly, the reality of their surroundings sinking in.

Lucius nodded, his eyes scanning the horizon. "Yeah, it's not what I expected either."

They took a few tentative steps forward, their movements slow and deliberate. The ground beneath them was uneven, and the air carried an unfamiliar scent of earth and decay.

As they ventured further, the weight of their decision began to press on them. The outside world, while full of potential, also held unknown dangers. But despite the fear, Lucius felt a strange sense of liberation. For the first time, he was beyond the walls that had confined him his entire life.

Shen broke the silence, his voice tinged with determination. "We should go back before they notice we're gone. But now we know, Lucius. We know there's more out here."

Lucius nodded again, the spark of adventure in his eyes. "Yeah, we do."

Reluctantly, they turned back towards the wall, their journey through the hidden hole marked by a newfound resolve. The world outside was vast and uncertain, but it was also a reminder of the freedom they both yearned for. As they crawled back through the hole, they shared a silent promise: this was just the beginning of their quest to uncover the mysteries beyond the walls.

As they crawled back through the narrow hole, an eerie noise from the outside world stopped them in their tracks. The sound of terror filled the air, sending chills down their spines. Panic surged through them as they hurriedly continued their escape, scrambling to return to the safety of their community.

Just as they reached the other side, they looked up at the wall. A flickering light of fire merged with the stone, casting an ominous glow. "Shen..." Lucius murmured, fear evident in his voice.

Their panic intensified as the warning alarm suddenly blared, piercing the night with its urgent call. The entire city erupted into chaos, people rushing about in confusion and fear.

In the midst of the chaos, Shen and Lucius clung to each other, their hands tightly grasped as they tried to make sense of what was happening. The noise of the alarm and the screams of the townspeople created a cacophony of terror.

Suddenly, an explosion rocked the wall, the force of it shaking the ground beneath their feet. They stumbled, eyes wide with fear. More explosions followed, this time from the sky, raining down on the city and causing widespread damage. Flames and debris filled the air, casting a hellish glow over the once peaceful community.

"Lucius, we have to get out of here!" Shen shouted over the noise.

They ran through the chaos, dodging falling debris and navigating through the panicked crowd. The once familiar streets were now unrecognizable, filled with destruction and fear.

The explosions continued, each one a reminder of the fragility of their safety. Shen and Lucius held onto each other, their breaths ragged and their hearts pounding.

"We need to find somewhere safe!" Lucius said, his voice trembling.

Shen nodded, his face pale. "This way!" he yelled, leading Lucius towards a small alleyway that seemed less crowded and slightly more protected from the falling debris.

They huddled together, trying to catch their breath and make sense of the chaos around them. The explosions and screams were relentless, but they knew they had to keep moving if they wanted to survive.

"Stay close," Shen urged, gripping Lucius's hand tightly as they continued to navigate through the chaotic streets, their hope hinging on finding a safe haven amidst the destruction.

They both ran, with Lucius crying as Shen tried desperately to lead them to safety. "This way, Lucius!" Shen shouted, his voice filled with urgency.

Suddenly, a giant burning building began to collapse, its fiery mass plummeting toward them. They were in a blind panic, trying to escape. "I don't want to die! I don't want to die!" Lucius cried out, his voice breaking with fear.

The building crashed to the ground with a massive impact, sending debris and flames everywhere. Lucius and Shen were caught in the chaos, the force of the explosion throwing them off their feet. In those final moments, as the world seemed to crumble around him, Lucius's thoughts raced.

"I'm going to die..."

"Ah... I really want to live... I want to see what's outside... Mother... is she safe? Did Shen make it...?"

"I don't want to die..."


To be continued...