The Seven Dead Corpses I

The world above was a desolate wasteland, but below the surface, hidden beneath the ruins of an ancient city, Lucius stumbled upon a sanctuary. It was a labyrinth of tunnels and caverns, its entrance cunningly concealed and guarded by traps. The first sign of life he encountered was a group of survivors, their eyes sharp with mistrust as they confronted him.

"Who are you?" a voice demanded, rough with suspicion. Lucius raised his hands, showing he meant no harm.

"My name is Lucius," he said, his voice echoing softly in the dimly lit tunnel. "I seek refuge."

The survivors, a motley crew of hardened men and women, hesitated. It was his ability to heal his own wounds that finally convinced them. They led him deeper into their hidden world, where the air was filled with a sense of guarded hope.

In the heart of the sanctuary, Lucius met Zara, the wise elder who led the community. Her eyes, though aged, held a depth of knowledge and understanding.

"Welcome, Lucius," Zara greeted him, her voice a soothing balm to his weary soul. "I have heard whispers of your kind."

As she examined Lucius, she noted his pallid skin and glowing eyes. "You're an undead being... just as the prophecy foretold," she murmured. Zara gestured for Lucius to follow her to a more secluded area, away from the bustling sanctuary inhabitants.

Lucius, filled with questions, followed her. "What are you talking about? Tell me everything."

Zara paused before continuing. "I've heard it from the whispers of fate, the legend of the seven dead corpses. You are neither alive nor dead—a punishment and a blessing from the Gods above. Because of your past sins, you are not allowed to ascend to the heavens; because of your good deeds, you cannot fall to hell. Thus, you are trapped in the mortal realm as a dead corpse."

Lucius's confusion deepened, but Zara continued. "The prophecy states: make good deeds and change the balance, and you will be sent to heaven. Commit sins, reducing the good balance, and you will fall to hell. This is the curse of the seven dead corpses."

Lucius paused, his gaze dropping to the ground at Zara's words. "A curse...? How do I know what you're telling me is the truth?" he asked, his voice heavy with doubt.

"You don't," Zara replied simply.

Lucius clenched his fist, frustration simmering beneath the surface. "Then what is this force form stuff? Why don't I get anything other than regeneration? Does that count as a force form?" he demanded.

Zara shook her head. "I don't know much about a dead corpse as a force wielder. I haven't had the chance to understand the fate of the seven dead corpses."

Lucius hardened his gaze at the mention of fate and sighed. "Are there more people out there like me? It's called 'the seven.'"

Zara nodded. "Yes, there are more dead corpses like you, known as the seven deadly sins."

Lucius felt a tremor run through him at her words. Zara ended the discussion, "Well, why don't you rest? You must be hungry, though you won't collapse from it."

"Hey, I'm not finished—!" Lucius began, his voice rising with urgency, but his words were cut off by a sudden shout from a boy.

"That's enough, blind eye!" the boy called out, referring to Lucius's pale, eerie eyes. Lucius turned, irritation flashing across his face.

"What did you just call me?" he retorted, studying the boy's appearance. The boy had blonde hair with a hint of pink dye, wore a white singlet under a soft red-pink leather jacket, and light black pants paired with slippers. His blue eyes, marked by a mole beneath one and piercings on his ears, glared at Lucius as he approached.

"Respect the elders here, man," the boy said, his voice firm and challenging.

Lucius glared back at the boy. "Huh?" Their heated glares signaled an impending fight, their tempers flaring.

"You're in our territory, blind eye. Show some respect," the boy said, his voice firm.

Lucius's eyes narrowed. "Stop calling me blind eye..." Both of them clenched their fists, ready to strike, when a commanding woman's voice interrupted.

"Yu Xuan, back off!" she ordered. Lucius glanced at her. She had a muscular build and short brown hair.

Yu Xuan pouted and stepped away, leaving Lucius alone. The woman approached Lucius and pulled him toward the crowd. Startled and irritated, Lucius struggled. "H-hey! Don't touch me!" he protested, but he couldn't break free from her strong grip. She laughed heartily.

"Ha! I'm sorry about that. Lucius, was it? Yu Xuan is always picking fights, but he's one of the strongest in our group. I'm Harriet, second in command." She winked at him.

Harriet released Lucius, who pulled away, huffing. "Just what the hell was that?" he grumbled. Yu Xuan, still fuming, yelled from afar.

"Blind eye, I told you to respect the elders here!" Yu Xuan tried to charge at Lucius, but others held him back. Harriet laughed it off.

"Come, Lucius, sit down," she invited, gesturing to a large pot of stew simmering in front of them. Lucius gulped, tempted by the enticing aroma.

To be continued -