Chapter 20 : Preparations

Erik’s POV

“I didn’t realize you were so adept with a sword.”

The sound of King Varric’s voice startled me on the walk back to the treehouse where I was planning on bathing and getting ready for the meeting where Poppy and I were supposed to speak with Queen Francesca about wedding arrangements.

Assuming Poppy actually showed up.

Her absence was frustrating, to say the least.

And the last thing I wanted to do with my spare time was choose bouquets and boutonnieres. The color of tapestries. Decor. If I wasn’t choosing the food at the reception, then I couldn’t care less.

I turned around, Magnus to my side, bowing respectfully at the King when he saw him, a large detail of guards around him. “I didn’t expect to see you at the arena, King Varric,” I answered, bowing slightly, not as deeply as Magnus, but enough to show respect.

I didn’t know how to feel about his viewing at the arena. Would he approve of my hobbies, or would he give me a ridiculous ultimatum for his daughter?