Unhappy Hanna-kah.

For a so-called popular girl, Hanna could use some lessons on playing it cool. The chinks in her hot-girl armor are more obvious than Kate's lilac perfume. She's desperate for Daddy's attention, insecure about her love life, and in major need of a new bestie. (Ahem, she even tried to hang out with Kate.) But her biggest, baddest, most delicious fear: that she'll make one wrong move and become the chubby, ugly loser she was in middle school.

Maybe I'll just make her worst nightmare come true. Kate may have a reason to keep her Santa-kissing lips sealed, but I don't. And there's so much I could spill: her flirtation with Vince, losing to Dinah, fat camp, the cookie incident. And that's only the tip of the iceberg. If I reveal everything—the purging, the lies, the paranoid delusion that Mona is still out there, waiting to run her down again—all of Rosewood will see just how messed up Hanna is. And we all know where crazies belong: The Preserve at Addison-Stevens. Enjoy your size-two jeans while you still have them, Hannakins, because a straitjacket is one-size fits all…

One down, three to go. Now on to little miss Emily Fields, who is stuck in snowy Rosewood with her Christmas-loving family. And while Emily may be decking the hall a and full of good cheer, her Christmas is about to get a lot less merry. Ho, ho, ho!