Chapter 23

After hanging up the phone and going around twice in the living room, Duke suppressed the chaos, and the mixed mood on his face was replaced by calm.

Because there are only 20 screens on the 20 cinema chains, the statistics for the first day of "Life and Death" have been released.

The average number of people in a single show is 18, and the average box office of a single show is $84-package tickets are discounted-the average number of shows on the first day of a single cinema line is 8, and the total box office on the first day is $13,440...

Compared with the super blockbuster movies in my memory that can easily get $15,000 at the box office of a single library, this result is really horrible.

Fortunately, another news that came at the same time can refresh people's spirits.

A total of 2880 people watched "Life and Death" in a single day. Twentieth Century Fox received a total of 2056 questionnaires. Among them, as many as 1577 people gave the movie a+ rating, 256 people rated a, and no ratings below c To 20 people.

The audience's reputation on the first day of the screening can be described as bursting.

I just don't know if word-of-mouth can finally be transformed into a box office...

With a light sigh, Duke went out of the house and walked towards the seaside boulevard not far away. In April], Santa Monica was already a bit hot, even though the sea breeze was still a little cool, But not far along the seafront promenade, he was sweating.

When approaching the private marina area, Duke turned into a cold drink shop at a three-way intersection and said to the boss behind the counter, "Joe, a glass of iced coconut milk."

"Hi, Duke." When the boss passed the coconut milk, Xiao Mimi asked, "I heard your movie was released?"

"You are very well informed." Duke took a big mouthful of cold coconut milk, feeling much better.

"Don't forget, this is Santa Monica."

The boss named Joe pointed in the direction of the marina, "From there, grab any one, it may be a movie star."

Seeing Duke shrugged, the boss said vowedly, "Don't worry, Duke, we have known each other for ten years, and I will definitely mobilize people around me to watch your movie!"

Hearing what the boss said, Duke couldn't help but look up slightly, as if he wanted to look into the distant sky through the ceiling. He saw that everyone who had watched the movie could also use words and actions to drive those around him to watch "Life and Death". , He knew how terrifying the power of word of mouth.

Just not far away from Duke, Cunites walked into the University of Southern California listlessly. He did not sleep well last night, his head was full of Mercedes-Benz buses, and he even became a part of the bus in his dream. Member, in the shocking explosion of the bus crashing into the plane, I saw God...

"It's all that **** movie! Why is that young director named Duke Rosenberg filmed so wonderful? So thrilling?"

"Hi, Kunites."

Suddenly, a few classmates chased after him. Among them, the one holding the basketball jumped over and wrapped his shoulders, "Go, let's go to activities together?"

"Still not." Kunites pointed to his faint dark circles, "I need to find a place to sleep."

"You didn't sleep well last night?" someone came over and asked.

"Went to see a movie yesterday, it was so exciting..."

Just like a kid who just watched the most exciting story and was eager to share it with his friends, Kunites gushed, "Except for "Terminator 2", this is the best action movie I have watched in recent years... …"

A bunch of compliments popped out of his mouth, and finally he said again, "I suggest you have time to check it out. It would be a shame to miss it."


A few people were obviously interested and asked, "After all that, what is the film called?"

""Life and Death"!"

"Aren't there no extracurricular activities this weekend?" the basketball man suggested, "Let's go together."

The sun slowly moved from the east to the right position. Johnson, who had just finished lunch, returned to the office. Because there was a short break at noon, many colleagues gathered together to discuss topics of mutual interest, so he joined him. among them.

Talking about the new president and the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the topic gradually turned to the film side.

"Early next month, "Alien 3" will premiere."

The speaker is about forty years old, and he obviously has special feelings for the alien series produced in the late 1970s. "I heard that the director has changed again. He is a novice named David Fincher. Do you want to see it? ?"

This is not a family movie, it's obviously more suitable with friends.

"Is it the only recent new movie?" Someone obviously doesn't like Alien.

"I recommend one to you." Johnson took the conversation. "I took a rest yesterday and went to see a movie called "Life and Death"..."

Because the promotion fee is so much, the 20th Century Fox's promotion of "Life and Death" is still tepid, but as the number of people watching the film increases, "Life and Death" has begun to slow down in the audience. Slow fermentation, although the box office on weekdays does not have any trend of bursting, but every day shows a slow upward trend.

The latest film data summary was also promptly fed back to Duke by Robin Grande.

On Wednesday, the average attendance was 21, and the gross box office in a single day was 145.26 million US dollars.

On Thursday, the average number of attendees was 25, and the gross box office in a single day was $168.44 million.

In the first three days of screening, "Alien 3" received a total of $44,810 in 20 theaters and $2,240 at the box office of the single theater.

"This is a good result..."

On Friday morning, Duke received a call from George Lucas, "It's already higher than my highest expectations. "Life and Death" has the potential. I'll inform Lucasfilm and tell Twentieth Century Fox. Put some pressure to get them to invest more resources."

At the same time, Twentieth Century Fox's director of the distribution department, Townsend Rothman, was also convening a department meeting to discuss the release of "Alien 3" and also "Speed ​​of Life" in the screening.

"Alien 3" is of course needless to say, this is the highlight project of 20th Century Fox this year, and it is also the packaging project of caa, which is definitely the focus of release.

"My opinion..."

Townsend Rothman's deputy said, "We still need to be cautious on "Life and Death". We'd better maintain the current publicity efforts and look at the box office reaction on Friday and Saturday. The weekend box office can test whether a movie is true. Has enough potential."

There is no objection. Although the six major companies produce countless bad movies every year, they are always cautious in their investment. Even Spielberg's projects will go through layers of review, from project establishment to shooting to publicity. It takes a long time to investigate and estimate. The situation where hundreds of thousands or even millions of funds can be determined by shooting the forehead will never appear in large-scale film companies with complex shares and checks and balances of power.

With the arrival of Friday, the North American film market has reached the busiest time of the week. The weekly film rankings in North America are also based on the weekend box office numbers for three days from Friday to Sunday. This is also the most reflective one. The film's potential and competitive time period.

Fabio is the conductor of this independent cinema. His workload for three days on weekends is often several times that of working days.

""Instinct", two tickets, thank you."

After receiving the money from the other party, Fabio skillfully handed over tickets and found change. "Instinct" has been released for more than a month, but there are still many audiences to see Sharon Stone, and it is also the best movie sold in theaters this week. .

The hands of the clock slowly passed seven o'clock in the evening, and more than forty spectators walked out of a movie hall one after another. They seemed to be discussing topics such as buses, subways, explosions, etc., Fabio knew that. It's the content of the movie they just watched. This is the fourth day of "Speed ​​of Life" in theaters.

This is a very good film. Fabio also went to the hall to watch it when he was off yesterday. In his eyes, except for Sharon Stone undressing, "Instinct" could not be compared with " Compared with "Speed ​​of Life and Death".

It's just that "Life and Death" is not enough from the director to the actors' reputation and appeal, and the publicity is also limited. Many people don't know the movie at all. Although the number of movie viewers in the previous three working days has been rising, it has not been big. Explosive look.

However, today seems to be different. In the several shows that have already been screened, the number of spectators in a single show has nearly doubled compared to yesterday.

"Hey guy..."

A group of students came here, "The Speed ​​of Life and Death, six photos."

As night came, more and more people entered the theater.

""Life and Death", two."

"The Speed ​​of Life and Death, one sheet."

"The Speed ​​of Life and Death..."

Fabio, who has been busy all the time, suddenly discovered that the number of people buying tickets for "Speed ​​of Life" is constantly increasing, even surpassing "Instinct," which occupies three theaters.

Just after the screening of the new "Speed ​​of Life and Death" began, Fabio also came off work. Taking advantage of the gap in the handover, he roughly counted the number of ticket purchasers for this show of "Speed ​​of Life and Death" and found that it was sold. There are more than 80 tickets. This is the theater today... No, it is the highest number of attendees in a single show this week!

After a few days of bitter fermentation, the overwhelming reputation of "Life and Death" finally came into play. On Friday night, from New York to Los Angeles, from Seattle to Nashville, 20 single games of movie theaters appeared. The number of people is almost twice as many as on Thursday, or even three, and many people even came to the theater in droves, and the naming depends on "Life and Death"!

By the next morning, this situation had been fed back to Twentieth Century Fox. Although the final decision could be made after a high-level meeting, Townsend Rothman had already invested more resources in this film. Thoughts.

"Friday's single-day box office is US$62,778, single-venue box office is US$3,138, and the audience a+ rating rate is 77%..."

These data placed on Townsend Rothman's desk are the best proof of the market potential of "Speed ​​of Life"!