Chapter 25

Entertainment gossip has always been popular among the public.

"Keanu Reeves is sunny and handsome, Uma Thurman is beautiful and charming, the two are screen lovers in "Life and Death", and they are also a good match outside the movie..."

"Keanu Reeves and Uma Thurman made a fake show because of "Life and Death", and Hollywood has an extra pair of golden girls..."

Thanks to Fox's public relations efforts in the 20th century, a lot of news about the couple and their new film appeared in the media, especially the tabloids under News Corporation, which almost made this gossip news.

All these goals are clear, to attract the audience into the theater!

So, when the new North American box office rankings were announced, Duke and Twentieth Century Fox both laughed.

500 theaters, three days in the weekend, "Life and Death" received 7.55 million US dollars, not only successfully reached the top ten box office list, but also won the best single-library box office last weekend with a single-library box office of more than 15,000 US dollars Achievement.

Even if God came at this time, it could not stop Twentieth Century Fox from once again expanding the scale of publicity and screening to make more profits.

On April 27th, "Speed ​​of Life and Death" landed ≥, the third week of North American theaters and the last Monday of April, 20th Century Fox finally expanded the number of theaters of "Speed ​​of Life and Death" to 2,385, and invested heavily in it. The name of the film spread throughout North America with the bombardment of propaganda.

Together with the crew, Duke also began to run announcements between major cities in North America. No matter where they go, Keanu Reeves and Uma Thurman, the golden boys and girls, are the focus of movie fans and the media. Over time, Duke has naturally received attention from many media, and the director of "Young Rosenberg" will appear on the entertainment page of some media from time to time.

However, Duke is not enthusiastic about propagating himself. The director has to rely on the work to speak, and now no one will focus too much on the director. When another era of more open information arrives, the director will thoroughly understand. Walked to the front desk.

After a long period of accumulation such as trial screenings, spot screenings, and small-scale screenings, and with the full support of 20th Century Fox, "Life and Death Hour" is like a young talent with a deep background, rich accumulation and thin hair. Like Jun, finally ushered in a complete explosion.

When Duke and the crew walked eastward through San Francisco, Salt Lake City and other cities, "Life and Death" earned $22.5 million in the first four working days of the new week! After they finished their weekend promotion in Pittsburgh, the film earned $34.75 million in three days this weekend!

This weekend's box office also made "Life and Death Hour" on the North American box office rankings, with less than $1 million, overwhelming Mel Gibson's new work "Lethal Weapon 3" and firmly seated in the box office champion position. on!

This is the first box office champion of "Life and Death" and Duke's first box office champion!

The total box office of the film in North America has exceeded 66 million US dollars, and the potential that has been accumulated for a long time has finally been completely exploded!

Although this figure is not enough for the film to recover its costs, it is no exaggeration to say that the film has been a success and he also has enough capital. Even if the box office later rushes, the second work will not be unpopular.

"Have you heard, Duke."

As soon as he entered the hotel, Naomi Watts walked over.

In the new week, the crew arrived in New York, the last and most important stop on the East Coast for publicity. Because of the film's total box office explosion, Twentieth Century Fox gathered more actors to participate in New York's publicity, and those who wanted to borrow the film. The people who are also in the fighting of their respective agents, some came to New York, some can only watch.

Naomi Watts was obviously the one who got the ticket. "I heard Nancy say that Mel Gibson was very upset with the loss of Lethal Weapon 3 to Life and Death. You should know it? His temper. He was extremely irritable and had a serious alcohol addiction. Not only did he beat his assistant when he was drunk, but he also fired his agent and prepared to switch to caa."

"Then caa needs more first-tier stars."

Duke was somewhat wary of these women who mixed up with Hollywood. He simply answered Naomi Watts's words. He walked into the elevator, went to the floor where he was staying, and went straight into his room.

Closing the door and putting down his luggage, the calmness on Duke's face finally disappeared. He squeezed his right fist and shook it twice. With the tremendous pressure he has endured this year, he was thrown to the ground with his fist!

"Good job, Duke!"

Standing in front of the full-length mirror by the door, Duke pointed to the tall and handsome young man in the mirror, "But don't relax! Remember, this is just the beginning!"

Take off his jacket and organize his luggage. Just as Duke wanted to sit down and rest, someone knocked on the door.


Dukla opened the door, and Naomi Watts, who was wearing a light dress outside, smiled and waved at him, "Hi, Duke."

"Something?" Duke asked.

"It's nothing..."

Probably seeing Duke's frowning brows, Naomi put away her smile and said very seriously, "I just want to apologize to you, the last time..."

She pointed to the door, "May I go in and say?"

Walking back to the room, Duke made a casual gesture to Naomi who was following him and asked, "Water or coffee?"

"Ah, no need."

The blonde shook her hand quickly, and then said, "I really don't have a good idea, I'm sorry."

She is not stupid at all. The two of them talked and laughed the last time they met. Duke's attitude was obviously a lot rusty when they met this time, and only a little thought would roughly understand what was going on.

"If you can."

Looking across Duke's face, Naomi Watts saw that Duke didn't seem to care about it at all, and asked tentatively, "As an apology, can I invite you to dinner?"

"I apologize for accepting it, and the dinner is over."

In any case, the family education that Duke received did not allow him to be too rude in front of the ladies, "The recent publicity is very tired, I need to rest."

"Then... I won't bother you."

Standing up, Naomi Watts walked towards the door, hearing Duke's footsteps behind him, suddenly turned around and asked, "Duke, do you still have an agent?"


Nodding casually, Duke sent away the petite blonde.

Just as Duke had taken a bath and was about to fall asleep, Naomi Watts was talking on the phone in a room diagonally across from him.

"Nancy, I confirmed that he does not have an agent."

"Make a good relationship with him, Nami." A professional voice came from the call, "I am optimistic about his potential..."

Hearing this sentence, Naomi Watts couldn't help but roll his eyes. The box office and word-of-mouth of "Life and Death" are all here. In all Hollywood that speaks with achievements, who doesn't know what this means, and last time When Nancy saw Duke, she didn't see his potential at all.

"This is good for you and me." The agent's words continued, "I think you should know the necessity of befriending a fast-rising director? As long as he is not a meteor..."

"I understand." Naomi Watts closed her upturned eyes.

In terms of acting and appearance, she does not lose to her classmate, but why is she not famous? Naomi Watts is not a newcomer to the entertainment industry, and naturally understands that opportunities in Hollywood are often more important than acting.

At the same time, the headquarters of Los Angeles Century City CAA is also discussing Duke-related content.

"Alien 3 will be released this weekend."

As the person in charge of the packaging project, Martin Bob seemed extremely confident, "20th Century Fox has signed distribution contracts with 2,450 theaters."


Michael Ovitz, who was sitting at the top of the conference table, said, "I heard that 20th Century Fox has invested a lot of resources on "Life and Death"?"

"I have urged them to switch their focus back to Alien 3."

Martin Bob rubbed his forehead, and the boy from Rosenberg's family simply slapped his face with Twentieth Century Fox. Fortunately, the basic element of being an agent is that his face is thick enough and his face is normal. Said, ""Life and Death" has been in theaters for 3 weeks. The box office that broke out last weekend has also exhausted the film's potential. This film basically ends here, and the next is a highly competitive summer file. With good results in the strangulation, Fox's management will inevitably focus on "Alien 3" as long as there is no problem with their heads."

This is almost recognized by most people sitting here. In many people's minds, "Life and Death" can suddenly become popular because of the lack of strong competitors between the spring and summer files.

"How did Mel Gibson talk over there?" Michael Ovitz asked.

"He reached a verbal agreement with us."

An agent replied, "The written agreement will be signed on Thursday."

"Whose customer was Duke Rosenberg before?"

Although in order to please customers, you can play clowns and climb to the table to slap your **** and tap dance, but in caa, Ovitz has absolute authority, "Why does caa miss such talents?"

"Yes... it's my client." Lovett said weakly.

"How do you rate customers?" Ovitz's voice was extremely severe, "Are your eyes growing under your nose?"

"Sorry, Mr. Ovitz..."

"I don't want to hear an apology." He gave Lovett a cold look. "Sign him back, I don't care what you use!"


After the meeting, Lovett returned to his office, sat in a chair, and searched for the contact information of Duke, who hadn't known where he had thrown it. If he could come back, he would definitely keep it... No, if it was originally When Duke wanted to renew his contract, would he still be as embarrassed as today if he could renew it?

With a cutting-edge director in his hand, even if he has to share it with other agents in the future, it will increase his capital, and even if Duke's future directorship goes smoothly, it can attract more actors to him.

Regardless of this, think of a way to sign Duke again.

Now that he has been an entertainment agent, Lovett naturally understands that such things as the face must be thrown away.