Chapter 45

The Fremont Hotel in San Francisco was full of voices, reporters under the dome made of white pillars, and the press officer of the crew holding a microphone to maintain order, but the guys who moved by hearing the wind were still a mess.

Standing behind the three leading actors, although they have answered some questions, it is just like where they are now. The first three are the focus of media attention. Duke took the initiative to marginalize himself and he has officially entered The shooting state does not require the media to distract him.

Although I also want to start silently like James Cameron, Duke still cooperates with the publicity plan of Warner Bros. and the entire crew. He must consider the publicity of the film.

"You are incredible." A faint nasal voice rang out from behind, "You are distracted on this occasion!"

"I'm just thinking about the shooting plans for today and tomorrow." Duke was really full of filming, "I am a director, not a star."

Seeing that the reporter's microphone and camera lens were aimed at Ai √, De Harris, Nicholas Cage and Christopher Lee, Duke simply took a step back. This small press conference for the opening ceremony lasted too long. , Continuing to drag on will affect his shooting plan.

"Director Rosenberg..." Suddenly a reporter's question came over there, "This is the first time you have directed an A-level production. Are you confident?"

"Of course I have confidence." Duke immediately put on his brightest smile, "You will see a thrilling and exciting action movie in the summer file next year."

After that, he winked at the press officer of the crew, and the press officer from Warner Bros. reluctantly announced the end of the press conference.


Looking at his watch, Duke found that the hotel had only three hours left for them, and said to Sophia behind him, "Notify everyone to speed up, we don't have much time."

A Hummer h1 drove over and parked at the entrance of the hotel. Duke looked at the parking location, then took the megaphone from another assistant director nearby and put it to his mouth.

"The car is facing the door!" He looked up and said to Sofia, "Talk to the hotel and set up a camera on the third floor terrace and use overhead shots."

After Sophia left, Duke walked to the photography team and asked, "John, is the number one machine in place?"

"OK!" John Schwarzman handed over the work to the assistant, "We have arranged a track on the left side, and the first machine can rewind and shoot."

"The street is too narrow..." Duke pointed to the entrance of the hotel, "Set up the second machine inside the hotel."

Turning around, Duke walked behind a camera, looked at the location of the hotel entrance through the lens, and then shouted, "Zach, the light is still dim, I want to be thicker and brighter!"

Zach Schneider, who was responsible for processing the color of light over there, immediately made an "ok" gesture to Duke.

"John, the shooting is up to you."

For this filming, Duke did not arrange for the director's camera. He would sit behind the monitor all the time. He returned to the side of the hotel entrance and walked to Christopher Lee.

Christopher Lee, who had just finished makeup, wore a neat suit, and his tall figure looked majestic. Although he was seventy years old, he felt sharp and sharp.

"Chris, the opening scene is not long." Duke pointed to the location of the hotel entrance. "You rush out from the inside, and then ignore other people's obstacles and get on the Hummer."

"I know."

For an old drama like Christopher Lee, this scene is not difficult.

"Take out the feeling you used to be an agent." Duke raised his index finger at him, the old man laughed, and then gave Duke a thumbs up.

After returning to the monitor, Duke asked the assistant director to call for the start after the extras were in place, preparing for the test shooting.

Many people gathered at the door of the hotel. An old man with gray hair rushed out of the hotel. He only took a brief look and chose the Hummer parked at the door of the hotel, and rushed directly to pull out the waiter who was going to park. Health...

"Cut!" Duke stopped, and then said directly, "Passed!"

I just passed the test shot once, and it seems to have made a good start, especially Christopher Lee is very old and limited by his physical strength. The fewer shots he takes, the better he can maintain his state. In the shot just now, he was anxious and brought With the peculiar sturdy atmosphere, it does live up to the real experience of the battlefield and spy personnel.

Judging from the shots collected on the monitor, Christopher Lee is not performing at all. He just presented an experience that may never be forgotten in his life. A true performance is never comparable to a performance.

Perhaps it is the right decision to be forced to choose him! Duke also gradually began to be optimistic, after all, Sean Connery is in the past tense, and he would not find someone to share his cake.

Although the cutscenes were simply cleared, after Duke called to stop, the camera shutter sound of the reporter and the surrounding audience continued to sound. This is a problem often encountered when shooting location. As long as the other party does not interfere with the normal shooting of the crew, it will generally not be too much. After blocking, this can be regarded as a promotion for the movie.

After filming Nicholas Cage running out of the hotel and two stuntmen driving off the street, the first day of filming came to an end.

Today's shots are really not that difficult. Before the shooting, Duke had enough exchanges with Zach Schneider and John Schwarzman, and he himself had the experience accumulated during the shooting of "Life and Death", making the first day The shooting went smoothly.

The crew then prepared to rush back to Burbank for shooting in the Warner Studios the next day.

The reason why I chose to go out in San Francisco on the first day was because of the crew's publicity needs on the one hand and the sponsor's requirements on the other.

That's right, the film has attracted a lot of advertisements. Duke has experienced the baptism of highly commercialized movies and is not disgusted with implanted advertisements. As long as advertisers do not force them to appear in some unreasonable scenes, generally he There will be no objection.

Hummer, Ferrari and several other businesses have brought a total of 3.5 million US dollars in advertising sponsorship for the film. This is still Duke's brand not loud enough. If he has a film with a North American box office of over 100 million, Robin Grand and Charles · Rowan is confident to double the advertising costs of the film.

These are different from the exclusive tax rebates of Warner Bros. They are included in the film income. Of course, Duke, as one of the investors, does not allow it.

As Duke watched the crew clean up the venue, Christopher Lee, who had taken off his makeup, suddenly walked over.

"Duke, I heard about something." He looked at Duke. "The crew intends to play this role in Sean Connery? Is that true?"

His brows frowned slightly, and Duke immediately laughed. With the energy of caa, it is not difficult to find a way to reach Christopher Lee's ears. Their purpose is simple, to influence Lee's status.

"I did consider Sean Connery."

There are some things that Duke said without drafting at all. "But after hearing about your experience from others, I think you are more suitable for this role than Connery."

Hearing these words, Christopher Lee laughed, and Duke also laughed. He knew that this kind of scenes couldn't be concealed from the mature Lee.


If the "Lord of the Rings" tidbits that I have watched are not deceiving, Christopher Lee should be an old but energetic man, so Duke said, "Are you worried that everyone will take you to the outdated 007 after the movie is released? ratio?"

"007? What is 007?" Christopher Lee's old face wore a nonchalant smile, "Duke, I don't think you know, Fleming is my cousin. We fought side by side in the British non-gentlemen's war department. , 007 was created by Fleming based on his own experience and the experience of our group of companions. How can those fictional things compare with our real experience?"

"Oh..." Duke immediately became interested, "Can you tell me more about it?"

This Jack Su was really unexpected. On the way back, Duke simply pulled Robin Grand, Charles Rowan, the press officer of the crew, and Christopher Lee into a large-scale business. In the car, listen to Jack Su telling his past stories...

This is all good material for future hype!

The publicity work of the film is naturally the responsibility of professionals. Duke only paid a little attention to the content of this aspect and devoted his energy to shooting. It has been more than half of November. If you want the film to catch up with next year's as planned He still has a lot of work to do during the summer vacation.

One movie a year is already considered a very, very productive director in Hollywood. As for the kind of movies that can make 3 or more tens of millions of dollars a year, they are all high-selling genres. You can't find any on this planet. One.

Even with such a director, under the current system of Hollywood, it is impossible to do it. The film is a product of teamwork, not the work of the director. Maybe the director himself can have such a strong energy and team. Of people? If you change other teams, what time will be spent on the tacit understanding?

Not to mention other things, Duke had enough exchanges with Zach Schneider and John Schwarzman, who had similar ideas to what he had found. During the preparatory period, Duke had already communicated with Sofia Coppola and Robin Grande. I have collaborated on a movie, but in the early filming of "Courage to Death Island", there were still stumbling blocks, and there were many problems in tacit understanding and cooperation.

There is no shortcut to solving these problems. It must be accumulated through time and a lot of field shooting. People are different individuals, not machines that can be rotated according to the design together.


In the studio, Duke yelled to stop, walked to the main camera, and said, "Change the defocus lens and write a feature to Ed!