Chapter 51

"Miss Tang En, I hope you can take care of your phone!"

Hearing Duke's cold words, Shania Dunn's agent snatched the phone from her, removed the battery on the back cover, and said quickly, "Sorry, Director Rosenberg."

Duke's eyes have been looking at Shania Dunn. Shania Dunn is not an inexperienced young man. After showing an embarrassed smile, he said, "I'm very sorry..."

Even though he was on the verge of an explosion just now, Duke still controlled himself. He knew that the target of his anger should be directed at Caa rather than others.

He never liked to let himself lose control.

"If there are mobile phones ringing on the set," Duke said hoarsely, regardless of Shania Dunn, who walked to other parts of the crew to apologize, "I promise, I will nail this machine to the wall!"

"Drink some water?" Sophia handed a glass of cold water in time, and Duke took a sip, feeling that the hot chest seemed to cool down a lot, and said, "Thank you."

"I thought the volcano was about to erupt." Sophia looked at this side with incredible eyes.

"Trumming doesn't solve the problem." Duke shook his head slowly, "I also ≈, don't want to lose control."

In the director's position, pressure will follow. No matter how good the temper is, Duke will become irritable. Duke is no exception, but he doesn't want to become a scary set like James Cameron. tyrant.

"Sometimes you don't look like a person in your twenties at all." Sophia took the cup that Duke handed over. "Father once said that he can control his temper on the set after he is forty. "

"If tantrums can solve the current problem and make the movie go viral, I don't mind breaking out ten times a day." Duke simply joked to calm his mood, "but anger often only makes things worse. Worse, can I completely turn into a high-powered hair dryer so that the film can be filmed smoothly?"

After a delay of more than ten minutes, the filming resumed, and the crew's improved state was not interrupted. After three consecutive filmings, the scene finally came to an end.

Although the subsequent filming is still stumbling and unexpected problems always occur, Duke also feels that his anger is on the rise again, and his voice seems to have become a lot louder, but he still controlled his emotions to ensure that the crew has been in difficulty but normal In operation.

Although he has fairly good control, the feeling of walking on the edge of an outburst of anger is not good.

"This is the end of today."

After the announcement, Duke found the dried shoes and put them on, sitting behind the monitor, looking through the footage taken today, and had no intention of leaving get off work.

"You need to rest." Sophia came over with her handbag, "Come on, I invite you to have a drink."

Duke also knew that he needed to relax and was burdened with huge financial and ideological pressure. If he didn't want to relieve him, he would really get out of control one day.

Turn off the monitor, and simply sorted it out. Duke and Sophia drove out of the studio, drove a battery car, arrived at the entrance of the studio, did not change the car, and walked directly to the left side of the Warner Building. Feet, I found a small bar.

It was still early, there were not many people in the bar, and there was more soothing music instead of noisy heavy metal. Duke walked directly to the counter and sat on the high chair, Sophia sat on his left. .

"A glass of dark beer, thank you."

Duke knew that his alcohol was not good enough, and he didn't try those high-quality alcohols.

"Cheers, workaholic."

Sophia held a glass of whiskey and touched his glass. Duke smiled helplessly. After taking a sip, Sofia said, "In your eyes, I am like this?"

"Isn't it?" Sophia tilted her head playfully. "This is the opinion of most of the crew."

"Whatever they say," Duke said nonchalantly, "It's enough as long as I know who I am."

"Extremely self." Sophia glanced at him.

"This is self-confidence." Duke picked up the glass and took another sip. "If you really care about other people's evaluations, the director will not want to survive in this world in the future. The saliva of film critics alone is enough to drown us."

"We don't discuss movies." Sophia took the initiative to change the subject. "How are you and Naomi Watts developing?"

"Development?" Duke was stunned. He didn't seem to have thought of the Australian woman recently. He stretched out **** and gestured to Sophia. "I just slept with her twice!"

"Then I wish you an early break up." Sophia was obviously deliberate.

Shrugging, Duke didn't bother to respond to Sophia's witty words. He and Naomi Watts weren't boyfriends and girlfriends, so how did they start to break up?

The two of them had just finished drinking the wine in the glass. Sophia suddenly rang the phone bell in her handbag. After taking out the answer, she made an apologetic expression to Duke.

"Mom's phone." She stood up, "I'm going home for a while, let's go first."

Duke waved to her and asked for another beer. He was about to leave after he finished drinking. It was about time to get off work. The number of people in the bar began to increase. Among them, there were a few familiar Warner employees. The bar in the Warner Building is a place frequently visited by some people in Warner.

"Hi, Duke."


When meeting people who say hello, Duke will wave to them even if he can't remember the name.

Slowly tasting the slightly bitter dark beer, Duke's thinking habitually returns to the film, thinking about how to adjust to make the shooting plan more compact and efficient...

"A martini, thank you."

Just now Sofia was seated in another person, "Hi..."

"Hi..." Duke nodded subconsciously.

"What are you thinking about? Very ecstatic?" The other party seemed to know him, and his clear voice kept ringing. "Aren't you still angry about the afternoon's affairs? I'm serious about it."

Hearing this, Duke turned his head and looked to the left. Shania Dunn's long brown hair was tied behind his head, and his upper body was wearing a tight jacket. The low-cut design highlighted the large white and smooth neck under the neck. Skin.

Her height is not much different from Naomi Watts, but her body is more hot and sexy.

"It's weird I am here?" She pointed in the direction of the Warner Building. "Warner Records is right next to it."

"I accepted your apology." Duke raised his glass to her, "That means this matter has passed."

"Do you need me to say thank you?" She drank half a glass of wine.

Duke shook his head, "You're welcome."

"Do you like to drink booze alone?" Shania Dunn turned to look at him and raised an eyebrow. "Or is it too stressful?"

"Can you see that I am under pressure?" Duke also turned his head to look at her.

"Don't forget, I've been to your crew twice, although no one should welcome me to go for the third time..." She gave a self-deprecating smile, then straightened her face and said, "I know the pressure is overwhelming. It's breathless, but no one feels like you share it."

"So..." Duke acquiesced, "Have you experienced this feeling?"

"I've been experiencing it all the time." Shania Dunn touched Duke's glass and drank the remaining Martini. "That's why I would come here alone to drink."

"Respect for the **** pressure!" Duke also drank the remaining beer.

"Respect for the **** pressure!" Shania Dunn showed a hearty smile, snapped his fingers at the bartender, "Two glasses of whiskey!"

"I heard people from Warner talk about you."

Pushing a glass of wine in front of Duke, she turned around and faced it directly, "Some people say you are a genius, some say you are just lucky, but everyone says you are a lucky guy."

"So, I need to continue to succeed." Duke also deflected his body and threw the afternoon's unhappiness behind his head. After all, sitting opposite was a standard hot beauty. "At that time they would only say Duke Rosenber Ge is a genius."

"For success!" Shania Dunn raised her glass.

"For success!" Duke touched her cup.

"But you are indeed a lucky one." Shania Dunn put down her glass and saw Duke's puzzled eyes. She put her hands on her leggings on her thighs and said, "Even if you fail this time, stand in Hollywood. If you don't stand up, you can still live well on your terms."

"According to you..." Duke thought for a while, and finally nodded slowly, "I am indeed a lucky guy."

"I'm different." She lightly tapped her plump breasts, "If I can't succeed and the first album fails, Warner Records will terminate the contract with me, my agent will abandon me, and the landlord will take me away. House, I can only go back to Canada..."

"Oh, I'm a Canadian." Probably because of the effect of alcohol, Shania Dunn said a bit too much. "I have five younger siblings to raise. If I don't succeed, I can only go back to a Canadian bar to sing. , I can only earn $25 a night, and maybe I will go striptease for my livelihood."

"So..." She reversed her finger and pointed at Duke in the air, "I am under more pressure than you!"

"You will succeed."

If what she said is true, this future divas can be regarded as a typical example of a sparrow becoming a phoenix, "Perhaps at this time next year, I will leave Hollywood because of a film failure, and you have become a popular singer."

"Not maybe," Shania Dunn's wild eyes showed all determination, "I must succeed!"

"I don't allow myself to fail!" she said again.

Hearing the words like a curse and shouting, Duke looked at her with a little more respect, and those who worked hard to change their destiny deserved respect.

Even from Shania Dunn, Duke saw some of his own characteristics. They are the kind of people who will work hard to move forward when they see the goal.