Chapter 118

Knoxville, Tennessee, a small waterside town, the headquarters of Emperor Entertainment Group is located here.

After getting the first-hand test screening materials, Josman rushed to the headquarters of the group by plane overnight. The huge motivation that money can bring made him no plan to rest. He got off the plane and went directly to the theater company in the headquarters building. Office floor.

Not long after Josman arrived at the company, several senior executives from the theater company quickly gathered together.

"The special effects are excellent! Duke Rosenberg's explosion scene is as exciting as it is!"

At the long conference table, Josman motioned to a secretary to distribute the materials he brought, "This is an evaluation made by the team as a whole. The twelve people we watched the film agreed that this is a super A-level commercial Make!"

His words attracted the attention of many people, and they opened the materials in front of them and read them.

"Joe..." asked the CEO Mandino sitting at the front, "tell me the specific statistics."

"Warner Bros. and Twentieth Century Fox did not invite film critics to participate in the screening, so professional reputation is beyond mention."

Having said that, even now, Josman doesn't understand why the film crew breaks the convention, but this has nothing to do with the theater. "In terms of audience reputation, 367 audience members participated in the survey, with a grade a score of 314 people. , 49 people have scores below c."

"The bad review rate seems a bit high." Someone answered.

"The story of the film can only be said to be general, the selling point is special effects and sensationalism." Josman did not feel surprised. He said casually, "I think everyone should understand that this kind of movie often has a situation. People who like it like it very much, and those who don't like it very annoying."

Without waiting for others to say anything, Josman continued, "According to the statistics of the screening and the survey company's random survey statistics, the number of people who want to watch this film far exceeds those who do not like it, and the statistical feedback from the screening also proves at this point!"

Many people are nodding their heads, videos with special effects as their selling point. For example, "Jurassic Park" and "Terminator 2" actually exist in this situation.

As the only person present who has watched the film, Josman knows the potential of the film and also understands that once the film sells. He may get a large bonus, and he has no intention of stopping at this time.

"I think we should give "Independence Day" more theaters." He continued, "And each multi-screen theater has at least 3 screens..."

Looking at all the data on the statistics that have been signed by the filming experts, CEO Mandino fell into thinking. Said after a long time. "Duke Rosenberg's first two films exceeded our expectations. "Independence Day" is his best type. I think Joe's suggestion is feasible."

Several other people successively expressed similar opinions. After some discussion, Mandino made a preliminary decision, "Keep the number of screens of "The Lion King" and "Forrest Gump" in an orderly decline, and other non-popular films will decline. Downgrade immediately after crossing the bottom line! Before July 1st, make room for "Independence Day" enough multi-cinema theaters. Each theater starts with two to three screens, and the follow-up may increase or decrease the first day of public screening. ."

"Columbia Pictures has been in contact with us recently." Someone suddenly reminded. "I want to win enough theaters for "Shawshank's Redemption."

"No, no, no..." Josman immediately objected. "I think the number of theaters of "Shawshank's Redemption" should be controlled. I participated in the media, movie fans and theater previews last month. The movie is really interesting, but I don't think it is suitable for the theater market."

"The professional rating of "Shawshank's Redemption" is as high as 9.8 points!" the person just said.

"Actually, movie fans have a good reputation for the trial screening. Although there are some problems with the prison theme, the positive rate far exceeds 80%, but..."

Josman frowned and frankly said that he thought it would be a classic film, but a classic film does not mean it will sell well. Years of experience in contact with the first-line market always made him say no to this film. It felt like it was not suitable for commercial operation at all.

You know, in the history of Hollywood, there are countless movies that are worthy of recollection and are recognized as classics, and the box office failed to vomit blood.

"I think "Shawshank's Redemption" is not suitable for the cinema market."

As the chief filming expert on the West Coast, Josman's words are still very important. Mandino combined the opinions of everyone and said, "The screen vacated in early July will first meet the "Independence Day". If this film reaches the box office Unexpectedly, the scale of its screenings was reduced in the second week, and the spare theaters were put on "Shawshank's Redemption", as well as the theaters of "The Lion King" and "Forrest Gump". If "Shawshank's Redemption" "Excellent performance in the first week, and their reduced theaters can also vote for "Shawshank's Redemption."

This is a very safe method, even if the top of Sony Columbia is here, there is nothing to say.

As if there was a tacit understanding, in addition to Emperor Entertainment Group, the largest theater company in North America, the second and third-ranked amg theaters and the National Artist Theaters also made similar decisions.

When a movie enters the theater, everything depends on the box office. Even if the number of theaters is different, there are still individual hall results for comparison. If the box office results of "Independence Day" are not enough, even if Duke begs, the theater dealers will not Give an extra screen.

By the same token, as long as the subsequent release of "Shawshank's Redemption" performs well in the first week, not only can the original scale be maintained, but it will not be difficult to expand the number of theaters again.

Propaganda and hype are indispensable for the big sales of any film. With the end of the screening, the pre-screening propaganda of "Independence Day" has entered the final sprint stage. Not only do the leading actors appear frequently, even the director, Duke, has accepted how much In this interview, he also cooperated with Fox's public relations staff to make street photography.

The so-called'street shooting' is like often seen in newspapers and magazines. If someone thinks that those beautiful bubbling pictures are really street shots rather than posing, then they can only be said to have been taken by the celebrities and the people behind them. The company was fooled.

In general, for these street shots, the public relations will contact the reporter and the cameraman in advance, and both parties will show professionalism at the agreed location to create the best shooting effect, and before the finished pictures are reported, they must go through a brokerage company or public relations. Personnel review and select the most suitable ones.

Of course, the street photographer must pay a public relations fee.

Newspapers, magazines, posters, outdoor advertisements, and television and radio are the most conventional means of propaganda. The scandals of your leading actors have also been hyped up by News Corporation and Time Warner's tabloids. Even the director, Duke, does not want to let it go.

Probably it was Fox who tasted the sweetness of pretending to be a couple in "Life and Death". In addition, in the past year, many tabloids have hyped the scandals between Duke and Naomi Watts. I don't know how they moved Nancy? Josephson, want Duke and Naomi Watts to act as a couple.

Duke refused without even thinking about it, joking, pretending to be a couple or something, watching others have fun, it's okay to let him do it, let it go.

There are many propaganda methods, and this one is not bad.

And Duke also used this to warn Nancy Josephson, once again affirming that she must not interfere with his private life!

As the release time is getting closer and closer, Warner Bros. and Twentieth Century Fox's publicity offensive is getting more and more fierce. The publicity posters of the film can be seen in almost larger communities and advertising boards in the United States. The trailer is even in late June. After landing on Fox Family Channel and the prime time of nbc TV for ten consecutive days, even the Good Morning America program aired a special version of "Independence Day" the weekend before it was released.

A copy was also sent to the White House by the producer. Bill Clinton and his family were given priority to watch movies. The Warner and Fox media kept talking about Clinton, and there were endless reports of 'president praise'.

It is no exaggeration to say that almost all movie promotion channels and publicity methods that can be used in this era are used in Independence Day.

Contacting the theater, preparing copies, determining the premiere theater, contacting the premiere guests, etc., will naturally be the responsibility of the producer and distributor. For Warner Bros. and Twentieth Century Fox, who have a solid foundation, it is not difficult.

Duke still abides by the terms of the contract, except for a few suggestions, basically does not interfere with the publicity plan, and most of the time is also cooperating with the strategy formulated by the public relations staff.

Not to mention that he does not have the maverick capital now. Even if he does, he must follow certain rules. Those who ignore the reality and think that they can make the world in Hollywood will only die.

Hollywood is not just the entertainment industry. Even if it's only in the 1990s, the annual output value created by movies and related industries is close to 100 billion yuan. Such a huge industry is closely watched by countless giants. If one thinks outside The consequences of breaking the rules can be imagined.

Although the actual production of the film is only 90 million US dollars, the book and publicity costs are still 100 million US dollars. Such a super commercial masterpiece naturally also has a matching premiere theater, the premiere of Independence Day The theater was placed in the Shrine Grand Theater, one of the standing theaters for the Oscars!

This is also the largest premiere in Duke's career as a director. Of course, he has only had two premieres until now.

"Speed ​​of Life" opened with a click, and there was no premiere at all; "Brave to Death Island" chose the premiere of Alcatraz Entertainment Plaza in order to meet the scene and save money; and the premiere of "Independence Day" was not only placed One of the most famous theaters in the United States, Warner Bros. and Twentieth Century Fox have also sent invitations to hundreds of media from all over the world, which is bound to hold this premiere with great vigor.

Warner Bros. and Twentieth Century Fox are not only targeting the North American market, but also overseas regions where manufacturing interests are increasing.

On June 30, 1994, on the last Thursday of June, the sci-fi action giant "Independence Day" with a production cost of US$100 million opened its premiere at the Los Angeles Temple Theater! (To be continued...)