Chapter 126

Just like "Jurassic Park", which detonated the summer file last year, "Independence Day" has inevitably become the public enemy of all films being shown after the first day of the box office. Since Saturday morning, the media criticized more than yesterday. Loud, if you only look at public opinion, this is a movie that is so bad that it can't be bad.

In some respects, this situation has exceeded Duke's expectations. He knew that Hollywood competition is very fierce, and it is by no means a place of pure goodness, but he did not expect the competition to be so fierce.

Walt Disney's senior executives even called him a congratulatory call. Their media was clamoring that the aliens in "Independence Day" had low IQ. How could they have invaded the earth?

There are also media closely related to Sony Entertainment, constantly picking out the logical loopholes in the film, and can't wait to put all the bugs in front of the American public.

Originally, Duke thought that "Independence Day" had no strong competitors in the same period, and the whole screening process might be smoother. He never thought that the box office of 20 million+ that broke out on the first day of "Independence Day" detonated all possible competitors.

"Duke, you have a good background, don't you know much about low- and middle-income families in the United States?"

Hearing Robin Grande 5∷ sitting across from his desk, Duke nodded. According to some people's opinion, the United States is heaven, but he has lived here for more than 20 years. Understand that this is definitely not heaven, and certainly not hell. In essence, it is not much different from the country where you once lived-rich people are rich, poor people are poor, and human rights are all nonsense.

"Although movies are indeed a cheaper way of entertainment relative to income." Robin Grand continued, "But for low- and middle-income earners, every month or even the entire summer. A movie ticket budget can be set. It must be limited. If they choose this film, they will abandon another film, and these people are the main crowd contributing to the box office."

"So..." Duke understood immediately, "We have formed a potential competitive relationship with other films?"

"Look, Disney is for "The Lion King." Paramount is discrediting us for "Forrest Gump." Robin Grand reminded him, "Actually, last month he criticized "The Lion King" and " Many voices in Forrest Gump come from Warner and Fox."

In the face of competition and interests, no one is more kind and noble than anyone else.

This is Duke's biggest feeling. If you want to work hard in Hollywood, you can't be afraid of competition. Which super-sold movie was not rushed out of a siege? Hasn't the once big ship been rounded up by the media and film critics? The results of it? It crushed all the dignity of film critics!

Although there is no James Cameron shouting "I am the king of the world". But Duke also wanted to try, can he use a super-best selling movie like "Star Wars" to tear off the critics' fig leaf, after all, they have declared war on him!

Retreat and escape are definitely not his style!

At the same time, Jeff Robinoff of Warner Bros. just watched Nancy Josephson leave his office and dialed the secretary's desk.

"Book the fastest flight to New York!"

The noise in the external media. Strangling the almost white-hot summer file, Jeff Robinoff decided to leave Los Angeles. Of course, he is not trying to avoid competition, but to seek the full support of the group company at the Time Warner headquarters in New York!

Like "Break into Death Island", "Independence Day" is a project that he fully introduced and promoted. If it can exceed market expectations, not only will there be a large bonus to get, but also a lot of money will be written on the resume.

To know. The current CEO Kevin Trasuha will leave in September. He needs capital if he wants to advance to a higher level and win the competition!

"Brave to Death Island" is his capital, and "Independence Day" succeeded. Will become his capital.

Even Jeff Robinoff imagined that once "Independence Day" can achieve the same market results as "Jurassic Park", this ceo position is none other than him!

An hour later, Jeff Robinoff boarded a flight to New York's Kennedy Airport. Although Time Warner has not really taken a shot yet, Warner Bros. has already spent a lot of resources.

Although Warner Television Network is just an influential role in front of the four major television networks, it also has a lot of fixed audiences. On Saturday and daytime, Warner Television's OB vans scattered across the United States, like Fox Television, drove to major cities. The entrance of the famous cinema.

Fox TV is aimed at audiences, and Warner TV is aimed at theaters.

"Look, there is already a long line."

In front of the camera, a theater manager pointed to the crowded but not chaotic crowd at the ticket office and said, "These people line up for only one purpose, to watch "Independence Day"! We have sold out the tickets here in the afternoon and they can only buy them. Tickets at night, this is the first time this year, last year's "Jurassic Park" did not have such a long line. The last time this scene appeared was "Terminator 2" in 1991."

The screen is changed and switched to Chicago, who is also the director of the theater.

"The audience was too enthusiastic. The popularity of "Independence Day" was completely beyond expectation. The crowds in line had already squeezed out of the theater. We sold out all the box office during the day. In order to make it easier for fans to watch, we had to temporarily add four additional shows. Still can't satisfy..."

Before long, the manager of a theater in New York stood on the TV screen.

"In order to meet the needs of the audience, we temporarily increased the filming rate of "Independence Day" from the original 53% to 62%. Even so, almost every theater is full. People, we are considering further increasing the film placement rate."

In the final analysis, whether it is the reaction of ordinary movie fans or the theater chain, all publicity has only one purpose, suppressing the negative comments of competitors and the ultra-low evaluation of film critics, and attracting audiences into the theater chain to buy tickets.

Although some viewers were influenced by negative comments and film critics and gave up the film, the long lines in the famous theaters in major cities from noon on Saturday proved that the "Independence Day" was released on the eve of Independence Day. ", the schedule, theme, promotion and content are all attractive enough to mainstream audiences!

Data is the truest reaction of the market. First-hand statistical data is continuously fed back to Warner Bros. and Twentieth Century Fox through various survey and consulting companies hired, and then transferred to Duke for the first time.

At about six in the afternoon, the Independence Day studio was still brightly lit, and Nancy Josephson hurried from the Warner Building to Duke's office.

"The latest statistics." The smile on her face couldn't be hidden. "As of now, today! Saturday! "Independence Day" has exceeded 20 million US dollars at the box office!"

"Sure enough, good news!"

Sophia Coppola, who was sorting out the interview manuscript that Duke will use later, raised her head and said, "As Duke told me, we somewhat overestimate the influence of film critics."

"What about the audience's word of mouth?" Duke asked, and that's what he focused on.

"A-level praise rate dropped to 86%, which is a normal decline." Nancy Josephson pulled the chair and sat opposite Duke. "In terms of professional reputation, unfortunately, Duke, "Independence Day" is about to drop to 3 points."

"Don't worry about them." Duke thought for a while and said, "There are many audiences who have this kind of psychology. On the basis of the film can maintain a certain degree of popularity, the more violent the critics, the more they can stimulate their interest in the film. curious."

Although they are not experts in psychology, the three of them know that this mentality is actually common among movie fans.

"Okay, let's not talk about it."

Nancy turned the topic to other aspects, "Warner just notified me that the reporter from the Los Angeles Times will arrive in an hour. The female reporter interviewed you last time, Duke. Let's check the interview manuscript again. This is a publicity. An important part of the plan."

Duke nodded solemnly. He has never been indifferent when others stepped on it. Moreover, it also involves his own major interests. It is not a problem to appear in person. As long as the benefits are large enough, he doesn't mind the devil. Dance together.

When Sarah, a female reporter from the Los Angeles Times, walked into the Independence Day studio, she was located in a studio in Chicago. The program of "Roger Albert and Siskell Watching Movies" was broadcast on a few occasions a year. The final preparations are being made and will be broadcast live across the United States via cable TV networks.

Roger Albert and Gene Siskell were sitting in the dressing room. The makeup artist was busy putting makeup on them. Their common agent stood opposite at this time, talking about the movie about to be reviewed.

"I just got the news that the box office of Independence Day today reached 20 million US dollars. If nothing else, it will exceed the box office number of yesterday."

Under normal circumstances, movies released on weekends, Saturday's box office numbers will exceed Friday.

Although this is normal, Roger Albert's face is very ugly, because this number proves the role of film critics, which is far less than he thought! Because the mainstream audience obviously ignored his extremely negative comments, and ignored his downward thumb!

For people who think that their prestige and fame are big enough, being ignored is sometimes a very scary existence.

"Disney called." The agent continued, "Roger, they hope your comments can be sharper and have a greater impact."

"I try my best."

To take advantage of some people, you must do something for the other person. Roger Albert knows this very well, "I have prepared a lot of things for Duke Rosenberg."

"Roger, I will support you!"

Like an old friend, Gene Siskell also received a lot of money.

After putting on the makeup, two well-known and fair critics checked the manuscript for the last time, and then walked into the live studio. (To be continued...)