Chapter 145

Three old tanks were then shipped to Ireland, and naturally they were modified by professionals in accordance with Duke's requirements. At the same time, a large number of US military equipment from World War II also arrived on the set, Sherman tanks, vintage off-road jeeps, and The military green tents and other military installations built on the ground, the set occupied by "Saving Private Ryan" has become a real battlefield.

"Tell you an unfortunate news."

Sophia Coppola, wearing a woolen coat and dark jeans, walked into the tent used by Duke for his office. "The Irish military sent 800 soldiers to help us shoot?"

"Why come so early?"

Putting down the pen, Duke got up from behind the temporary desk and poured a cup of hot coffee for Sophia. The temperature in Ireland at the end of October was not high. "According to the original plan, wouldn't they be in place ten days before the shooting?"

These soldiers will all play the role of soldiers, and they will be used as background paintings. It is enough to show their good military qualities. Ten days are enough to conduct some basic shooting exercises.

"This is the misfortune I said."

Taking the coffee cup, Sophia took a chair and sat down, "Are they going to our neighbor first?"

""Brave Heart"?" Du Ke immediately said "▼, white."

Sophia shrugged and took a few sips of hot coffee. "I have contacted the officer who led the team. "Brave Heart" is said to have a lot of war scenes, and it is a medieval war. It needs enough time to rehearse."

"Will it affect us?"

This is what Duke cared about. "I don't want to find out that there is no man available when I shoot."

"Irish meaning..."

After taking the coffee pot, Sophia filled herself with coffee. "They have provided the manpower. The specific shooting time of the two crews requires communication and coordination with "Brave Heart"."

Heard this. Duke could only sigh. Not only was the crew of "Brave Heart" adjacent to their set, they also lived in two adjacent hotels in Dublin. It was difficult to see it or not, but he didn't expect to deal with it so soon.

"Who is the producer of "Brave Heart"?" Duke asked.

Putting down the coffee cup, Sophia said. "The first producer is Mel Gibson. He is a very difficult person to deal with. If I remember correctly, there have been frictions between you and him before?"


After thinking about it, Duke said, "Let Robin or Charles negotiate with them, and things will only get worse if I come forward."

A large number of extras with military literacy are not easy to find, otherwise Duke would not come to Ireland with the crew. The Irish side is very simple. After the crew hired a large number of local people to work on the crew, they directly sent an army over. As for whether the two crews would have conflicts due to coordination problems, it has nothing to do with them.

Throwing the communication work to the two production managers, Duke continued to busy with the preliminary preparations.

In terms of clothing, the costume designer specially hired by the crew designed and produced 3,000 sets of fake military uniforms, and also found a company that produced military boots for the US military during World War II. Let it reproduce 2000 pairs of military boots according to the style of World War II, and then specialize all military uniforms and military boots. It seems to have gone through numerous battles.

While refitting the tanks, the props team collected and ordered 2000 weapons for shooting. Special personnel will maintain and inspect the guns every day to ensure that they are foolproof.

Compared with weapons, the biggest difficulty facing the props group was to find a sufficient number of landing craft used by the Allied forces during World War II. They were looking for them in England and Scotland. Only a few ships were found, and then they were advertised in the United Kingdom and the United States. This led to the search for a large number of landing craft in Palm Beach, California. These ships were then transported to Ireland and repainted. Waiting for the landing filming.

Safety is one of Duke's biggest concerns. He and safety director Cole, pyrotechnics leader Jos Williams, and director of photography John Schwarzman visited several shooting locations on the spot to base the explosion The location of the dots defines the script, determines the moving route of the actors as soon as possible, and repeatedly requires the safety of detecting explosives, and strives to ensure the safety of everyone when shooting explosive scenes.

Small injuries and illnesses are inevitable when shooting this kind of scene. If there is a major safety accident, it will be a very big trouble. Not to mention that it will affect the filming of the crew. The neighbors next door will not stand by when the time comes.

Duke has never underestimated the capabilities of caa and the various means brought about by fierce competition.

Time just entered November, the crew ushered in the heaviest audition actor, Oscar Best Actor Tom Hanks.

Tom Hanks auditioned only once. When he appeared in the audition room in his military uniform, in fact, these people, including Duke, knew that image and acting skills were definitely not obstacles for Hanks to appear in Captain Miller.

Standing in front of the camera, Tom Hanks has thick curly hair, a broad forehead and plump cheeks, with a natural innocence, especially his sensual nose, which is like an inverted exclamation mark. The appearance is simply the best interpretation of the term'good person'.

Looking through the lens, his performance is simple, without aggressive temperament, or hoarseness. He knows how to adapt and shape the environment, so he can easily turn himself into a member of the ordinary in the lens.

Similarly, in just ten minutes, Tom Hanks won the approval of Duke and others.

As the two most iconic actors in Hollywood in the 1990s, if another Tom scores 60 points in his acting skills, this Tom can also get at least 90 points.

After Tom Hanks left, there was a brief silence in the audition room.

"Robin, Charles..."

Looking up from behind the camera, Duke looked at the two production managers, "What do you think?"

"Captain Miller is an ordinary junior officer, an ordinary member of the Allied Forces."

The two production managers exchanged eye contact, and Charles Rowan took the initiative to say, "Duke, according to your setting, he is a typical civilian hero. I think Hanks' temperament and appearance are very suitable."

Charles Rowan's opinion was clearly recognized by everyone, and everyone else nodded in agreement.

"Talk to Hanks' agent." Duke thought for a moment, and then said, "Robin, Charles, find a way to lower his salary. I can't accept the basic salary of $20 million!"

Express your attitude, the rest will depend on how the producers handle it. Duke confessed that Ben Watts, who controls the camera, took back the audition video and left the audition room first.

What Duke didn't expect was that Tom Hanks and his agent did not leave, but waited for him in a tent-built lounge next to him.

"Hi, Duke, I wanted to know you a long time ago."

As soon as he walked into the lounge, Hanks' agent Eno Martin greeted him, and Duke shook his hand lightly, "I've long wanted to know you too, Eno."

This is not all polite. Duke has seen a little information about caa. The Italian Jew in front of him is the helm of the future caa. After Michael Ovitz stepped down from Walt Disney as a loser, he reopened Returning to the entertainment brokerage industry to start a brokerage company, he once poached Martin Scorsese and others from Caa. It was Eno Martin who led Caa to smash Michael Ovitz and he had to retire sadly.

Two thousand years later, Martin Scorsese consecutively failed to hit the Oscar for best director. Apart from the obvious purpose of rushing for the award, it has nothing to do with his leaving the caa, which is good at playing the Olympics.

"Hi, Duke."

"Hi, Tom."

When shaking hands with Tom Hanks, Duke made a polite remark, "The Forrest Gump you created is my favorite movie character."

"It's a great honor." Tom Hanks said modestly.

This is the first official contact between the two parties, and it is impossible to have too deep exchanges. They just briefly talked about "Saving Private Ryan" and the actor Captain John Miller.

And unlike what Duke thought, Eno Martin was not like Martin Bob and other caa's agents. He didn't smile when he saw him, but rather like Tom Cruise's agent Pat ? Jinsli, seems to be interested in making him.

After thinking about it a little bit, Duke basically wants to understand. Just like the internal competition between Warner Bros. and Twentieth Century Fox, the high-level structure of caa is probably indispensable to the personnel struggles that will exist in every major company. Inno Martin is very likely. Those who are standing opposite Martin Bob.

"I missed you the director."

When leaving, Eno Martin said with regret, "It is definitely the biggest mistake CAA has made since its establishment. I hope this will not affect our cooperation."

The other party has released goodwill, and Duke will certainly not refuse, "I don't think caa will be an obstacle between us."

Shaking hands with Ino Martin, Tom Hanks also walked up to him, "I like the role of Miller very much, and hope that there will be opportunities for cooperation in the future."

"I also hope to cooperate with an Oscar actor." Duke said politely.

He and Tom Hanks stand where they are today. Whether they can cooperate or not depends not only on each other's wishes, but there are too many aspects to consider.

On the second day after Tom Hanks was sent away, the candidates for the film's need to save James Ryan's audition also rushed to this set, although the acting skills of these young actors were not too good, and it would be impossible to come here. It would be a bad candidate, but after comprehensive consideration, the crew still decided Leonardo DiCaprio to play Ryan in accordance with Duke's wishes.

In the following time, the audition work of the main actors ended successively. Just like when Leonardo DiCaprio was selected, the crew decided mostly actors who had acting skills but were relatively cheap. (To be continued...)