Chapter 214

Several Jewish people formed a small circle. As members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, their topics are naturally inseparable from tonight's Golden Globe Awards and the upcoming Oscar.

"Saving Private Ryan is really good, and Duke Rosenberg has also made significant progress, but I don't think he is suitable for the best director."

This old man with white hair and a slightly convex forehead is called Arthur Miller. He said to several companions around him, "He is too young and there is still a lot of room for improvement. At this time, giving him an Oscar may become a hindrance. . I think Mel Gibson is a more suitable candidate."

"Mr. Miller, I don't think so."

Although the opponent will serve as the new rotating chairman of the Academy after the Oscars, and may become his father-in-law this year, Daniel Day Lewis does not approve of his statement, "Brave Heart" and "Saving Private Ryan" The commercial flavor is too strong, and the artistic expression is not strong. I think Tim Robbins and his "Death Row" are more appropriate."

"Did you forget?" Frank Pearson suddenly reminded him, "Duke Rosenberg is naturally one of us."

Several people were silent at the same time.

Arthur Miller, a Hollywood veteran, and Mary %≧, Lian Monroe's ex-husband, nodded in agreement, "Frank, you are right. If he is ten years older, even Roger Albert and David Denby call me ten times a day, and I will..."

Daniel Day Lewis suddenly pulled him, and Arthur Miller stopped what he hadn't finished speaking, because Tina Brown of Vanity Fair and David Faith of the Los Angeles Times came over, and they had something to say. It can be discussed privately, but it is not suitable for people who work in the media.

"Mr. Miller, Mr. Pearson..."

As the editor-in-chief of "Vanity Fair". Tina Brown's social skills are slick, and want to extract some information about Oscars from these students, especially the core members such as Arthur Miller and Frank Pierce, but these two are also mature foxes. , How can the news be easily revealed.

The atmosphere here can't help but stagnate. It also seems relatively quiet.

Tina Brown won't give up easily without big news, she tentatively said, "Mr. Miller, I heard..."

"Duke Rosenberg, you **** Jewish pig!"

A sudden roar interrupted her, and Tina Brown immediately turned her head, out of professional habit, from her handbag on her wrist. Take out the pen and note pad.

Beside him, David Feiss, the editor-in-chief of the entertainment edition of the Los Angeles Times, almost did the same action. He took out a pen and a small notebook from the inner pocket of his suit.

Damn Jewish pig?

As a Jewish descent, especially born before World War II, Arthur Miller and Frank Pierce, who had experienced the dark years, were extremely sensitive to this almost roaring sentence, and looked over there for the first time.

Daniel Day Lewis and several other Jewish people. Also looked over.

As they turned their heads, angry voices sounded again. "Do you think you can hide the guilt of the Jews by filming "Saving Private Ryan"? The Jewish pig should be responsible for all the wars in the world..."

In an instant, all the nearby voices disappeared, countless pairs of eyes looked to this side, the drunken angry voice did not stop, "All Jewish descent are a bunch of chores! You don't want to control Hollywood!"

Many people in the banquet hall were stunned. I don't understand what happened.

Tina Brown's hand was shaking. This was not anger, but excitement. Mel Gibson publicly abused Duke Rosenberg... No, it was abuse of all Jews and Jewish descent. This is the big news that Vanity Fair cannot wait for a year!

David Firth wrote down Mel Gibson's words intact, tomorrow...tomorrow...the United States will be a sensation, right? Even if it is not a sensation, they will become a sensation!

Those dim eyes burst into sharp gazes. Arthur Miller has rarely had such an angry moment in recent years. He just wanted to promote Mel Gibson to win an Oscar. Now this guy is actually Insulting all Jews in the public is no less than a slap on his face. What do these old friends think of him?

Frank Pearson looked at Mel Gibson coldly. If he was thirty years, even twenty years younger, he would definitely throw away this so-called gentleman index and go up and beat the wild man severely. .

Everyone is looking here, looking at Mel Gibson and the other protagonist of the event...Duke.

The savage on the opposite side is like a drunk gorilla, with his mouth full of swear words like kosher pigs. The voice is so loud and attractive, even Sophie Marceau is far behind taking off his clothes here. .

This completely exceeded Duke's best expectations, allowing him to achieve his goal easily.

Mel Gibson's mouth was still snorting, and the face three feet away looked very hideous and disgusting. A big hand suddenly stretched out, grabbed Duke's collar, and took the lead.

At this moment, how could Duke hesitate, his right hand clenched into a fist, the right arm that could easily throw a seventy-yard long pass before suddenly swung out, and hit Mel Gibson's right cheek hard, with The alcoholic swear words came to an abrupt end, and Gibson was driven by his back swinging head to step back.

Before he could come back to his senses, a middle-aged man sprang up next to him and slammed his foot on Gibson's lap. The Australian savage could no longer stand, and he threw himself down and sat on the ground.

This sudden change made Duke stunned, but when he saw the person who jumped out, he didn't feel surprised. It was Daniel Day Lewis, a street gangster who was born in England and is known for his weird temperament. Jewish actor, just like his recognized acting skills, his temperament is also recognized as elusive.

In other words, he can be regarded as an artist among the ruffians and gangsters.

This disturbance naturally shocked many people, and immediately after Daniel Day Lewis had his feet, someone ran between Duke and Mel Gibson and completely isolated them.

Standing on the periphery, Tom Cruise has been acting as a bystander. Now he feels very comfortable, and suddenly feels that Duke Rosenberg is also a good partner. That punch really makes him very cool, the most important thing. At one point, he knew that Mel Gibson's career will completely usher in a turning point from high to low.

Racial discrimination is a forbidden area that public figures cannot touch. Tom Cruise knows this very well. If the other person is insulting a black person, find some excuses such as drunkenness to apologize seriously, and be silent for a year or two. There is always a chance to turn around. , But he insulted the Jews, and insulted all Jews, and in the presence of Arthur Miller and Frank Pearson and other senior Hollywood seniors!

There are also well-known media people like Tina Brown and David Firth. Will they let this news go? How influential are "Vanity Fair" and "Los Angeles Times"? How many of the executives and shareholders behind them are Jewish? Would they spare Mel Gibson's blatant insult to the Jewish community?

You are done!

Tom Cruise took a mocking look at that side, and began to think about how he should get in the way.

Shaking his aching right hand, his eyes passed through the crowd and looked at Mel Gibson faintly. The other party kept shaking his head under the isolation of the security and the waiter at the venue, and seemed to want to be more sober.

Withdrawing his gaze, Duke stopped looking at Mel Gibson. This Australian wild man wanted to use despicable means to turn him into a strong criminal, a miserable person like Roman Polanski. Of course he had to make a heavyweight response. I just don't know if Mel Gibson can bear the pressure of this storm.

Jews have always been sensitive. It is not an exaggeration to say that Jewish groups have delusions of persecution, especially in Hollywood circles. Any anti-Semitic tendency will provoke fierce counterattacks from Jewish clubs.

What is the cause of the matter? Arthur Miller has no interest in probing. There are things you can think about or you can say in private, but if you say it in public, you have to pay a price.

"Frank..." He said to the side, "You are responsible for contacting our friends in the media. This matter cannot be suppressed."


Daniel Day Lewis, who had walked back, looked at him, and Arthur Miller continued, "If you need a witness, can you help?"

"This is my duty."

The Oscar actor nodded without even thinking about it. He knew that he had his current status and the support of certain forces had played a big role.

And there are so many people present, how can this kind of thing be suppressed.

Duke also knows this, so he deliberately chose the celebration party after the Golden Globes, and wanted to try the drunk Mel? Is Gibson really as arrogant and unobtrusive as he was once? For ten years, but Mel Gibson's thinking about Jews is deeply ingrained.

Even the worst result can get rid of Mel Gibson's best director.

I don't know when, Duke found Sophia Coppola approaching him and whispered in his ear, "I just saw Arthur Miller, his face is ugly."

"Monroe's ex-husband and the next rotating chairman of the college?"

Seeing Sophia nodding his head, Duke's mouth curled up slightly. If it were not in public, he would surely laugh a few times. The other party has been deeply rooted in Hollywood for decades and his influence is extremely wide.

Putting away his unrevealed smile, Duke leaned in Sophia's ear and said, "You tell Nancy and Penny Kellys about this, and Warner and Fox. I remember Disney still owes me a favor. , Michael Eisner and Michael Ovitz are also Jewish, and they should do something too."

The night is long, and a storm has just begun. (To be continued...)