348 They suddenly started talking about partners, reminiscing, and whatnot_3


Vast and ferocious thunderbolts howled in.

They burned the samurai's left sleeved arm, searing flesh and skin.


The samurai collapsed onto the ground, struggling to half-kneel, trying to rise.

Kamiyagawa inwardly admired the adversary's resilience but spared no idle talk, sweeping a Tachi in a horizontal slash for the second strike.

The fates of the Several Imperial guards engulfed by cannon fire were unknown, their lives hanging in the balance.

But if they were all overwhelmed, the spiritual power of Yamamoto Gorozaemon, the Demon Ghost, would be redistributed, and the only warrior who had fled the artillery zone would be groomed into a Boss.

There was no choice but to mercilessly finish him off.

It was then that Kamiyagawa heard the sound of something slicing through the wind.

It was exceedingly fast, shooting from the slowly dispersing smoke of the battlefield to his ear.