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And in later generations in Japan, Prince Shotoku had been completely sanctified, even having a "Prince Shotoku Faith." By the 8th century, Prince Shotoku was even considered "Japan's Sakyamuni."

Furthermore, Prince Shotoku was familiar with Chinese culture and is recognized in Japanese history as the first person to learn about and use "incense" from China.

The origins of both Buddhism and Kodo (the Way of Incense) in Japan began with him.

Therefore, it was not surprising that the Royal Incense Burner he once held had an empowering effect on Buddhist Law and incense curse techniques.

[Item Name: Datsueba's Sinful Robe]

[Quality: Ultra-Epic]

[Effect: Encompasses the sins of the world, heavy as ten thousand jun (a unit of weight). Crushes the target, rendering them incapable of turning over.]