Behind the Divine Cabinet stood an enormous tree, its twisted form reaching up towards the murky sky.
This tree was on a scale that looked like it could rival a real-world Fuso pine.
The only difference was the variety of clothing hanging from every branch; styles for men, women, children, and elders, frayed and weather-worn as well as vividly new.
Countless garments weighed down the branches, and although there was no wind, the limbs creaked continuously, and the clothing fluttered about like ghosts, casting multiple shadows.
"This must be the Garment Tree," Kamiyagawa reasoned to himself.
Regardless of one's status in life, after entering the Three Paths River in death, everyone's garments would be stripped away by Datsueba, and the cloth hanging elder would hang the clothes on the Tree to measure their sins.
That's what the myths of the Three-way River said, anyway.