However, Ibuki's Hand now belonged to Kamiyagawa, and it could not defy its master.
The thunderous power churned at his heart, kidneys, and liver – the Three-Colored Thunder, each strand separate from the others (to prevent sympathetic detonation), coursing through his hundred bones and lodging in his right shoulder blade.
Under the compulsion of the Thunderbolt, the Ghost Hand finally calmed down, its scales collapsing back into the tattoo.
It was that ferocious yet darkly alluring Ibuki tattooed demon face that inexplicably conveyed a hint of grievance.
Minamoto no Yoritomo, opposite him, was oblivious to the situation within Kamiyagawa's body, dutifully continuing to convey the residual consciousness of Enma: "That Lord will surely keep his promise."
"Which Yin God holds Enma's Divine Remains Bone in Yomi?"
Since he had accepted the commission, Kamiya asked an additional question.