Chapter 76: Message Paper Crane_1

Ever since he was granted the Key of the Grey Moon and acquired his first disciple,

Ye Hanjun truly felt that even when he didn't do anything, ripples would occasionally appear in his Sea of Souls, with a constant indefinable throbbing, lingering deep within his flesh and blood.

This was—the state of accelerated flow of authority!

Having bonded with Su Mei, a constant stream of experience flowed into his body.

However, usually, it was +1+1.

Just now, the Pink Ostrich had a breakthrough, and under the gaze of hundreds, picked off the first Excellent Star.

As Su Mei achieved results and gained confidence, reaping "joy" and "a sense of accomplishment", Ye Hanjun also shared in the thrilling experience points, steadily advancing on the path of growth.

"This shortcut is indeed not bad..."

"I wonder who the second disciple will be, what a lucky little fellow..."

Embracing this good mood, Ye Hanjun made a trip to Cross Old Street.