Chapter 119: Sandstorm lineage, the first generation life!_4

That way, if he encountered a third-order perceptive individual, he might be able to discern some clues.

Otherwise, he could bluff his way through.

Ye Hanjun didn't need to maintain this disguise for long, just long enough to ascend to the second rank when he would have more means to save his own life. At that point, he wouldn't need such a troublesome disguise, both in preparation and execution.

"That's the plan."

Having made up his mind, Ye Hanjun stored Huazhu away, manually cleaned the forging room, and then left.

He didn't go to find Sikong Wei, Da Mu'er, or Tu Long. Instead, he walked directly out of Forge No.7.

By now, night had fallen.

The round moon hung high in the night sky, stars wove together to form shining bands of light.

Everywhere was brilliant; his alert and heavy mood, which had been jubilant earlier, eased slightly.

Ye Hanjun arrived at the station and rented a bullock cart.