Chapter 136: If I Win, Worship Me As Your Master_1

"I dare to ask, Assistant Han... do you dare to fight me?"

Renwo Kuang's voice was still echoing in the venue.

The crowded spectator seats were as silent as a deserted wilderness.

About ten seconds later, a student broke the frozen atmosphere with his confused comment:

"Who... who is Assistant Han?"

"After challenging students, Renwo Kuang is now challenging the instructors? Has he gone mad?"

The murmurs of curiosity were like kindling, igniting the explosive atmosphere instantly.

A pair of stunned and surprised eyes gradually came back to reality.

Chatter broke out, from whispers to deafening roars within an instant!

"Renwo Kuang is already number one in the North Campus, who else could possibly challenge him?"

"Didn't you hear? Renwo Kuang said that there may be no equals among the students, that doesn't mean there's none among the instructors!"

"But the instructors are all second class elite, who is this Assistant Han?"