Chapter 146: Contract Concluded, Let's Call You 'Mo'!_1


Ye Hanjun's eyes turned into an intense black once again.

The Darkest Abyss appeared below his feet, rapidly engulfing a large area around him, subsequently devouring the scant traces of light.


The Little Flame Demon had gone insane.

Initially leaning against the wall, even though it had no more options for retreat, it still held onto a thread of struggling faith.

Now trembling, lying flat on the ground, it had suddenly become an easy target.

Fear and awe had already filled its soul.

Although the flames still burned within its skull, standing in the abyss, these flames had assumed a grey undertone, seeming even more helpless and pitiful.

"By the Demon God, I, a descendant of the Ye Clan, wish to form a pact with the demon race today."

In my heart, the demon race is an essential branch among thousands of species, closely connected to the sources of evil and darkness, thus having an indispensable role."