Chapter 156: Mine Enforcement_3

Because he failed to maintain a safe distance, the blast collapsed a branch of the mine, burying him in the process.

"Damn, these kind of people are the most annoying!"

"If we don't rescue him, it would seem like we lack humanity; if we do, it feels like we're eating a fly, either way it's all very vexing!"

Mao Maochong spat and urged the Peat Deer to run faster.

Renwo Kuang and Ye Hanjun followed behind.

One relying on his physical strength to move at a brisk pace.

The other lowered his head, activated one-tenth of The Darkest Demon Eye and quietly merged into the shadows to increase his speed.

"Meh! Meh meh!"

The Peat Deer used the skill "Listening", to further pinpoint the location of living objects inside the collapsed mine.

Then, it chained the skill "Mud wave", forcibly softening a portion of the rocks and soil, causing them to roll out to the sides like mud.