Chapter 162: Demon Servant, Rank 2! _1

In the desolate jungle, the rays of the sun gradually filled the sky, and the birds that had slept all night started chirping and calling out.

"You are a rising star in Canghai Pavilion, and you're bound to become a star mentor in the future, why get involved with me?"

After a long silence, Dongfang Xu coldly asked his question.

He still didn't understand why, having a disciple with such unlimited potential like Renwo Kuang, he needed to muddy the waters with him.

Moreover, there were so many elite students in the Southern Campus, finding one or two with clean backgrounds and steadfast beliefs shouldn't be too difficult, right?

"I value fate."

"Since we have bumped into each other, I want to follow my heart and give it a try."

"As for the troubles you've encountered, maybe it's a big deal, maybe it's not, depending on the perspective."

"Anyway, for me, anything less than life or death is trivial."