Chapter 166: The First Lesson of Southern Campus, Ten Talents Arriving Personally! _2

"How is the fee charged?" Ye Hanjun asked.

"The monthly rent will not be less than 2,500 Lower Quality Spirit Stones."

"If you rent for a whole year, there will be a discount, probably equivalent to waiving two months of rent..."

"That will do." Ye Hanjun nodded, "Help me renting one, here's 26,000 Lower Quality Spirit Stones. If it's insufficient, I'll make up for it."


Fangting paused, then blinked.

She was still introducing the pricing, but Master Han already paid.

The impact of this scene is not small.

For most mentors, any rich they acquire is temporary, there are always many things to buy.

A mentor who's willing to spend twenty to thirty thousand Lower Quality Spirit Stones to rent a mansion... either they are very wealthy and love enjoying life, or they're incredibly powerful and couldn't care less about this expenditure.

Which category does Master Han belong to?

There are rumors that he doesn't even have a full Blood Covenant. How can he bear such expenditure?