Chapter 174: The Eighth of Ten Talents, Jin Shanshan_2

After a bloody battle, the water toad eventually defeated the fire ant, but was severely injured due to the burning fluid from the fire ant's body.

"Hiss hiss hiss!"

In the end, amongst the fire ants, five were dead and two were crippled. The water toad, all alone, unfortunately lost and died.

People who had bet on the fire ant's victory laughed raucously, their smiles stretching almost to their ears.

Those who had bet on the water toad were cursing, smashing fruit plates in frustration and angrily hitting the fence. The ruckus they were causing immediately caught the attention of security personnel.

"What are you doing? The deal was done, you have to own up if you lost!"

A level E "Officer" arrived with his "fatty dog", and, just like picking up chicks, apprehended two of the drunkards who were causing the most fuss.

One of them was punched, immediately knocking him unconscious.