Chapter 195: The True Form of Goose Immortal, the Blade Leader!_3

"In this battle, the Five Institutes will send four Jade Stars, three Champions, two Flame Generals, two Dual Warhammers, and two Wyverns—a total of 13 people!"

"In addition, each of the three nations holds two elite royal positions— an extra six persons, who will also gain qualifications to compete!"

"This means we'll witness the toughest, most outstanding and prominent young talents within the 25-year-old age boundary gather for this battle. Who will prevail, who will falter—with two days to go, all will be laid bare!!"

Boom—— The deafening sound of drums echoed, and the cannon roared in delight.

Inside the Beast Fighting Pavilion, both the royal nobles and civilians alike were high-spirited, pumped up for the fight to come.

However, quietly slipping away was Ye Hanjun, who took this opportunity to heal his injuries and test his skills in the private training room inside the Beast Fighting Pavilion facility.