Yuri left his father's meeting room and went to his room where his older sister was sitting on the bed, flipping through a book.

"Tris, aren't you supposed to be resting in your chambers?"

Tris looked up at him and made a face. "How can one rest when our faction is planning on going to war?"

"The Nightblade Warriors are going to help us." Yuri sat in front of his desk. "And when we win, everyone will be frightened of us."

"And that's what you want?"

"Yes! Who wouldn't?"

"Me." Tris whispered. "We've lost so many people and our mother. How can a war solve anything?"

Yuri turned toward her. "Because Father said it's time for us to stop quivering in fear! The Phoenix faction was the first to enslave us years ago."

"And so everything Father says or does we have to go along with it?" Tris snapped. 


"I don't want to hear it, Yuri. We're attacking innocent people because of our greed and want for power." Tris closed the book. "And you plan to march in there and kill dreamwalkers."

Yuri gawped at her. "How did-?"

"Because, Yuri, I am a dreamwalker." Tris growled. "And if you plan on going through with this massacre, you'll have to take me out first."

"So you knew this was going to happen this whole time?" Yuri explodes. "And you didn't say anything?!"

Tris reached into the folds of her cloak and pulled out a blade. "I am not the only one with the knowledge," Tris said, bringing the weapon to her throat. 

Yuri jumped to his feet. "Tris stop!"

"I'd rather be dead than watch our people suffer." Tris whispered.

Yuri moved toward the bed, but Tris had already buried the blade in her throat. Her eyes widened and she fell back on the bed with a sigh.


Yuri yanked the dagger out, but he was too late. He covered the wound with his hands, but the blood continued to flow. The door to his chambers were thrown open and his father was standing in the doorway.

Yuri turned with the dagger clutched in one hand. He blinked back the tears that were threatening to start streaming down his face.

"Yuri," his father looked from the bloody blade to his daughter's body. "Yuri, did you do that?"

"And if I did?"

His father closed the door as he stepped into the room. "I'd want to know why."

Yuri looked away, releasing a shaky breath. "Did you know about Tris?"

"I knew she was sick."

"I meant did you know that she was a dreamwalker?" Yuri finally looked at his father. "Did you know?"

His father's mouth opened slightly. "I..I didn't know. How do you?"

"She told me. She also said that she knew you were planning to start a war. And that she's not the only one."

"Only one what?"

"She wasn't the only one to know." Yuri spared a glance at Tris's still form.

HIs father put a hand on Yuri's shoulder. "And that caused you to kill her, hm?"

Yuri looked down at his shoes, teeth clenched.

"I'm proud of you, son."


"You acted swiftly, and without remorse." his father chuckled and ruffled his hair. "The Nightblade Warriors leave for Phoenix in two days' time. You did well."

His father left his room and Yuri turned back toward Tris.

It's rare and almost unheard of to receive a compliment from his dad. He should feel proud, and eager to prove his worth.

Instead he felt sick.