Elias woke up in a dim room. The floor was cold and hard, surrounding him on three sides were metal walls. He tried to get to his feet but cried out when he put pressure on his leg.

Elias looked down and winced. His leg had a large stab wound that was still bleeding.

"Look who's finally awake." a voice drawled. 

Elias looked up and saw Allen and a girl standing outside his cell. THe girl girl had choppy black hair and pale skin. Elias would've though her pretty if her eyes weren't so cold.

"What do you want?" Elias demanded. "My friends will rescue me."

The girl laughed. "What friends? Looks like you're all alone to me. Ranger's not a friend."

Elias blinked at her. "What do you mean?"

"Tell him, Christina." Allen laughed.

"Ranger was sent to Phoenix on a mission for Alpha from the Ravenous Wolves faction. He was asked to find you and other dreamwalkers." Christina sneered. "And your so-called friend ratted you out as soon as you arrived in our faction. And for what you might ask. To save his daughter, of course."

Elias was at a loss for words as he listened to what she was saying. "But I thought..."

Allen snorts. "He never cared about you, Elias. He used you for his own gain and then left you here to die."

"He...He wouldn't." Elias whispered. "I thought his daughter was dead."

"Nope." Christina shrugged. "Quite the opposite in fact. While we're waiting for Toby to arrive, someone else wants to pay you a visit."

A wolf boy stepped into view. He was tall, muscular, and looked intimidating.

Elias scrambled back into the corner on his good leg and looked around frantically for anything he could use to defend himself, but there was nothing.

The people in the cells next to him shrank back into the shadows. 

"Ah." the boy opened the cell door. "Pleasure to meet you half-brother, I'm Yuri and I'm going to kill you."


Levi gasped awake and was startled to see an old woman sitting in a chair knitting what looked like a sweater.

"Ah. You're finally awake." the woman hobbled over. "Toby will be pleased to see that."

"Who are you? Why am I here? Where are Toby and Elias?"

The woman tsked as she gently pressed on his thigh. Levi winced slightly. "He lady, I don't know you! Where are my friends?"

"Toby went to save Elias."

Levi sat up, gritting his teeth when putting pressure on his leg. The pain was bearable, he looked over at the woman. "Did you...heal me?"

"You aren't fully healed, the wound is still tender. But yes, your friends need help." the woman picked up his bag and handed it to him. "There's a fire in you that's waiting to be let out."


The woman smiled. "You'll understand later. Now go."

"Thank you..."

"Miss Betty."

Levi threw his bag over his shoulder and smiled. "Thank you, Miss Betty."

"Enough talking, Levi. Your friends need you."

Levi thanked the woman again then left the hut. He looked around, he was not too far from the place where he'd been injured.

Where could they have taken Elias?

Something hit his head and he twirled around and saw someone staring at him from the shadows. 

"You were with the dreamwalkers, no?"

Levi scowled. "Who wants to know?"

A girl emerged wearing a crop top and a skirt, her long curly hair was done in a braid over her shoulder. Strapped to her back was a bow.

"I'm Jordan. I saw where they took your friend." 

"And where's that?" Levi snorts.

Jordan rolls her eyes. "Are you blind? That tall silver building over there."

Levi turned and laughed nervously. "I knew that!"

"Did you, though?"

"Yeah. Thanks." Levi said. "Nice meeting you. I've got to run."

Jordan held up a hand. "Wait can we help?" she gestured behind her.

A boy stepped out wearing a shirt and jeans. He had a gun and a bow on his back. "How do I know you won't sell me out?"

"The boy groans. "Becasue, ditz, we'd be selling ourselves out too. I'm Jay."

"Oh...so you're like Elias, Toby, and..." Levi trailed off, thinking about Ranger and how he'd betrayed them. "And you want to help? What about your parents?"

"Our parents are dead," Jordan answered flatly. "Can we help or not?"

Levi sighed and flashed a smile. "Why not. The more the merrier."