Levi had been missing for a few days now and Hanna had been quiet since his disappearance.

Her mother had locked herself in her room crying for hours on end, ever since her father left shortly after she was born. Her mom would have moments.

She'd grab a purse and leave Levi and Hanna alone for days. The longest she'd been gone was a week. Hanna hated the effect the absence of a father had on her brother. And hated her father even more for leaving them, he rarely came to visit and when he did he brought his new family with him.

A woman that was ten years younger than him and had a fake smile. His two sons were only a year older than her, but they were so mean.

Hanna had been playing in the yard with her dols when the boy approached her. The brown-haired kid pushed her aside and the other boy grabbed the dolls and started pulling their heads off.

When Levi heard about this he beat them both up. As Hanna was getting ready for bed screams outside started her, she ran to the window pulling the blinds apart.

She gawped at the sight before her. Bodies were lying in the road and houses were being burned.

Hanna saw her friend, Steve being pulled from his mom as she was being forced to the ground. His father was in a pool of red.


Hanna jumped away from the window and turned, Levi was standing in the doorway his clothes stained and tattered. She ran over to squeeze him in a hug, then promptly slapped him.

Levi chuckled and kissed her hair. "Missed you too. But we need to go, now."

Hanna blinked up at him. "What's happening?"

"We're being attacked. And mom..." his face darkens. "How long was she in that room?"

Before Hanna could answer a firey ball shattered through her bedroom window, landing on her bed. It immediately went up in flames.

Too startled to scream, she gripped Levi's shirt. Levi scooped her up and raced through the house and out the back door.

He dropped her to the ground and knocked on something metal.

A square of grass slid over and revealed a room underground. "Go, you'll be safe here. Don't make a sound."

"What about Steve and Abigal?" Hanna's chin trembled. "I want them safe too."

Levi gritted his teeth. "Fine. Get down there."

"I want you safe too!" Hanna spat. "Don't get yourself killed."

Levi chuckled. "As if you'd let me."

Satisfied, Hanna jumped down into the bunker.


The sound of an explosion caused Stacie to fall from her bed. She scrambled to put on her shoes as she raced out into the hall.

Guards were rushing about in a hurry.

But she didn't see Paul.

"Stacie!" Callum shouted, he was standing at the entrance armed with a crossbow. "Paul went down to the dungeons!"

Cursing, Stacie followed him as he led her outside to where the dungeon was. The guards that were stationed there were dead, their bodies no where to be found. Only their heads remained.

Callum paled at the sight. Stacie grabbed his arm, spinning him around. "Stay here. Make sure no one goes inside."

"What? You want me to stay up here? Alone?" Callum exclaimed. "Do you not see those...those heads over there?"

"I don't have time for this Callum. Stay. Use your magic powers or something." 

Callum pushed her away. "Elemental powers. I'll see what I can do."

Stacie raced into the dungeon dodging fallen bodies and weapons. When she reached the first cell a little girl inside stared at her with wide eyes.

"Where is he?"

The girl points and Stacie thanks her before continuing on her way.

She skidded to a stop when she saw Paul on the ground, nothing appeared to be missing and he wasn't bleeding. He'd been knocked out cold.

Sighing, Stacie looked up and saw an open cell door, Amanda was nowhere in sight. Stacie smacked Paul and he startled awake. He looked around in a daze and then shot to his feet.

"He took her Stacie. He took my-"

"Who took her?" Stacie snapped. "Paul, talk to me."

Paul blinked slowly. "Alpha did."


Elias and Toby were at the entrance of his neighborhood fighting and killing werewolf men.

Elias tucked his staff away and helped survivors get to Levi's bunker. Toby said a prayer over the dead and moved them out of the way of fire.

When Elias came back, Toby was putting out the fires with a hose.

Toby smirked over at him. "You were amazing."

"Nah. I think you were better." Elias gave him a peck on the cheek. "I need to go check on Jordan and Jay."

Toby turned the hose off. "What?"

"To help them. You stay here with Levi." Elias turned to take off when Toby grabbed his wrist.

 He pulled him into his chest and kissed him. Elias pulled on Toby's shirt pulling him closer, when he slid his tongue into Toby's mouth he moaned.

When they separated, Toby place his forehead against his. "I want to see you again. Once this is over, alright?"

Elias smiled. "You will."


Elias gave Toby another kiss. "I promise."