Cleo was sitting in her reading nook watching Layla as she stood outside by the front door.

Layla's brown skin practically glowed in the sun and her curly hair was secured in a bun at the nape of her neck.

Her bedroom door slammed open and Liam came running inside, followed by Foster and August.

"Daddy won! They won, Cleo!" Liam exclaimed, pumping a fist in the air.

Cleo rose to her feet, dusting off her skirts. "That's wonderful."

Foster and August noticing her tone exchange a look. Levi frowned, confused. "Whatever is the matter Cleo? Aren't you happy?"

"Very." Cleo flashed an artificial smile. "When is Father returning?"

Levi shrugged.

August elbowed Foster. "Well, would you mind finding out for us? It'll be your first mission."

"Yay!" Levi dashed out of the room.

Foster closed the door behind him and raised a brow at Cleo. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Cleo returns to the nook.

August folds his arms. "Is it though? We know Layla is here."

"I love her so much...it hurts. I don't know if she feels the same about me. "Cleo wiped her eyes. "How do I know she'll accept me?"

Foster smiled. "You won't know if you don't make the first move."

The door opened again and Layla was standing there, her hair had fallen out of the bun and fell to her shoulders in soft curls.

Cleo blinked. 

Foster and August winked at her before excusing themselves, closing the door.

Layla wrung her hands together. "I apologize for barging in like this. But there's something I need to tell you."

Cleo rose to her feet. "What is it Layla?"

"I am in love with you," Layla whispered, cheeks getting red. "I wanted to tell you when I first saw you...but I wasn't sure if-"

Cleo closed the distance between them and crushed her mouth against Layla's, who gasped in surprise. Cleo wrapped her arms around her neck and Layla cupped her face in her hands.

Cleo had been waiting for this moment since she was eleven, and now that the moment had presented itself she wanted to savor every second of it.

Her soft skin, smooth lips, and her curves.

When they separated, breathless, Layla ran her hands down Cleo's side stopping above her waist. "You're so beautiful." she murmured.

Cleo smiled and bit her lip. "I've been reading a lot lately."

"Have you?" Layla asked, twirling Cleo's hair around her finger. "What about?"

"Other factions and I was wondering..." Cleo trailed off, thinking that this wasn't a good idea.

Layla cocked her head. "Wondering if I'd like to explore them with you?"

Cleo nodded, dreading the answer that was forthcoming.

"I'd love to." Layla gave her a quick kiss. "But first I want to spend a night out under the stars."

Cleo allowed herself to be blindfold and led outside into the cool air. 

She tried to reach up to remove the covering but Layla swatted her hand. "No peeking!"

Cleo giggled. "Are we almost there?"

"Patience, love." Lala kissed her neck, sending goosebumps down her back.

They walked for what felt like forever. Finally Layla told her to take the blindfold off. Cleo did and gasped. They appeared to be in the middle of a clearing a red cloth covered the grass and a basket sat on top.

Candles surrounded that entire area leading down to the water's edge. She kicked off her shoes and grabbed Layla's hand, running until they reached the sand.

They were both laughing and smiling.

Exhausted, Cleo laid back in the sand and smiled. Layla got down next to her.

"So...I take it that you like it?" Layla beamed.

Cleo sat up. "Like it?" she grabbed Layla and pulled her in for a kiss. She fell back onto the sand, Layla leaning over her. "I love it, Layla. It's beautiful."

Layla smiled down at her.

"When did you first see me?" Cleo asked.

"It was seven years ago." Layla smiled. I remember because your father was trying to teach you how to use a sword."

Cleo shook her head. "It wasn't one of my finest moments."

Layla laughed. "I could tell. And since that day I couldn't seem to get you out of my head, no matter how much distance I tried putting between us."

"So why'd you become a knight?"

"That's the funny part. I joined so I could distract myself from thinking about you." Layal sighed. "You didn't make it any easier for me. You came to watch me practice every day, just like last week." Layla turned toward her, frowning. "Why'd you deny it though?"

Cleo licked her lips. "Because I didn't know if you even knew I existed. You never said anything, never waved a greeting. I thought you somehow found out about my feelings." Cleo sniffled. "I thought you hated me."

Layla turned Cleo face towards towards her. "I'm sorry. I...I didn't mean to hurt you like that."

Cleo adjusted herself so her body was facing Layla and she gave a small smile.

"I could never hate you, Cleopatra." Layla whispered. "Not now or ever."


Layla nods. "Never."

Smiling, Cleo leaned in and kissed her.