Chapter 20: Risking it all

Vinh hissed between her teeth, her ankle felt bent since it was aching when moving it. The girl let out a few pants, looking around her to see where the wolf had run off to. She moved slowly, her eyes watering when the pain spiked from her ankle, she had to ignore it, looking for the child she told to run.

"Marie!" Vinh yelled out, she didn't see the girl at all. "MARIE!"

Her screams became frantic, she cried out while trying to use her feet to stand up while calling for the girl. The bushes to her side burst open with the boys coming out, Kim Seo grabbed the girl before she could fall over. "What happened? Where's Marie?"

"I- I told her to run..!" Vinh cried out, pushing herself from the boy whose eyes went wide at the news. Cameron looked around them while calling out for the girl. "I don't.. I don't know where-!"

"Calm down, we will find her." Kim Seo tried to calm her, but the old teen had none of it. She pushed herself away, tumbling towards the direction all the while calling for the child's name. The boys had no other choice than to run after her.

"MARIE!" Vinh continued to yell out, limping as fast as she could. The girl fell a few times that cut up her knees, but it seemed like she couldn't feel the pain, she continued forward.

Kim Seo knew it wasn't a good idea to be yelling like that, it could call both the killer and the wolf to them. But Vinh was out of it, she only cared about one thing right now. The older boy had to slow down since they were leaving Cameron behind, the younger boy tried to keep up but he was falling far behind. It forced Kim Seo to slow down as well to be sure the short boy wouldn't be left behind. 

That did leave Vinh to run forward and away from them. The older boy wished he could do more, but he stayed with Cameron while calling for Marie like they were all doing.

"Marie!" Vinh pushed past the trees, the branches coming to hit her back though she couldn't even feel them. She looked around with fast eyes, catching movements only covered by the darkness. "Marie!" She dashed forward, holding back the urge to scream from the pain in her ankle.

In the darkness, a bright glow of yellow eyes lunged towards her. It was the deranged wolf, stuck to the ground about ready to pounce on whatever was in front of it. Vinh stopped, her whole body froze when her eye leveled the beast. The wolf too stopped, looking back at her with wide, dilated irises. 

Kim Seo stopped a few feet behind her, watching the girl freeze up. He could only slightly make out what was happening in front of the girl, but he could tell something was wrong. 

"What the fuck!?" Cameron burst past him, latching eyes with the wolf that jolted from the sudden noise. It pounced towards Vinh and Cameron who stood in front of its path, forcing the pair to jump out of the way.

The predator crashed into the ground, losing its footing while it slid in the dirt, leaving claw marks behind it. It caught its ground, moving its head up to see the two in front of it that stood in opposite directions. Vinh moved first, turning her back to the beast towards the bushes it was stalking. The wolf let out a growl, slipping slightly as it ran forward.

It was stopped by the older boy who jumped from behind. He held a large thick branch that was used to keep the beast away from attacking the girl. With the new threat, the animal turned to the older boy who distracted it from the girl who moved the shrubs aside to find the small child.

"Come on!" The boy yelled out, moving his stance back and forth just like the wolf was doing with its eyes trained on him. "Come on bitch!"

The wolf's jaws opened, letting out a painful yet enraged sound. Cameron picked himself up from behind the wolf, watching with big eyes as the older boy played around with the beast. He walked like some sort of predator stalking its prey with easy movements and watching the wolf the whole time. The boy managed to make a whole circle around that completely voided both the girls before training right in front of Cameron.

He hoped that maybe the wolf would back off since with both him and Cameron who stood tall above it now blocked its path, but the wolf didn't seem to see anything but Kim Seo. Its wild mind was completely losing itself, the boy noticed how he had broken the beast's jaw when bashing it away, causing thick blood to pool down from its snout and lips. 

The monster didn't seem to know it was injured, only licking its lips before it took another pounce forward. This time, towards the boys who stood in front of it. It was fast, the older boy only managed to put the branch up before the wolf could try and rip off his face. The wolf knocked him off his feet, biting and clawing at the wood that blocked its jaws from the flesh in front of it.

Kim Seo pushed back, pushing with the energy he didn't have to keep the beast from biting off his face. He let out a few cries when he felt his beast's back legs tear at his legs from where it tried to find a leverage to push hard into the teen.

Even with the beast being smaller than him, Kim Seo felt the power it held. It was enraged and hungry, forgetting how its bottom jaw hung limp and useless under its snout. All it cared for was him. His blood.


The beast was suddenly knocked away, tumbling onto its side from a harsh and powerful hit from its side. Cameron had found the same type of branch Kim Seo had to knock the beast away with a big hit to the side. 

It rolled to its side, the blood from the harsh hit to the stomach flying out across its teeth with some of it landing on the older boy's face. He coughed out, his arms feeling numb with draining energy. He didn't calm down just yet, looking up to see the beast still on its side a few feet from them. Cameron was by his side, trying to help the older boy up, though he too seemed drained from energy with his sluggish pulling.

Kim Seo winced, his hands feeling sore and cut up. The branch was pushed so far into his palms that it felt dark red blisters along with blood. The branch was now useless, the middle of it bent inwards as little spikes came out. The wolf still managed to crush it in half with a broken lower jaw. The older boy gulped nervously at the realization, reaching out for Cameron to steady himself.

"You okay..?" The younger one let out a shaky breath, putting a hand on his shoulder. Kim Seo was far from okay, but he responded with a small nod.

The sound of the wolf rustling from in front of them made the boys immediately stiffen up. Kim Seo ripped the branch from Cameroon hands to stand with shaking legs. He ignored the pain from his blistering hands, pointing the stick in front of them at the moving beast. 

"You got to be fucking kidding me…" Cameron whined, seeing the wolf turn back towards them with a new found fury. They noticed it limp with a broken paw though its open mouth that dropped drool and blood told a different feeling that matched its crazed red eyes. It could only make out small yowling sounds that sounded both pained and enraged. "How is it still fucking standing?"

"Enough with the damn commentary!" Kim Seo hissed behind the boy. Cameron didn't respond, only backing away when Kim Seo pressed himself in front of him to force the other to walk backwards away from the beast. Cameron held tightly onto the older boy's shoulder from behind, limping back along with the other who never took his eyes off from the beast.

"Shit shit shit..!" Kim Seo knew not to look away from it so he didn't spike another attack, he looked for an opening to strike the monster and finally kill it.

Cameron held onto the older boy with white knuckles, looking away to see Vinh and Marie standing just behind them. Marie looked okay, her eyes bloodshot red and wide with fear. They took steps away just like both him and Kim Seo were doing, slowly making their way away from the stalking beast. Kim Seo didn't underestimate the beast, he knew that it could still kill them if given the chance.

He tried to think of something, it was difficult since he was literally staring at death right in front of them. 

It wasn't the smartest choice, but it's all he could think about. The older boy put a hand on Cameron's chest from behind him, keeping his eyes on the wolf as he slowly pushed the small boy away from him.

Cameron let the other push him over to the girls, never looking away from him. He didn't know what the older one was trying to do, Cameron was tempted to stay near him but he continued to walk backwards towards the girl while Kim Seo stood still with one hand holding the branch out and his other blocking him and the girls from the beast.

"Lets fucking do this then." Kim Seo snared at the beast. It responded with a loud growl that dripped with bloody rage. It jumped forward with a quick speed like the older one expected. He lifted the branch up in time to stop its jaws once again. He felt the wolf's strength from the branch as it pushed into him and cut up hands.

He let out a loud yell, overpowering the wolf to throw it away into the air. The beast couldn't latch onto the branch, so when Kim Seo pushed fast and hard forward it was flung off and away. It landed on its back paws before it went off for another round. 

With his eyes never leaving the wolf, the older teen let out an order to the other behind him. "RUN! NOW!"

Vihn did what was told, picking up Marie with a small wince before she took off limping away from them. Cameron, he didn't. He hesitated, taking steps back in the direction of the others, only he couldn't do it. He couldn't leave Kim Seo behind like this..

The wolf ran at him once again, only this time, it went for his legs. Kim Seo flung the branch down towards its head, but the beast moved out of the way. Its large mouth opened wide to reveal large bloody teeth. Kim Seo fell back, causing the wolf to grab at his leg that was not open. Kim Seo let out a tightened scream, feeling the beast sink its front teeth down into his skin before it ripped down to tear the large wound open.

The wolf's lower jaw was useless, it would have torn off the boy's whole leg if it could use it, but it only ripped his calf open and apart. The older boy clenched his teeth together, feeling his vision pool with blood into a blurry mess. His hands shook as he tried to knock the monster away with the branch. He pushed it in between the beast's teeth that sunk into his skin and his calf. He pushed and pushed, only the beast clawed at him and sank even deeper, it wasn't letting him go, going so far as to push its paws into his foot to power its whole strength down into him with no mercy.

"Garh!" The boy let out a cry, feeling the teeth go down deeper into his calf, it was being stretched out, the teeth hitting down into the bone as it stretched the boy's skin open wider. "Fucking- fuck!"

He felt his strength leave him, the more he pushed the branch between him and the wolf's teeth the more pain he caused while trying to get the beast off him. He knew that if he stopped the monster would sink even deeper and tear off his skin from his bone. Even with that knowledge, Kim Seo was losing his grip on the branch, his vision was fogging up due to his tears stinking the inside of his eyes.

He believed he would lose the battle, his arms were numb from the pain which caused the feeling of the branch to fall from his grip. An arm suddenly shot forward to grab onto the branch slipping from his grip. Cameron came into his view, kneeling onto the ground to use both his hands along with Kim's to push it forward.

The older boy let out a shout when Cameron had managed to rip the wolf's teeth out from him. The pain exploded in his ears, making his head waver and his surroundings go silent for just a second. He felt Cameron pull the branch from his grip that he then used to smash the end of it that was covered in blood towards the beast.

He knocked it away with a powerful punch to the wolf's head that ended up breaking the branch into little bits of wood. Kim Seo let out a sigh, his face feeling hot while his whole body was numb, cold to his senses. Cameron was still by his side, picking the boy up by his shirt to try and drag them away.

Their "weapon" was now broken into bits. The wolf was letting out small huffs from the ground that it tried to stand from, Cameron didn't stay long to see if it had the strength to stand up, he forced Kim Seo up to run away. The older boy sobbed slightly, using his leg that had been torn up made him fall back over, the young boy stood by him, lifting the boy up with weak arms. 

"Come on! Come on, we have to go!" He tried to urge, looking back to the beast while pushing the taller one forward.

Kim Seo caught on, powering through with his teeth grinding onto one another as he forced his body to move. Every step he took would rocket his whole body with blinding pain that made his whole nervous system stop for a second that almost made him crash to the ground. Cameron stayed by his side, lifting him from the ground to continue limping forward and away from the beast who had now found its paws.

Vinh was losing the strength to keep running, her arms felt numb against the small girl in her arms. She regretted it, she regretted leaving him behind. Why would she do something like that and leave Kim Seo behind? She knew that Cameron had stayed too, there was no sound from behind her.

She was alone with Marie. It was becoming too much for her, the girl tripped over herself once again but couldn't pick herself up. Her ankle was screaming at her, causing a massive amount of damage that she could feel take place in her body.

Marie was set down, the older girl fell over onto herself while grabbing onto her ankle with her eyes closed tightly. Marie came over, putting her small hands on the older girl's cheek. "Vinh..?"

"I'm okay.." The older girl lied, seeing her vision sway, "just… I'm okay Marie."

The child pulled her lips together, she wanted to do something, to help the other girl but she had no clue what to do. She was tired, her body was shaking so much that she could barely keep hold of Vinh who stood in front of her.

Vinh found her ground, sucking in a deep and hard breath before standing back up. She bit back the tears turning around in the dark surroundings where they had run from. It was bad, they shouldn't be separated like this. Vinh had to get both her and Marie back with the boys, although she didn't know where they ran off to. Vinh only ran when Kim Seo told her to, now..

The older girl shook her head, feeling her eyes bleed from the excessive tears that pooled her vision. She had to get rid of those bad thoughts, Kim Seo was strong. He had to be fine, he was just with Cameron trying to find them as well.

Vinh nodded to herself, stretching out a hand for Marie to grab onto. The young girl did so with teary eyes, following silently behind the older girl who started to head back from where they ran off to. Marie made a small squeak sound, looking fearful.

"It's okay," Vinh gave her a reassuring squeeze. "We are gonna go find Kim Seo and Cameron okay?"

Marie stayed silent, burying her head in the older girl who was limping forward. Vinh looked around, it felt wrong, it was like she was leading them to death. Her anxiety was piling up way too much, it forced the teenager to duck down into the trees to their side, she continued forward, but with a silent, hidden purpose.

Marie made a confused sound from beside her, following the other with her hands gripping tightly onto her. Vinh made sure that she felt the child on her before moving to the side and out of the moon's light. She stayed hidden in the darkness with Marie, she hesitated slightly.

The sound of the bushes behind them made the girl freeze immediately. Marie stopped as well, swishing her head around in the darkness to try and find where the sound came from. Vinh stopped her, crouching down lower to the ground as she pushed the child down with her. Marie stayed silent and unmoving below Vinh who shielded the girl from the unknown being.

Vinh debated if she should go out or not. The feeling was silently waiting for something, like it would jump out on them..

Maybe it was Kim Seo and Cameron?

She shook her head, it couldn't be them. If it was them, they would be bickering like they normally do. Vinh thought for a moment, it was risky, but she had to see who or what it was.

The sound of it was off putting. It didn't sound like steps, they were somewhat heavy. Almost like the thing was dragging itself against the dirt. The girl's hand and body began to shake from the cold infesting her nerves. It was becoming too much for her, she had to see who it was. 

Without any better idea, Vinh moved her head up only slightly to peek through the leaves that shielded them from the being. To the girl's surprise, it was the wolf. Another thing that surprised her was the state of the predator. The creature was dragging its body along the ground, the bottom of its jaw hung loosely and limp from its snout. Its back legs were limping pathetically behind it just like the front paws were numbly laying under it. Blood covered its gray fur, making it look like a black mess in the darkness. The wolf looked almost dead, it would die from the looks of its chest that was detected in that spoke to tell the girl that its ribs were broken to bits.

The animal fell down again, its tongue now falling out of its mouth that was leaking more than enough blood that it needed to survive. It couldn't be a threat from the looks of it, but Vinh didn't want to risk it. She could try and finish it off, but the chances of it backfiring was something she couldn't risk. Maybe she could escape it, but Marie definitely couldn't because the girl was a sitting duck.

Vinh growling at her thoughts, regretting the idea of turning back. They had to keep going forward and just hope that the boys were doing the same, she turned back to Marie who was still curled up under her. 

How can she do it? They were stuck, the girl could try and sneak back out the leaves and hope the beast couldn't hear them or wait until the thing died of blood loss or continue limping forward. The girl's thoughts were spiraling out of control, she had to think of something, anything!

The teenager's thoughts were interrupted when a heavy set of steps pulled her from her thoughts. The rising feeling of relief at the thought of it being the others surfaced, she turned back in the direction of where she heard them only to stop with hand out when a large figure covered in darkness was in front of her.

Her eyes went wide, the figure was covered in black but just with the large form in general, Vinh knew who it was. The girl couldn't even move a muscle with the new realization, she shook uncomfortably while trying to pull back into the safety of the leaves. 

The man didn't notice the small movements, he seemed to be occupied with something else. He stalked forward over to where the wolf was currently dragging its blood around. The man knelt down, causing the beast to flinch forward at the large threat. With the bottom of its jaw below it, it could only make small gurgling sounds that was almost like it was drowning as the man looked it over.

Vinh wanted to look away, the small girl under her was unaware of the bigger threat, just curling up on the older teen. She couldn't look away, too scared to move even the slightest in fear the killer would hear her.

So, she was forced to watch.

Forced to watch as the killer pulled up a small yet sharp object that looked to be a sharpened bone into the air. She knew what was coming next, but that didn't stop her body from flinching in shock when the man flung the bone down and into the wolf's skull. The sickening sound of cracking that was followed by a sharp snap as he pulled it away made Vinh hiccup slightly. She covered her lips, continuing to watch as the man continued the same motion over and over again until the wolf's face was now just a pile of ripped up bloody meat and muscles.

The girl felt her skin crawl at the lifeless creature with no head. It was just a pile of meat that was smashed up into some sick kind of food! She didn't want to continue watching this, the man had begun to move the ripped parts of the wolf around with his bare hands. Taking a few bits up to his face just under the skull, the girl couldn't see what he was doing, though she could only imagine he was doing the worst things.

She couldn't take it anymore, the time was going by painfully slow, her knees grew numb from being dug into the dirt, Marie was shaking more and more from the uncomfortable position she was in. Vinh was about to throw up, her eyes watering as she watched the man pull apart the ripped up wolf's face.

It became too much when the sick sound of crunching and grinding echoed along the trees that stung little needles in the base of her skin. She was prickling to the edge, eyes watering as the man was consuming the core of the wolf's flesh that he picked out from the mess of fur and bones.

Marie looked up from her position and turned to where the teenager was trapped. Vinh never moved her eyes away from the man, she saw as the sound of her hands silently pattering the dirt made the man pause.

In the darkness, only the black abyss of his mask's sockets stared back at her the same time he slowly rose to his feet.