Shrine Of The DEAD Part 4

Takashi gasped as he suddenly realized that Saeko was giving up. Not just on herself, but possibly on life itself. She was considering herself a lost cause, not just unworthy of love, but of living at all. She viewed herself as a bad person, and with all the good people in the world that had died, she was wondering how someone like her could still be alive. Why did they have to die while she got to live? She didn't think she should, and that terrified him.

No, he couldn't let this happen. He wouldn't. Saeko had to live, he wouldn't accept any other alternative. He needed her to live, he needed her. Not just to survive, he needed her as a person. He needed her in his life. He had come to realize that over the days since they had started spending time together. He didn't know what he would do if he lost her.

Without thinking, he reached out and grasped her hand. Saeko gasped in surprise and looked at him, seemingly snapping out of her stupor. Good, he needed to bring her back. He couldn't let her fall into despair. His attempts to reassure her when she confessed her dark side to him hadn't worked, but perhaps he could show her through action just how much he cared for her, and how much he didn't think she was a monster.

Saeko stared at him as he grasped her hand, her eyes wide in surprise and a blush appearing on her face at the physical contact. No, it wasn't just the contact, it was the way he was looking at her. The look on his face was so intense that it was making her feel flustered.

Takashi stared at her hard, hoping to convey through his touch and expression what he was trying to say. Words wouldn't do much to calm Saeko down while she was like this, he could see that. But sometimes no words were needed in order to get through to someone. Actions could speak louder than words in many instances, and he hoped she was getting the message now.

It seemed to be working. Saeko had been surprised when he suddenly grabbed her hand in her borderline rant of self-loathing, but as he maintained contact with her, showing her that he was still here after what she had told him, that he wasn't repulsed by her, he could see that it was working.

It was almost strange to see Saeko Busujima of all people to lose her cool. She had always come across as so strong, so confident. To see her become scared and vulnerable was almost surreal. But she was only human, she had moments of weakness just like everyone else. But it broke Takashi's heart to hear her think that she wasn't worthy of love due to her dark nature, and he did his best to let her know that that wasn't true, that she was worthy of love, that she deserved it.

Saeko was indeed getting his message. She didn't know why she was surprised; this was Takashi after all. Still, part of her had fully expected him to run for the hills when she had revealed this secret side of herself. But he hadn't, he was still here, and his touch was letting her know that he wasn't going anywhere in ways words could not.

As he stared at her, Saeko felt her heart start racing. It had already been rapidly pounding in her chest from anxiety, but had started to slow down from his touch. But now it was beginning to beat fast again, for a completely different reason. He was so close to her, still holding her hand and looking at her so intensely, and Saeko felt her face fill with more heat.

She had always found Takashi to be attractive, even before she really got to know him. And ever since she had teamed up with him and the others to try and survive the zombie invasion, she had found herself liking him more and more. And now, being alone with him like this while in such an emotional state, she couldn't help but to start to become overwhelmed by the feelings she had developed for him.

Takashi was facing a similar predicament. What had at first started out as an attempt to comfort her was quickly changing as the mood shifted, and he couldn't help but to be taken in by the purple-haired girl's beauty. She was considered to be one of the most, if not thee most, attractive girls in school for a reason. He'd certainly always thought so. And he'd always greatly admired her, his admiration for her growing once they really started to get to know each other. And when she had opened up to him a few minutes ago, he suddenly started to feel connected to her on a much deeper level, both personally and emotionally.

As his expression relaxed and he took in how gorgeous she looked in the dim light with her cheeks flushed and the vulnerable look on her face, he suddenly wanted to kiss her, very badly. Somewhere far in the back of his mind, Rei appeared, but her image quickly faded to be replaced with thoughts of Saeko.

Despite the feelings he still had for Rei, the two of them were not together. What more, he had begun to develop new feelings, and they were for the girl right in front of him. And right now, she was the only one he could see. It was as if it were just the two of them alone in the entire world.

He took note of Saeko's expression. From the look on her face, she was just as affected by him as he was of her. Slowly, he gave in to his desires and began to lean in, giving her plenty of time to pull away if she wanted to. But she didn't. Instead, she began to lean in as well, and their lips met.

It was their first kiss. With each other at least. Takashi had shared his first kiss with Rei back when they were together, before she had left him for Hisashi. He had no idea if this was Saeko's first kiss though, but based on what she had told him of how she thought herself unworthy of love, he suspected that this was. But in any case, this kiss was very different from the ones he'd shared with Rei.

This was Saeko's first kiss, and she was glad that it was with him. It was everything she'd thought a first kiss should be and more. It was also something she had begun to doubt she would ever experience. After all, who hadn't had their first kiss by her age? Very few people, probably. And since she had thought herself unworthy of love, she hadn't been sure if she would ever have her first kiss. But not only was Takashi still here after learning about her deep, dark secret, he was actually kissing her.

The kiss was gently, their lips merely pressing together, nothing too intense. Yet when they came apart and looked at each other, they could both see desire and need reflecting in the other's eyes. Then they leaned in, and their lips connected again. It was more than the mere pressing of lips this time though, as their lips began moving against each other.