Shrine Of The DEAD Part 15

Takashi swore and rapidly thrusted into her. Despite his claim of almost reaching his end, he was still able to hold back for another minute or two before he could no longer take it. Gripping Saeko's hips almost painfully, his fingers digging into her flesh nearly hard enough to bruise, he slammed into her one final time as he pulled her hard against him. He let out a grunting cry as he erupted inside of her, achieving a release that caused any he had experienced in the past with his hand to pale in comparison.

Saeko felt him explode inside her, feeling his hot seed coat her inner walls. At the feel of his cock spurting inside her, she let go of her restraint and shouted out her own release, her back arching even further until she was practically balancing on her head. The feel of him cumming inside her, coupled with her own orgasm and the knowledge that they were cumming together, was overwhelming on both a physical and emotional level. Her entire body shook almost violently as her screaming continued to echoed through the shrine, a sex flush coloring her pale, sweaty form.

Takashi's eyes and teeth were shut tight as he pulled Saeko against him as hard as he could. Stars continued to dance behind his eyes as he continued to spill inside her. He could feel her cumming as well and would have unleashed another gasp of pleasure, but he seemed to have forgotten how to breathe. His own body had shivers running through it, though not as extensively as Saeko's.

As he finished emptying himself, the tension left his body, and he began to relax, coming down to sit on his knees as he finally suck in some air, attempting to catch his breath. Saeko's body was still jerking in orgasm as he loosened his hold on her and set her down. He released her hips and felt the strength leaving his body as his muscles went slack. He fell forward, coming down on Saeko, though he made sure not to simply collapse on top of her, somehow finding enough strength to gently lower himself down on top of her.

Saeko was slowly coming down from her high, but shivers of pleasure still wracked her body. She felt Takashi blanket her with his body and relished in the weight of him on top of her. She unlocked her legs from around him and wrapped her arms around him instead, holding him close as she tried to catch her own breath. The occasionally shiver still ran through her, but for the most part, her orgasm had subsided, and she was left with a feeling of joy and contentment.

She kept her eyes closed and a happy smile spread across her face as they laid there in each other's arms for the next several minutes in post-coitus bliss, feeling each other's heartbeats against their chests. When her limbs no longer felt limp, she hugged Takashi tightly to herself and pressed a kiss to his shoulder. He lifted his head from her shoulder and shifted above her, and Saeko opened her eyes to see him looking down at her. Her smile widened at the tender look in his eyes as his hand came up to cup her chin, his thumb lightly stroking her lips before he leaned down and kissed her.

They exchanged chaste kisses for a time, simply expressing their emotions. Both were exhausted from their activities and the intensity of the pleasure they had given to each other, their bodies completely spent. Eventually though, Takashi began to extract himself from her, the sweat from their bodies having cooled, causing their skin to stick together as he rolled off her.

His now flaccid member slipped out of her, and Saeko immediately missed the feel of him inside her, as well as his weight on top of her. The latter didn't last long though as he turned on his side and gathered her into his arms so they were spooned up against each other, and Saeko decided that she liked the way this felt as well.

A deep sigh escaped her as she felt more at peace than she could ever remember feeling, at least since her assault. And safe. Here in Takashi's arms was the safest she had felt since the appearance of Them. And as dark and twisted as it sounded, a part of her was glad the outbreak had happened if it led the two of them here. She never would have thought she'd find herself being intimate with Takashi. She would never forget the feel of him inside her. She could still feel him inside her, and a part of him was, deep within her womb, and the thought sent a thrill through her.

But she was not ignorant of the situation. As much as she wished that the two of them could stay holed up in this shrine and make love for days on end, she knew that they had to get back to the others. They would be waiting for them at the Takagi Estate. And getting there would most likely mean fighting through more of Them.

"Takashi," she said quietly, and heard him let out a sleepy "Hmm?", making her smile in amusement, "what are we going to do for tomorrow?"

"We meet up with the other's at Takagi's house."

Saeko playfully rolled her eyes, even though he couldn't see. "I meant about getting there. It could be difficult with just the two of us and all of Them running around. What if I…?"

Freeze up again. She didn't say it, but the words hung in the air. They couldn't afford to have something like that happen again. Had Takashi not come barreling in and saved her from those zombie kids, she would be dead. He may know the reason why she had froze, but that didn't mean it wouldn't happen again.

She felt him tighten his hold on her. "Don't worry about that right now. We'll deal with it if and when it happens. But I have faith in you, Saeko. I always feel safe when you're around."

She almost laughed at that. It was her who felt safe with him around. But maybe that's how this was supposed to work; they were meant to keep each other safe. But there in lied the problem. She didn't know if she could keep him safe, not without showing him her inner darkness. That had been the whole reason she had frozen up. She had been afraid of what Takashi would think of her if he saw the thrill she got out of savagely massacring those zombie children. To reveal that part of herself, that closely guarded secret, it meant no going back. She may have told him about her inner darkness, but to actually see it would be something else entirely.

Takashi felt how tense she had become and knew that she was thinking about what would happen if she let out her inner darkness, fearing what he would think of her. What she failed to realize, or what she refused to accept, was that he admired that part of her. Her determination to survive, her desire to utterly destroy her enemies, the thrill she got at cutting Them to pieces, he respected that, even if she saw it as some kind of flaw on her part.

What he had told her was true. Ever since They appeared, he had changed as a person. He too now experienced a twisted thrill in blowing off and bashing in the heads of those walking corpses, relishing in the violence, all the carnage bringing a smile to his face. He still remembered that rush that went through him when he shot that punk who had tried to abduct Rei.

In the old world, that would have been concerning, but in this world, it was an asset. It didn't matter to him whether he had become like this after the outbreak while she had been this way before it; this was the world they lived in now, it was what they needed to become in order to survive.

If anything, he found it even more admirable that she had kept that dark part of herself hidden and in check before the outbreak. But there was no longer any need for that. And perhaps everyone had their own inner darkness that wanted to get out, and all it took was the right trigger to unleash it. For Saeko, it had been her assault. For him, it had been when They arrived.