Chapter 32

These reports were all mixed, naturally did not attract Vuong Phong's attention, but when he saw the news from Belgium's "Latest News", he immediately lost his temper.

This news quotes a source from French newspaper L'Equipe saying that Paris Saint-Germain has officially sent an offer worth 8 million euros to Genk in the hope of introducing Wang Feng.

Former French international and famous coach Henri Michel said: "This offer is crazy. It's worth it, it's not good news."

However, Paris is clearly optimistic about Wang Feng. Team president Lawrence Pompey even personally shouted to the media: "Wang, go to Paris." We are one of the five major leagues in Europe. Here we have a broader scene. »

"You will be the foundation for the future of Paris and we will build the team around you."

Wang Feng quickly called his representative Francisco Balmond to inquire about the situation. Balmond was silent for a moment and then said: "Vuong, I originally intended to contact you after the national cup final ended, but since you asked, I couldn't help but say it.

"Genk received many offers from you, most of them priced between 1 million euros and 3 million euros. Paris made an offer of 8 million euros and the Genk coach was shocked."

"This team is currently hesitant. You know, Genk's finances are not very good, this huge amount of money is enough to turn their situation around."

Wang Feng said frankly: "I don't want to leave, Balmond, at least not this summer, I don't want to change three teams a year, you talk to Bill Albert, as long as you strengthen your defense in the season this summer." , I will, I promise to do better next year.

"I'm even willing to make some concessions on wages," Wang Feng said. After listening, Bamond said: "I understand what you mean, Vuong, I will continue to negotiate with the team leader, but your salary must increase significantly, otherwise it will not be suitable for your status and role in the team." ."

After hanging up the phone, Vuong Phong felt a bit helpless. It should have been a good thing for him to be favored like this, but the timing was too unfortunate. Every time he changes teams, it takes him some time to get used to it.

And now I'm still too immature and need to continue honing myself, getting a foothold in the 5 major tournaments is still difficult.

"Then let's win the cup first and let Bill Albert see our hopes for next season." Vuong Phong silently decided. .....

René Delvaux sat in the stands where Genk supporters were sitting at Lottopark in Brussels, surrounded by Vertonghen players and head coach Mette Magritte.

I remember Wang Feng returned to Verton a few days ago and brought him more than 20 tickets to the Belgian Cup final. I hope he can invite his old teammates on stage to watch the match.

For players like Verton, the Belgian Cup final is the stage of the highest honor they can have. Unfortunately, no second division team has reached this stage for many years.

Paul Chuck looked at Vuong Phong running on the field with complicated eyes. It's just that more than half a year ago, he looked down on Vuong Phong, thinking that he couldn't become a professional player, but he didn't expect that he could reach such a level in the blink of an eye.

Hearing Genk fans nearby shouting Wang Feng's name with poor pronunciation and seeing the €8 million offer on the news, Chuck knew it was a feat he would never achieve. get in life.

"Even though I've seen it many times on TV, I still can't believe it," Coach Magritte said emotionally: "Wang Feng has improved so much. While at Verton, he only had good dribbling skills and good speed. Early."

"However, after only half a season of competition, he has trained his foot skills very well. Just now he advanced very quickly, then passed the defense with a sophisticated dribble, which can be described as smooth and fluid."

"Yes," Rennie nodded, "When I went to Belgium, Wang was like a bamboo pole, as soon as he touched it he fell down. He couldn't adapt to the confrontation at all. I didn't expect to be able to compete with Anderlecht's defenders now. "Ball, don't fall with the wind."

While several people were discussing Vuong Phong, the situation on the ground suddenly changed. Adrian Gayle broke through with the ball from the left wing. This defender sticks to his position and pushes the ball very hard.

After the ball reached the front court, Blanche accurately judged where the ball landed, rushed there and passed to Vuong Phong on the right for a header. With his back to the goal, Wang Feng turned around directly after blocking the ball with his chest and volleyed it with his left foot.

Just hearing a "bang" sound, the bullet shot out like a cannonball. Anderlecht's goalkeeper tried his best to extend his arms to save, but the ball went into the goal through his arm.

"The goal has been scored, goooooaaal.

"Let's review the match, Vuong Phong was more than 30 meters away from the goal. After receiving a pass from Beth in the front half, he blocked the ball with his chest. Without making any adjustments, he turned and unleashed a volley. It's truly a global wave. »

"It seems that Wang Feng can still score high-quality and very entertaining goals against Anderlecht. In the last championship match, he contributed to the global wave of golden volleys and hooks shocked European football. Today, another volley."

After scoring the goal, Wang Feng excitedly ran towards the stands where the Genk fans were roaring and expressing their regret for the previous defeat, the fans in the stands also stood up in response to him, shouting revenge and similar language. Just 4 minutes later, Henk came back upstream, Gale broke through again from the left wing and made a cross. White from the front struggled to get up and hit the ball. The ball flew towards the penalty spot but it was clear that no one was there.

Anderlecht's left back suddenly thought of something and quickly shouted: "Take your position!" He then ran towards the ball, but at this moment, a figure rushed out like lightning, rushing towards the ball in front of him.

"Vuong Phong's speed is very fast. He unloaded the ball, touched the goal and the ball scored. In just 4 minutes, Genk raised the score even higher!"

"It's Wang Feng again. He is in very good form. He has scored both goals and scored two goals. In comparison, Jan Koller seems to have not entered the state yet. So far he hasn't taken any shots."

The reason Jan Koller's performance is relatively slow is mainly because the Genk coaching staff has arranged a special defense for him, trying their best to block Anderlecht's center from the wing, so that Jan Koller cannot take advantage of his stature. his.

After the first half, Genk single-handedly touched the trophy, but in the dressing room, coach Aimée Antonis still reminded everyone: "Don't be careless, Anderlecht's strength is very strong, if you're not careful you will be defeated."

After the second half opened, Anderlecht really launched a fierce attack on Genk. Jan Koller regularly creates opportunities up front. He used his physical advantage to the maximum and resisted without saving his strength. Head coach Antonis had to adjust his substitutions, replacing Adrian Gale with a tall defender preparing to mark Jan Koller.