Chapter 44

Karl Beth ran after Vuong Phong scored, hugged him, celebrated with him and said: "You did very well, I didn't expect you to shake and hurt the defender."

Vuong Phong shrugged and smiled bitterly. He didn't mean it, he didn't even have physical contact, he just wanted to escape the defense.

"You guys were in hot form today. We took an early lead and we'll play better in the future."

After the match started, Wang Feng still actively attacked, constantly creating threats in front of Musk's goal, and the replacement defensive player Keir Dougherty was much worse than Dougherty. He is in a confrontational position, and it is difficult for him to compete with Vuong Phong in conscience. In the 33rd minute, Henk came back with a quick counterattack with a reverse volley.

Christian Chivu passes the ball accurately to Wang Feng on the right in the backfield. Vuong Phong lifted the ball and removed it. Based on his own practice experience, precise senses and control, the ball seemed to stick to Vuong Phong as well as stick to his feet.

Faced with two oncoming defensive players, Vuong Phong calmly rushed forward. Through continuous fake breakthroughs, he found loopholes in the surrounding defense, knocked the ball out and completed the attack. successfully hit the bottom. Then, Wang Feng crossed the ball easily, the ball fell to Jason Aldridge in the penalty area like a homing missile. All he had to do was use his toe to push the ball and it went into Muskron's goal.

2:0, Genk wins another one!

After scoring the goal, Aldridge excitedly ran to Vuong Phong, hugged him tightly and said: "I'm so happy to play football with you. I never thought scoring would be so easy."

Other teammates followed one another and everyone formed a group. At that time, Henk appeared extremely united. When Wang Feng assisted and scored the second goal, Ward Orr shook his head in frustration. He knew that in this game, the chance of escaping Muscron was very slim.

The fact that Keir Dougherty was injured early and had to leave the field was something he never thought about before the match. Moreover, Wang Feng's physical strength is not bad, his footwork skills are too strong, so how to limit him will be a problem. headache for all League One teams.

Genk coach Aimee Antonis breathed a sigh of relief. He insisted on rotation in the final round and lost the match. He was also under a lot of pressure. Genk absolutely cannot accept a series of defeats.

And Wang Feng's pass and shot almost guaranteed victory and took a lot of pressure off him. Vuong Phong's progress is getting faster and faster, he is undoubtedly a genius.

But the most necessary thing in football is talent. Every year there will be many incredibly talented young players, but many of them drown in the praise of the outside world after becoming famous and give up on intensive training. In the end, they can only get lost in the crowd. Currently, Vuong Phong is not that kind of person, his diligence makes people even more impressed.

Antonis believes that as long as he does not suffer a serious injury, he will have a chance to reach the top of football. He said to the assistant coach next to Quick-Martin: "After Vuong Phong was injured last time, although his body was meticulously examined, no problems were found, but you should not carelessness."

"We need to monitor Vuong Phong's body in real time. Doesn't he practice more often? We should have daily health checks and regular general health checks."

Antonis hopes to turn Vuong Phong into a superstar, which is every coach's dream and glory.

After that, no team scored more goals. In the 60th minute, head coach Aimee Antonis made a substitution adjustment. Center back Kali Prohaska replaces striker Wang Feng. Amid the cheers of home fans, Vuong Phong walked away. Get out of the field.

In the end, Genk defeated Muskron at home and won 3 valuable points.

After the match, Muskron head coach Ward Orr helplessly said in an interview with reporters that they did not limit Wang Feng well, which was the main reason for the team's defeat. "Even Anderlecht can't do everything well. It was even more difficult for us."

He added: "Unfortunately our main defender Keir Doherty was injured early in the game, he sprained his ankle and is expected to be out for the next two weeks. Things got worse."

He explained to some reporters that Wang Feng shook Doherty and injured him: "I don't think it was decisive. You know, Keir is an experienced veteran. I played the whole match many times and I think this is the case match." rather, it is a fatigue injury.

The next morning, Vuong Phong went to the training ground for additional practice as usual, but at this time head coach Quick Martin was waiting for him: "Vuong Phong, we knew you would come today. Today, Mr. Antonis has must be done." . . Let me tell you that Mr. Albert was also there.

Vuong Phong was a little skeptical, but followed him to the principal's office. In addition to these two, there is also team doctor and personal trainer Abel LeGoff. Vuong Phong asked: "What can you do to me?" ?"

Antonis said: "Vuong Phong, I have read your medical report. Your physical condition is very good and there are no hidden dangers. But the more often you exercise, this still poses many risks for your age.

Vuong Phong nodded and said: "I know, so I practiced according to the plan outlined by Mr. Le Goff. If I feel uncomfortable, I will stop." UU Read »

The team doctor said at the time: "Mr Le Goff's plan is more reasonable, but you can't wait until your body can't take it anymore and feel it before reacting. At this point, the underlying injury has occurred.

"So we plan to arrange a routine check-up every day. After training, massage to relax, and do a comprehensive check-up every two weeks. We can't be careless."

"But my physical condition is very good, is this kind of test too frequent?" Vuong Phong said he can completely control his physical condition, so he doesn't understand everyone's worries.

Team manager Albert now said: "Wang Feng, this is the club's decision. You should know that you are only seventeen years old, not yet an adult, your body is still developing so it is very fragile. A small injury or illness can affect your entire career.

"We want to be responsible to you, instead of just taking advantage of you to achieve good results. After discussion, we have also decided to give up competing for the Belgian Cup this season and compete fully for championship title as well as results of Europa. Federation."

"Therefore, we will apply a full rotation for the Belgian Cup. Of course, you are also included in the rotation and will not appear in the team. I hope you understand."

"Do you know Ronaldo?" "After joining Inter Milan in 1997, he was often injured. Although this is related to the brutal style of Serie A, it is also inseparable from his early injuries that.

"The experience of Eindhoven and Barcelona filled him with honor, but he was overused and left with hidden wounds. This will significantly shorten the peak period of his career. If you want to become a superstar like him, you have to pay attention to that. It was a lesson learned."