Chapter 71

In the last round against Brugge, Aimee Antonis almost rotated the entire main squad, allowing reserve players and second-tier players to come out to recharge for the Europa League final.

The opponent is still competing for a Europa League spot with Standard Liege next season, so they will go all out with their main force. The gap between the two teams is very clear. Genk only lost 0:3.

Luminus Arena was filled with home team fans but they were not satisfied with Genk's performance. The people who came to the stage today mainly came to watch the team win the championship, so they were very tolerant of this group of reserve players. When threatened, children stand up and clap their hands to show encouragement when they make a mistake.

After the match ended, the workers invited by Genk leaders quickly installed a simple podium in the middle of the field, and the trophy was brought home early.

The shape of the Belgian First Division trophy is completely unique. The base is a square structure. The name of the winning club and the time of the season are engraved on the front. The top of the base is an irregularly shaped pedestal with some decorations. On the platform there is a cow with a half-empty ball on its head.

Before the tournament trophy was presented, Wang Feng received the tournament's Golden Boot. When Vuong Phong stepped on stage, all the fans applauded. Everyone shouted Vuong Phong's name and cheered enthusiastically.

Frederick O'Connor, president of the Belgian Football Federation, presented the trophy to Wang Feng. As the two hugged, he whispered in Vuong Phong's ear: "You may be about to step onto a bigger stage, but don't forget you. Still one of the legends of the Belgian National Championship, good luck."

Vuong Phong nodded, smiled and said thanks.

The main event is of course the award ceremony for the winning team. Vuong Phong intentionally walked part of the way. He's won enough trophies already. At this time, let the other players go on stage first and enjoy the cheers of the fans.

A gold-plated medal was hung around Wang Feng's neck by Nat Beyer, vice president of the Belgian Football Federation, while O'Connor presented the championship trophy to captain Aaron Abigail, who took the trophy home, looking at his teammates from both sides. then raised the trophy above his head and shouted: "Champion of Genk!"

With resounding cheers in the stands, team members gathered together and touched the championship trophy. Abigail then handed the trophy to her teammates next to her and asked them to pass it back.

Vuong Phong also won this heavy trophy, feeling a little moved in his heart. He won the Belgian Cup for Genk last season and won the championship this season, which can be considered a complete harvest.

When Wang Feng arrived at the interview area, many reporters surrounded him, most of them worried that he was the youngest Golden Shoe winner. "I think it's a credit to the whole team. Everyone passed me a lot of balls and I got this result. This trophy should belong to all the Genk players."

Vuong Phong's humble attitude also made reporters admire him a bit. It is not easy to achieve these titles at such a young age without being surprised. There were also reporters worried about his whereabouts, but Vuong Phong always avoided it, saying that he was fully preparing for the Europa League final.

In fact, even he himself did not know where he was going. This year Genk has achieved its performance target, so Wang Feng will definitely leave the team this summer. Team manager Bill Albert accepted Wang Feng and no one would overbid. Sell ​​to anyone, but let Vuong Phong choose for himself, the club will give him the highest respect. After receiving the award, everyone went to the bar to celebrate. As usual, Vuong Phong did not drink alcohol and was happy. Everyone momentarily forgot about the Europa League final a few days later and the reality of the post-season collapse, and celebrated to their heart's content. Focus on the present.

It wasn't until very late that Vuong Phong returned to the dormitory and turned on the computer. His sister sent him a message on QQ. First is a photo of the whole family. Her mother and sister were sitting on the couch. It read: "Congratulations to Ah Feng on winning the Golden Boot and the League championship."

Vuong Phong smiled and said to himself: "Definitely paying attention to my sister, this eccentric girl. In the photo, there is a large cake on the coffee table, my sister is standing in front of the camera holding a cake, posing. The gesture of distribution seemed to be from Wang Feng, who was far away in Belgium.

My sister left a message: "Brother, we saw that you won the award so we were interviewed. Why do you suddenly feel beautiful? In addition, we will congratulate you at home. I hope you continue to work hard and win the Europa League. I ordered two banners and some cake, don't disappoint me."

Vuong Phong had a smile on his face and left a message below: "Okay, I will never let your things be bribed for nothing."

At this time in China, the weather is approaching, the family members who watched Vuong Phong's entire match are probably still resting so they did not respond to him.

Another flashing message came from Lu Yao, Wang Feng's only friend. She used the image of a cute bunny. After Vuong Phong opened it, he discovered that she had sent a congratulatory message when receiving the award ~www.mtlnovel. com~ seems to be someone who pays close attention to the whole process in front of TV.

Vuong Phong thanked her back, but he did not expect that the other person was still online and replied to her message in just a few seconds. "Why are you up so early, little girl?" » Vuong Phong asked. "I was so excited to see you holding the cup that I woke up a little early." Lu Yao sent a cute expression with her tongue sticking out. In fact, she couldn't sleep much all night because she was worried that she would miss Vuong Phong's news.

Many times when she was sleepy, she suddenly felt a text message so she woke up to check but discovered it was just her own hallucination. This time, it was the sound of the message notification that woke her from her light sleep so she was able to reply within seconds. . Vuong Phong of course didn't know what the girl was thinking. He just thought that Lo Dao had just woken up, so he talked to her sentence by sentence. Outside of his family, this is the first time Vuong Phong shares his joy and vision of the future with others.

Lu Yao talked about his plan. She plans to go abroad to study management after graduating from high school. She half-joked and half-seriously said: "Mr. Phong, which country will you go to next?" Should I go with you? It's good to have a goalkeeper.

Vuong Phong replied: "Still undecided, but I also want my sister to study abroad, why don't you two go together."

"Okay okay, so you decided to tell me."

The two of them chatted very speculatively. After talking for an hour, Lu Yao realized: "Brother Feng, it must be very late in Belgium. You've been tired all day, you should rest. Vuong Phong said: "Okay, then you should try to sleep, luckily you won't have to go to school on the weekend."

After the two said goodnight, Vuong Phong simply washed himself before falling asleep, while Lu Yao on the other side of the world quickly fell asleep, finally getting some sleep. delicious after letting go of my mind.