Chapter 133

When Inter Milan returned to Milan with two championship trophies, they were greeted by enthusiastic Inter Milan fans and many Italian media.

Vuong Phong is of course the most followed player. Many Inter Milan fans wore his number 10 shirt, held his badge and shouted his name. In order not to disappoint his fans, he walked over to sign autographs for some people in the front row. . This caused even more chaos and airport security had to remind him that this was not the place to sign. Vuong Phong helplessly apologized to his fans and got on the bus.

Materazzi sat next to him and said jealously: "Wang, you really have a lot of fans. Inter Milan's best-selling shirt is yours."

"I heard that many fans bought several identical jerseys for daily use, collection and even appreciation, which is outrageous."

Vuong Phong smiled slightly. In fact, this part is also an important source of income for him. According to the contract signed last year, Inter Milan will own 50% of the rights to paint Vuong Phong's portrait, he will retain 50%. Enable the device and you can share 50% of the revenue.

Back in Pinettina, Inter Milan held a grand press conference to meet the media's interview needs, Vuong Phong also attended this meeting.

When asked about his goals for the new season, Wang Feng said: "Of course we want to defend the championship, and this is my first time participating in the Champions League. I hope to go far than."

Cooper said more confidently: "League, Champions League and Coppa Italia, we all want good results. We have already won two titles, why can't we hope for more?"

This comment immediately made the journalists present in the stands whisper. The reporter of "Gazzetta dello Sport" was the first to ask: "Do you mean Inter Milan will aim for the great goal of winning 5 championships this season?"

"This is our ultimate goal, but it is not absolute. As the league develops, many uncertain things will happen and no one can predict it," Cooper said.


Inter Milan's press conference caused a stir in the Italian football community, many media agencies criticized Cooper's statement.

Gazzetta dello Sport wrote: "Cooper and Inter Milan have fallen into an arrogant position and cannot escape." The article analyzes that Inter Milan's assessment of its own strength went astray after winning the championship last season. "Even playing against a team without a big champion like Parma is embarrassing, enough to show that Inter Milan's squad depth has a serious problem. The only thing they rely on is Vuong Phong's strong attack power."

"However, there are still major uncertainties about whether Wang Feng can continue the incredible form of last season and whether he can continue without injury. So , I advise Inter Milan to abandon unrealistic ideas and compromise."

Corriere dello Sport newspaper said that in summer transfer activities, AC Milan is the best and Inter Milan is the worst. "Inter Milan sold striker Adriano to Parma and missed out on Crespo. They put all their treasures on Wang Feng. This is very wrong."

"And Inter Milan's defense is having big problems. Cannavaro and Koko don't seem to be able to adapt to Cooper's tactical system. Whether it's a preparation match or two cup matches, they can't show their class. before."


These negative comments do not affect Inter Milan players. For them, the game is over and there is nothing wrong with aspiring for higher honors. However, the club's leaders believe that some of the media's comments are still very reasonable. President Moratti convened a number of leaders as well as head coach Cooper to discuss this season's goals.

"Should we compromise and trade off so that the gains outweigh the losses?" » Moratti asked.

"I actually didn't think much about it at first, but after winning the European Super Cup and the Italian Super Cup back to back, I wondered: can't we get more results?" » Cooper said enthusiastically.

He added: "The current problem has two sides. The team's defensive lineup is not deep enough, no one can replace Vuong Phong.

Moratti nodded: "Since the Serie A championship has been postponed for two weeks, the transfer window will also be postponed, and we still have time to operate. Juventus's Zambrotta is a defensive warrior. There was some discussion."

"As for replacing Vuong Phong, I'm afraid no player in the transfer market can reach this level, but in terms of attacking power, Roma's Batistuta has a chance."

"It has a bad relationship with the Club of Rome. Currently, it is entirely possible to use the loan method to turn it into our reserve force."

Cooper nodded and said: "Then bring these two people back to Inter Milan. Anyway, the opportunity is in front of us, it remains to be seen whether we can grasp it or not. Finally, Inter Milan took Zambrotta from Juventus for 9 million euros, then loaned Batistuta to Roma, completing the final reinforcement before the transfer window closed.


The day after the match between Inter Milan and Real Lu Yao and Wang Tian officially went to their school to report, so when Wang Feng returned to Milan, they had already started their school life own.

Returning at this time, facing the empty villa, Vuong Phong felt empty in his heart. He lives alone so he doesn't feel like there's any problem. But after only a short summer of knowing each other, he got used to the noise of the two girls. Every time he practices at the gym, he will feel comfortable as long as he hears their voices.

Now, after becoming human again, he felt a bit uncomfortable. He shook his head with a wry smile and could only rely on training and working harder to alleviate this feeling.

But at this moment, suddenly there was a sound of the door opening behind him, he turned around and it was these two girls. Vuong Phong asked in surprise: "Today is not Monday, should you be at school?"

The younger sister replied: "It's not because I'm afraid of being lonely, so Lu Dieu suggested that I go home today, we take the afternoon off and come back to have a meal with you, then let me go with you." you gradually adapt to life without us.

Luc Dieu took the evening's ingredients and smiled and said: "We plan to go home first to prepare dinner for you, so you will think we haven't left all this time. I'm back so early."

Vuong Phong was a little touched, but still said: "Before, I didn't live alone, so how could I be so weak? Only then did he look like a stubborn nineteen year old boy.

This afternoon, for the first time, Vuong Phong did not practice but played with them, first playing games for a while, then playing in the indoor swimming pool, then going to the kitchen to cook together, laughing and having dinner, then just walked in. land of dreams.

Lu Yao and her sister return to school the next day, and Wang Feng will also start the new season.