Chapter 159

On the second day after returning to Milan after a short vacation, Vuong Phong went to Pinettina early in the morning to practice. He must adapt his physical condition to a competitive state as quickly as possible.

When he arrived at the training facility, the parking lot was empty without any cars. No wonder Vuong Phong is always the first to return to Pinettina.

When he arrived at the gym, he suddenly discovered the sound of practicing coming from inside. Could it be that someone came earlier than him, who was it?

Pushing the door to look inside, it turned out that Ribéry was the one who officially signed a contract with Inter Milan.

Seeing Vuong Phong enter, Franck Ribéry immediately stopped the device in his hand and ran to his side. A tough guy with a scar looked at him with grateful eyes, making him extremely uncomfortable.

"It's okay, you don't have to thank me. Whether you can stay at Inter Milan or not depends on your ability." Vuong Phong spoke first, Ribéry nodded: "I know, but without you, I wouldn't be like this at all." Opportunity."

The two then briefly discussed Ribéry's life after arriving at Inter Milan. He signed a one-year contract with Inter Milan and his weekly salary was 1,000 euros, much better than at Alès.

To save money, Ribéry now lives in Pinettina. Although the environment was not very good, he felt that everything was only temporary, and living at the training base had another advantage, which was being able to practice for a long time.

He arrived in Milan at the end of December and trained in Pinettina during the Lunar New Year.

Unlike ordinary luxurious French people, Ribéry has experienced difficulties in life so he firmly believes that working hard can seize opportunities, but Wang Feng is a little worried, afraid that he will Get injured if you work too hard. Anyway, unlike Vuong Phong, he has a special physique.

"You have to be careful if your body is overworked." Vuong Phong Vu said seriously: "Improper exercise can also cause big problems. Ribery nodded, and he also understood the truth that haste would be wasteful.

"Find time to talk to Hurt and ask him to give Ribéry a routine medical examination." Vuong Phong was worried that the club would ignore him. Anyway, Ribery is not famous right now, but since Vuong Phong is interested, they should also take it seriously.

There are still a few days left until the scheduled training session. Wang Feng finally had a partner for further training. Franck Ribéry is happy to train with Wang Feng. The two of them learn together, Vuong Phong can complete more training content.


On the official training camp day, everyone returned to Pinettina one by one. Vuong Phong introduced Ribéry to everyone.

After half a season off, Vieri finally practiced with the team and was cleared by the team doctor to appear on the field. He will rotate with Batistuta.

As for Recoba, injured not long ago, he is still in the hospital and has no return date in sight.

Cooper's original plan was to replace Recoba with Consicao, but since the warm-up match this season, Consicao's physical condition has clearly declined. He also used Consicao in the first matches of the season but it gradually became outdated.

Now that Consicao had not played ten rounds in a row, letting him replace Recoba would be a bad idea, so Cooper decided to try using Ribéry to see how this lineup worked.

The head coach organized a group confrontation within the team. Wang Feng led the reserve squad compared to the main squad, Ribéry suddenly appeared in Wang Feng's team.

Throughout the match, Ribéry was nervous and made a number of mistakes, but his excellent ball intelligence, forays and passing opportunities all made Cooper shine. But Ribéry didn't know that, he just felt like everything was bad and his future would be very dark.

At the end of the match, Vuong Phong scored two goals, the substitute players ended in a draw with the main players. Cooper was very dissatisfied with the main cast's acting and decided to leave them behind for more training, causing everyone to complain.

"Clearly, Vuong Phong's attack is too sharp." Dalma whispered, Materazzi passed by and said: "Don't complain, I think the coach is in a bad mood, make up for it carefully."

On the other side, Consicao walked to Vuong Phong's side: "Vuong, let's eat together tonight. I have something to tell you. Call my new brother to come with us."

Vuong Phong was a little skeptical, he didn't know what kind of medicine Khang Hi Thao sold in the gourd, but he still agreed.

..... After the three finished showering, they went to a restaurant near Lake Como.

Consicao ordered a bottle of ouzo and said, "Wang, let me have a glass today." Vuong Phong nodded: "What's wrong, are you in a bad mood?"

A new devouring web

Consicao looked at Ribéry with a wry smile and said: "I may have to leave Inter Milan." Vuong Phong was a bit surprised, but he also expected it, after all, he hadn't played for a long time.

"Actually, the head coach lost faith in me. He would force Ribéry to play without taking me seriously. This could be seen in today's training session."

Franck Ribéry felt a bit embarrassed when he heard these words. He also did not expect this situation. Consicao glanced at him and said humorously: "If I were ten years younger, I would definitely fight you to the end!

"But unfortunately I'm not young anymore and I know my condition well. In recent years, I played a bit too much, leading to a serious decline."

As the spokesman for Portugal's golden generation, Conceicao experienced his most glorious period at Lazio in the 1990s, but no matter how bright he was, he could not stop the erosion of time and temptation. .

Vuong Phong was a bit upset. Although Consicao was a bit unreliable, he was one of the first good friends that Vuong Phong made when he arrived at Inter Milan. Besides Materazzi and Zanetti, he is his closest friend. We know each other.

"Have you decided where to go yet?" » Vuong Phong asked gently.

"Initially I planned to return to Lazio. I negotiated with the club there. I was going to leave this summer, but with the way the younger generation behaved, I suddenly felt like I didn't have the strength to stay in the senior league. " Consicao said mockingly. "Probably Porto. Back home, I kind of miss the Portuguese coast."

That day, Vuong Phong, Ribéry and Consicao all drank a lot of alcohol. Vuong Phong was still sober, while Consicao and Ribéry were drunk to the point of mud.

Consicao himself wanted to get drunk, while Ribéry was completely drunk, he said he didn't care, but Consicao still wanted to embarrass the young man who took away his main strength, Wang Feng. That doesn't stop me either.

In the end, he had no choice but to call Materazzi and take them one by one to their residence. This incident made Vuong Phong very emotional. Famous generals from ancient times were like beautiful women, not allowed to see gray hair. He may face a similar situation as Consicao in the future.

In his heart, he secretly decided that he must persevere in training and prolong his peak period. If he really can't fight anymore, he will leave with his head held high instead of staying and being even more disgusted.