Chapter 164

After two months, the second leg of the Champions League group stage resumed the war. Inter Milan will travel to Barcelona to challenge La Liga powerhouse Barcelona.

In recent years, Barcelona has declined both inside and out. Coach Van Gaal stubbornly used the "Dutch Gang". The team's playing style is very chaotic. In this case, the first half of the match ended, Barcelona ranked only 12th in the La Liga rankings, and the Catalan media attacked the coach like snowflakes.

Cruyff, Barcelona's godfather, even wrote a series of articles directly insulting Van Gaal, saying he was "stubborn, incurable, must leave Barcelona immediately".

Van Gaal of course did not want to be outdone and responded many times in interviews. Because of the media's criticism, the psychology of Barcelona's players has become unbalanced.

In the utter chaos, Van Gaal unfortunately abandoned his course and fired coach Antić to take over Barcelona in the second half of the tournament. Although their form has recovered, they are still far from the Champions League next season. Therefore, Barcelona's Champions League this season must make every effort. Before the match, Antić encouraged the players: "Everyone, although Inter Milan is very strong, they are not invincible, whether they have shortcomings in defense or attack. Injuries are their weakness."

The players looked at the head coach with different expressions. Obviously, after temporarily putting out the fire, he still hasn't won everyone's trust.

..... On the evening of February 19, at Barcelona's Nou Camp, Barcelona and Inter Milan players stood side by side in the player channel, ready to enter the field.

Argentinian Riquelme looked curiously at Vuong Phong in front of Inter Milan's squad, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "He's so young!

Vuong Phong noticed his eyes so he turned his head, Riquelme smiled at him, Vuong Phong nodded, neither of them spoke.

Barcelona played a four-four-two formation in this match, and the goalkeeper was Bonano.

Defenders Reziger, Frank De Boer, Xavi, Puyol.

Midfielders Riquelme, Cocu, Overmars, Mendieta. Attackers Kluivert and Saviola.

Under the direction of the referee, the players from both sides entered the field and were greeted with applause and cheers that echoed throughout Camp Nou. Although Barcelona has had poor results this year, the number of spectators at home is still very impressive.

Barcelona took the lead in the match and Mendieta returned the ball to the backcourt. Their strategy in this match is to rely on controlling the pass to gradually penetrate the opponent's defense, so as not to rush to attack. Inter Milan applied a defensive counter-attack strategy and was in no hurry to speed up. Therefore, in the first half, the main battlefield of both sides was concentrated in the middle position, neither of them had a good opportunity to shoot.

At minute 34, Barcelona could not launch an attack. Kluivert was tackled by Materazzi in the front half, then passed to Dalma, who quickly distributed the ball to the left.

After Di Biagio received the ball, he left his position in front of the field, used his left foot to make a long diagonal pass and went straight towards Vuong Phong. Rezig and Harvey were standing next to him now. player.

Facing the oncoming ball, Vuong Phong suddenly began to occupy the landing point, with two defenders not far behind. Harvey even clung to Vuong Phong, using his hands and feet to tie him up.

Using his sharp senses, Vuong Phong stood at the first point of contact, raised his right foot and blocked the ball. The ball landed on Vuong Phong's foot, without any gaps throughout the process, as if stuck to his shoe.

Seeing this, Harvey became even more worried. Regardless of whether there was a chance to commit a foul or not, he raised his hand slightly and stabbed Vuong Phong. He quickly applied force to his lower limbs and lowered his center of gravity so he did not lose balance.

Vuong Phong immediately brought the ball up, then quickly escaped Harvey's entanglement, leaving only the Spanish goalkeeper with an unbelievable face. Just now, Harvey hit him and made him almost unable to stand, but Vuong Phong was able to resist. living? Before, he had always heard how excellent Vuong Phong was in opposition, this was every defender's nightmare, but today he finally saw it.

Harvey regained his composure and quickly chased after Vuong Phong, but saw Vuong Phong's speed. The unfortunate Spanish player discovered that even though he was accelerating with all his might, he was still gradually moving away. To stop Vuong Phong, he can only reach out his hand. Go arrest him, but this kind of mistake will definitely result in the death penalty.

In the blink of an eye, Vuong Phong entered the penalty area. Barcelona goalkeeper Bonano quickly blocked it, but Wang Feng suddenly threw the ball into the bottom right corner of the goal.

Bonanno was caught off guard and quickly fell to the ground to save, but was still one step late, the ball went over him and rolled into Barcelona's goal.

"goooooooooooooooooooo! The goal has been scored! Vuong Phong has opened the scoring for Inter Milan!"

"Vuong Phong tore through Barcelona's defense with his excellent ball-blocking skills and excellent confrontation ability! At this moment, the camera focused on Harvey, a surprised look still on his face."

"We can't blame him. Every defender in Serie A has had to endure Vuong Phong. His body doesn't look strong enough, but it contains enormous strength, no less than a center striker. »

"I still have to remind fans in front of the TV that Vuong Phong just turned nineteen years old, which means his body still has room to grow. UU Read God, I must protect Wang Feng. A minute of silence for the guardians."


Barcelona players seemed to remember the tragic match not long ago, their morale dropped to the lowest level, even the Camp Nou fans lost many enthusiastic voices.

Currently the team is in need of a banner player to lift everyone's spirits, but it is a pity that Barcelona currently does not have such a player. They continued to rotate their feet in midfield, using excellent passing and control skills to keep the ball at their feet but not attack, as if it was Inter Milan instead of them who were behind.

Inter Milan pressed too much, in order not to make mistakes in space, they could only line up to prevent Barcelona from attacking. In such a passive game, time passes quietly.

At the end of the match, Inter Milan had one more chance. Dalma dribbled the ball in the middle of the field and then passed it to Di Biagio on the left wing. The latter moves forward while waiting for a reaction from the other Inter players.

Near the penalty area, Barcelona full-back Reziger stepped forward to intercept, but Di Biagio stepped on the ball and slid in the opposite direction, then caught the ball and pushed it into the middle.

Wang Feng responded, collected the ball and picked out Harvey from the Marseille penalty area on the edge of the penalty area. After taking two horizontal steps, he touched the goal straight with the outside of his right foot.

The ball arced and entered the net from the top right corner of the goal. Goalkeeper Bonano made a complete save but could not touch the ball.

2:0! Inter Milan defeated Barcelona.

After the match, looking at the Barcelona players bowing their heads one by one as they entered the dressing room, Vuong Phong felt the team needed to be rebuilt.