Chapter 176

"Congratulations, Wang." After the game, Shevchenko walked towards Wang Feng and said with a forced smile. He took the initiative to shake hands and hug Wang Feng to celebrate his goal and victory.

There was only one goal in the two rounds, and it was this goal that allowed AC Milan to end this year's Champions League journey, which was an extremely heavy blow to them.

To make matters worse, they are also at a disadvantage in the competition for the league championship.

"Thank you, you guys performed very well. I thought it would be a penalty shootout." Wang Feng said. He has never experienced a cruel penalty shootout since his debut.

Shevchenko smiled wryly and shook his head. He knew very well in his heart that in the 180 minutes of the two rounds, Inter Milan had the same chances as them. Even because of his special marking on Wang Feng, he didn't play much.

Under such circumstances, AC Milan's striker missed opportunities again and again, but Wang Feng was able to seize the only weak spot and kill the enemy with one blow.

"We won't admit defeat until the last moment of the league." Shevchenko said stubbornly. Even if the hope is slim, if Inter Milan wins the next round, they can win the championship early. He doesn't like to hand over the fate to the enemy. superior.


After talking with Andriy Shevchenko and exchanging jerseys, Wang Feng walked towards the player tunnel and saw Ancelotti, the head coach of AC Milan. He took the initiative to greet him, and Ancelotti put his arms around Wang Feng and said : "Wang, I really like your playing style, coaching you must be a happy thing."

Wang Feng smiled and did not speak. As the number one star of Inter Milan, it is almost impossible for him to switch to AC Milan. Ancelotti did not continue this topic, but encouraged: "The next step is the ultimate match with Real Madrid. Let's face it, you have to make persistent efforts and strive to help Serie A regain a Champions League trophy."

Another matchup in the Champions League semi-final also decided the winner at the same time. Real Madrid and Juventus scored 1:1 in two rounds. In the end, Real Madrid eliminated the Bianconeri with away goals.

For Real Madrid, Inter Milan is both unfamiliar and familiar. There has been no official confrontation between the clubs for several years, but Zidane, Ronaldo and others in the Real Madrid team have all left Serie A.

The current Real Madrid is a star shining in the true sense. Carlos, Salgado, Hierro, Elguera, Makelele and others in the midfield are all top-level in the world, and there is Zidane in the frontcourt. Figo, Raul and Ronaldo et al.

It can be said that the Galaxy Battleship at this time has no obvious shortcomings or flaws in any aspect. They only need to set up a formation to attack Inter Milan's weak defense line, and Inter Milan, which is full of wounded soldiers, cannot resist it.

"When Ronaldo was interviewed, he said with confidence that he would bring back the 10th Champions League trophy for Real Madrid. It seems that he is very clear about the weakness of your Inter Milan defense. You must be careful." Chelotti reminded kindly.


When the Inter Milan bus left the stadium, fans had already crowded both sides of the road, holding homemade placards and shaking desperately, all of them were words of cheering, and many people called Wang Feng's name, even He could still hear clearly in the car.

"Your popularity is too invincible." Zanetti sighed, this is a matter of course, the last time Inter Milan reached the Champions League final, but also traced back to the distant 1972.

At that time, their opponent in the final was Ajax, the Eredivisie overlord who had not yet fallen. At the Feyenoord Stadium, the Nerazzurri lost 0:2 to their opponents and passed the championship trophy.

That game allowed Ajax to successfully defend the Champions League title, and in the next season, they even achieved three consecutive championships, which shows the strength of Jiafu.

It is a pity that after the introduction of the Bosman Act, the loss of personnel in the team was serious, and eventually declined into a small club, which could only rely on youth training to train young players to sell money for a living.

Speaking of Inter Milan, since that year, the team has never been able to break into the Champions League final. The club has continuously introduced superstars, Altobelli, Matthaus, Bremer, Klinsmann, Vieri, Ronaldo , They failed to win glory for Inter Milan on the Champions League stage.

Thirty-one years! For the self-proclaimed wealthy Inter Milan fans, how desperate it is to miss the Champions League final for 31 years. And at this time Wang Feng appeared, like a savior, he eliminated Valencia with two shocking goals, beat AC Milan at the last moment, and abruptly led Inter Milan back to the top stage.

How can such a player not be sought after by fans? More and more people gathered together just to shout out the name they admired, Wang Feng!

The scene was chaotic for a while. Some fans were squeezed onto the road, blocking the driving route of the bus. The security personnel tried their best to maintain order at the scene, and it took more than half an hour to re-open the road.

As the bus drove, many fans were still chasing after them. They followed the bus all the way to the highway intersection before being stopped. Wang Feng and his team members watched all this in the car, everyone was full of shock and excitement. pride.

This is Inter Milan fans! They lived up to the expectations of this group!

"I don't know how the city will celebrate when we take home the Big Ear" Di Biagio said with a look of hope.

"It's not just the Big Ears Cup." Wang Feng's voice came: "When we hold five trophies in our hands and hold a grand championship parade, the whole city will be overwhelmed by us."

There is a strong fighting spirit in everyone's eyes. If they can accomplish this feat, they will be forever engraved in the history of the Inter Milan team and will also leave a strong mark in the history of world football.


The next day, sports media all over the world reported the two semi-finals of the UEFA Champions League. Real Madrid relied on away goals to win with difficulty, and Inter Milan won the Milan derby with a lore.

The re-brilliant Inter Milan faces the superstar-studded Galaxy Battleship, which undoubtedly makes the fans and media all over the world full of expectations, and how Ronaldo, the new European Ballon d'Or and World Footballer of the Year winner, will face his former owner. Tao topic.

"The Great Era of Rebirth"

Can Wang Feng continue his miraculous performance and help Inter Milan win the long-awaited honor?

"See you at Old Trafford." Ronnie called Wang Feng and said, "I didn't expect that we would meet in the final. I won't show mercy." I have noticed that Real Madrid is declining, and this year may be the last glorious opportunity!

"We don't need you to show mercy." Wang Feng said firmly, "I've wanted to formally compete with you for a long time, see you Ronnie on the field!"