Chapter 189

The sky was clear blue and it was another rare beautiful weather. Wang Feng quietly arrived at Shanghai International Airport with his younger sisters Wang Tian and Lu Yao.

After the championship parade, Wang Feng's relatives and friends returned to China first. As expected, they were surrounded by many media and fans at the airport, but these people were certainly disappointed that Vuong Phong was not with them.

They only returned home three days later because they did not want to cause chaos. Although there were still knowledgeable reporters standing guard, Vuong Phong and others disguised themselves to "escape" and asked for help from airport staff.

"It's so embarrassing. Luckily, I didn't choose to be a star." » my sister said with lingering fear. According to his mother's description, the first day they returned to China, the entire airport was blocked, with countless flashing lights and noise problems. . Vuong Phong smiled. It's not that he didn't want to face the national media and fans, he just didn't want everyone gathering at the airport. It would be a pity if something unexpected happened. In fact, he will accept an interview from the sports station when he returns to China this time to visit the youth A training camp of new champion Shanghai Shenhua and interact with fans there.

In addition, through the efforts of all parties, Inter Milan decided to launch a tour to China and held several warm-up matches with domestic clubs, including Shanghai Shenhua, Dalian Shi and other teams. another strong. .....

After a long season, Vuong Phong has just started his vacation and has not immediately practiced intensively. Instead, he simply maintained his football skills while enjoying those days off. Can't help but be a little lazy.

Seeing that Vuong Phong did not have the enthusiasm to practice, his sister immediately suggested going to Suzhou and Hangzhou to play: "Up above there is heaven, below there is Suzhou and Hangzhou." I visited him once before and I felt like I still had work to do. Go again."

Vuong Phong was a bit emotional, because he had never been there, it was surprising that Luc Dieu had not been there either. "There was so much to learn when I was young that I rarely traveled." She explained with a smile.

The three of them immediately fought, and the younger sister said: "This time we will do something different, first go to Suzhou to have fun, then rent a boat to sail along the Grand Canal to Hangzhou. in a long time!"

"Ronin of Douluo"

Vuong Phong was stunned: "Is there still such a way?" The younger sister looked at him and said: "As long as you have money, what do you get?" Binh Dam song."

"If I hadn't been a little scared at that time, I would have chosen this path a long time ago. It's so romantic!"

The younger sister, always strong and determined, soon spent a lot of money to buy a small luxury boat with five guest rooms and full equipment on board, but this time her family did not mean it. intend to play with them. , and the "travel group" always consists of the three of them.

The boat will depart in the afternoon and arrive in Hangzhou in about 7 hours. My sister's plan was to arrive in Suzhou two days in advance, then take a boat to Hangzhou after shopping.

With a younger sister as their guide, Wang Feng and Lu Yao were eye-opening and a feast for the eyes. Lu Yao couldn't help but joke: "Xiaotian, I think you should study tourism instead of fine arts."

The younger sister snorted and said in a low voice: "For what purpose did you make such a difficult plan? Let me tell you, you have to take it off for me when you get on the painting boat. Clumsy?"

Lu Yao was embarrassed when he heard these words. For many years, his relationship with Vuong Phong was just the last straw, so his sister suggested that he break it off: "What's going on?" Women in the new era must dare to love and dare to hate, and my brother is really stubborn, how much longer do you want to wait?

When the three people got on the boat, it was still sunny and the summer temperature was very high, so in the cabin they listened to songs. The staff carefully prepared fruits and cakes, listening to pingtan while blowing the air conditioner. It's really fun, no wonder my sister remembers this way of playing.

The pipa player is a girl from Hangzhou. She was very excited to know that it was Vuong Phong, so she immediately took him to take a photo together: "You look even more handsome than on TV. Our whole family likes him very much. My brother also said he wanted to play football, he is the pride of our Chinese people!"

Vuong Phong smiled in response to his request for an autograph and wrote words of encouragement to his younger brother. It is unclear how many children in China were inspired by Wang Feng to love football, if only one percent. If you can embark on the path of professional football, the land of Chinese football will become very fertile.

In the evening, after dinner, Vuong Phong and Lo Dao went to the bow of the boat. The temperature had dropped a bit and the warm breeze felt pleasant on my cheeks. It looks amazing. "Now we feel like we've traveled through time and space. Do you think the ancients would have played like that?" Luc Dieu turned around and asked.

She turned around slightly, the wind moved her silky straight hair, her delicate face and delicate skin were flawless under the rays of the setting sun, her white clothes seemed to radiate golden light, forming the bow of the boat, the canal and the buildings on the shore A stunning visual roll.

Vuong Phong was fascinated by it, he would never forget this scene his whole life. Many years later, when reading Vuong Duy's book "Sailboats on blue waves, people swimming in paintings", he couldn't help but think that the name of the poem and the name of Buddha were worthy. Seeing Vuong Phong looking straight at him, Lo Dao lowered his eyelids and his face turned red. At this time, the boat suddenly shook a bit, Lu Dieu was surprised and could not sit still.

Wang Feng rushed to Lu Yao rolled over and fell into his arms. He only felt that his arms were full of fragrant jade, and the beauty in his arms seemed soft and boneless. Kittens are also very soft and fluffy. Lo Dao raised her head and looked at Vuong Phong with big, watery eyes. Her face was red but determined. Vuong Phong's mouth was dry and he stammered: "I... I..."

Lo Dieu used his small hand to hold Vuong Phong's hand tightly, and placed his other hand on her waist, burying her small face in his chest.

As they kissed, Vuong Phong finally mustered up the courage and whispered: "I like you."

Luc Dao didn't speak but hugged her even tighter. She responded to Vuong Phong with her actions. At that time, the 19-year-old boy and the 18-year-old girl began to love each other.

Not knowing how much time passed, a cough broke the calm, and the two quickly separated. Luc Dieu blushed, turned his head to the side, wanting to pull his small hand away, but Vuong Phong still reluctantly held it. Lu Yao tried twice and failed. Success depends on him.

Vuong Thien looked at the two meaningfully, suddenly pretending to be sad and angry and said: "Luc Dao, I didn't expect, I didn't expect, I consider you a sister, but you want to be mine." sister-in-law!"

Lu Yao immediately shouted in disagreement: "Xiao Tian! Vuong Thien waved his hand: "Just kidding, just kidding. Fengyao Group can announce now.

Vuong Phong felt a bit embarrassed when he heard this sentence: "You all know?" His sister interrupted him contemptuously: "The next day Bamond told us that he had Sima Zhao's heart for Dao Dao, everyone knew that.

Vuong Phong was embarrassed, but Lu Dieu said softly: "My heart makes you happy, do you know, I have had you in my heart for a long time." Click to download this site's app, Great Novels, read for free!