Chapter 276

not far away with a complicated expression. You still lose to him. If he had scored a penalty at that time, would things have been different?


Ronaldinho followed the Barcelona players out of the field without greeting Wang Feng. Vuong Phong wanted to exchange jerseys with him, but was enthusiastically surrounded by teammates and staff so he had to give up.

Inter Milan President Moratti also arrived at the stadium at this time. He held Vuong Phong's hand, constantly trembling: "Thank you, thank you! This trophy will become the foundation of the giant Inter Milan. I forged it!"

"You will be the greatest player in the history of Inter Milan, without exception!"

At that time, they did not know that three years later, in 2009, UEFA officially canceled the clause on the eternal trophy and Inter Milan became the last team to meet the condition.

Thinking back to that time, Inter Milan fans cannot help but admire and admire Vuong Phong. His title as the number one player in the history of his team has been fully affirmed, and UU Reading will never be shaken.

After a short busy period, the podium was quickly set up. UEFA President Johansson stood next to the trophy, waiting for the champion and runner-up to go on stage to receive their awards.

The finalist took the stage first and all the Barcelona players bowed. They were so close to winning the championship but still missed out. Johansson whispered into Ronaldinho's ear and patted the Brazilian player on the back.

Champion Inter Milan had an epic final. After being rejected many times, Zanetti still let Vuong Phong hold the trophy, so in the end it was him.

A familiar medal hung around Johansson's neck, the UEFA president smiled and said: "Congratulations Vuong, I am honored to witness the legend!"

"Now please accept your eternal trophy." Having finished speaking, he gathered the cast of the 1994 Saint Brad Cup and gave it to Wang Feng. Truong Tu

Real Madrid won their first title in 1966, Ajax won their second in 1973, Bayern won their third in 1976, AC Milan won their fourth in 1994 and now it's Inter's turn to take fifth place. The second time he held the trophy in his hand, Vuong Phong felt completely different from the first time, because at that time he knew the trophy should be returned before the finals of his second year, but now he had it in his hand. your hand, you don't need to return it anymore, it will be preserved forever. In the club's trophy room, the feeling of achievement was overwhelming. control big owls

Holding the trophy high, accompanied by fireworks, all team members shouted: "We are champions!"

Stade de France instantly turned into an ocean of celebration. No matter how many years pass, everyone will remember this night, and remember that another giant created a legend!