
The next morning, while Joseph, Erina, and Jennifer were having breakfast, Eliza approached them with a determined look on her face. She spoke, "Once you've finished breakfast, come with me. I want to show you something of great importance." said Eliza with her serious tone.

After finishing their breakfast, Joseph and Erina followed Eliza to a remote location where the motherbase had landed. They arrived at a quaint church located far away from the bustling city. Eliza led them inside, and as she opened the door, a wave of excitement washed over her as a group of children rushed forward, greeting her with smiles and cheers, "Eliza!"

Eliza's stoic demeanor turned into a warm smile as she interacted with the children. They eagerly inquired about her whereabouts, and Eliza kindly explained that she had been away on important business. Joseph and Erina, somewhat bewildered, asked about the children's background and who they were.

"These children are orphans," Eliza began to explain, her gaze filled with empathy. "I rescued them during a previous operation. Their families were tragically lost in the chaos of war, and I couldn't bear to see them suffer. So, I decided to take them under my care and provide them with shelter here in the church. If I hadn't intervened, they might have met even grimmer fates."

Turning her attention to the children, Eliza introduced Joseph and Erina and asked them to be kind and welcoming. The children responded with a chorus of agreement.

Suddenly, the father and sisters of the church approached them, with the Pope among them. He expressed his delight at seeing Eliza again and inquired about her visit.

"Father Guera," Eliza began, "it's been too long since my last visit. I missed these children and had some free time, so I decided to come and check on them. I also wanted to introduce Joseph and Erina to this wonderful place."

Eliza inquired further, asking Father Guera about the overall well-being of the children and their situation in the church. The priest's response was positive, reassuring Eliza that everything was going well. He expressed gratitude for the strawberry seeds Eliza had brought earlier, mentioning that they were growing beautifully, and he added that the children were delighted.

Eliza's face lit up with a genuine smile as she responded, "I'm so glad to hear that the children are happy here." Her concern for their welfare was evident, and she seemed genuinely pleased by the positive report from the church.

Joseph, still pondering the events of the previous night, questioned Eliza's intentions for bringing him to the church. Eliza, her voice filled with empathy and wisdom, explained her reasoning to him.

"Joseph, I understand what happened to you last night, and that's precisely why I brought you here. I hope that being in this place, surrounded by these children, will help clear your mind and provide you with a renewed sense of purpose. Sometimes, reflecting on the innocence and hope of these young lives can help us find the reasons we fight for."

Joseph nodded in gratitude, appreciating Eliza's thoughtfulness. "Thank you, boss. You're right. Being here and seeing these children has given me a fresh perspective, and it reminds me why I'm here."

With a warm smile, Erina gently held Joseph's hand, and Eliza continued to express her encouragement.

"Great to hear that from you, Joseph. Feel free to spend some time with these children. It can be quite refreshing and inspiring," Eliza said, her tone carrying a sense of hope for Joseph's emotional well-being.

Joseph turned to Eliza, his expression curious. "Aren't you going to tell this to Asher and Felix?"

Eliza nodded with determination. "Of course, I will inform them about this soon."

After spending a heartwarming day with the children, Joseph and Erina decided to leave the church. As night blanketed the city, they walked hand in hand through the illuminated streets, enjoying the quiet serenity that the nighttime brought.

The city's lights shimmered like distant stars, casting a warm glow on their faces. They strolled through the bustling streets, the soft hum of conversations and the occasional laughter of passersby filling the air. For a moment, the world felt peaceful and still.

Joseph turned to Erina and smiled, his eyes reflecting the city's vibrant colors. "Erina, thank you for being here with me today. It means a lot."

Erina returned his smile, her gaze filled with affection. "Joseph, I'm always here for you. We'll face whatever challenges come our way, together."

Joseph's warm smile grew even brighter as he gently placed the necklace around Erina's neck. When she opened her eyes, a delicate pendant adorned with a tiny, sparkling gem before her. 

"Thank you, Joseph," she said, her eyes shimmering with gratitude and affection.

Erina paused for a moment, a thoughtful expression on her face. "But to think that I didn't have anything to give you... Oh, that's right." She carefully removed her own bracelet and held it out to Joseph.

He accepted the bracelet with a smile and carefully fastened it around his wrist. The simple yet meaningful exchange of gifts strengthened the bond between them, symbolizing their connection and the promise of always being there for each other.

Erina continued with a heartfelt expression, "You know, Joseph, what I like about you the most? Even though you can be a bit dense at times, you're always honest, responsible, and true to yourself. You always try to make me feel better."

Her words were filled with sincerity and admiration for Joseph's qualities, making him feel even more cherished and appreciated.

Joseph blushed and replied, "Well, isn't that what we're supposed to do with someone we've known for so long?"

Erina chuckled at Joseph's comment, realizing once again how endearing his denseness could be. "You never cease to amaze me," she said with a playful tone.

Joseph quickly clarified, "I mean, you're important to me, just like Jennifer is."

Erina smiled and nodded, understanding his sentiment. "I know, Joseph."

Erina continued, her gaze softening as she looked into Joseph's eyes. "Joseph, I can see it in your eyes. They reflect everything."

Joseph nodded in agreement. "Yes, I've never killed anyone, not even during the operation. When Asher and Felix, the Hell Brothers, were hired to kill me, I couldn't bring myself to end their lives. Even during the worm attack, my instincts told me they wanted to live."

Joseph continued, his voice carrying a sense of earnestness. "I'm trying to avoid making enemies with anyone. We're all human beings, and we'll never truly understand each other if we're constantly pitted against our own kind."

"Seems like the day we met that mysterious old man really opened your eyes, Joseph," Erina remarked with a knowing smile.

"Yes, you're right, Erina. I hope that we can discover the truth about the Surface," Joseph replied with a determined look in his eyes.

As they walked together, they returned to Joseph's backyard workshop. Joseph couldn't help but reminisce as he looked around. "This brings back a lot of memories," he said, his voice tinged with nostalgia.

As the sun began to set, casting long shadows in Joseph's backyard workshop, the mysterious old man once again appeared, his presence as enigmatic as ever. Joseph couldn't hide his surprise. "You again?" he exclaimed.

The mysterious old man nodded, his eyes holding secrets of their own. "Long time no see, Joseph. It seems you've become a mech pilot."

Joseph confirmed, "Yes, I've become a mech pilot."

The mysterious old man leaned in, his voice low and cryptic. "Joseph, the truth is, your mother is still alive."

Joseph and Erina were both taken aback by this revelation. "Mother is still alive?" Joseph asked, his shock evident.

"Yes, Joseph. Do not worry about your mother; she's safe. Perhaps fate will bring you two together. Farewell, Joseph," said the mysterious old man, his words hanging in the air like a whispered promise.

"W-wait!" Joseph called out, but the old man disappeared as mysteriously as he had arrived.

"Mother... she's alive," Joseph whispered, his voice filled with a mixture of shock and hope.

Erina placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "I'm so glad your mother is still alive," she said, her eyes reflecting his relief.

Joseph nodded, still processing the revelation. "Yes... but we don't know where she is."

Erina squeezed his shoulder gently. "We better head back to The Silver Prism Motherbase, Joseph. "

Joseph agreed, his determination returning. "You're right, Erina. Let's head back."

The next day at the cafeteria, Joseph, Erina, and Jennifer sat down together for breakfast. Eliza joined them, and Joseph turned to Jennifer with a question in his eyes.

"Jennifer, do you remember the day you found me?" Joseph asked, his curiosity evident.

Jennifer nodded, her gaze distant as she recalled the memories. "Yes, I remember. It was during the 25 years of war, a time of chaos and destruction. My family was taken away from me by the war, and I was left alone, struggling to survive. But one day, I heard a baby crying, and that baby was you, Joseph. I decided to take care of you."

Eliza chimed in, offering additional context, "The war, known as The Void War, lasted for a quarter of a century, and its cause remained a mystery. But perhaps that engineer named Luther might hold some answers."

Jennifer turned to Joseph, her eyes filled with empathy, and asked, "Joseph, why did you ask about that?"

Joseph met her gaze and replied, "I just wanted to know if you happened to see my Mother..."

Jennifer's expression softened as she responded, "I'm sorry, Joseph, but I don't know."

"It's okay, Jennifer. Thank you anyway," Joseph said, appreciating her honesty.

Joseph explained to Jennifer, "My mother was somehow related to GENESIS. Perhaps she might have been someone involved in creating the GENESIS core, the mech I use now."

Meanwhile, in the Empire of Crimson Land, a place ruled by the Crimson Queen, Karina was engrossed in her painting. A gentle knock on the door preceded the entrance of Benedict, her loyal butler. "What is it, Benedict?" Karina inquired with an air of regal indifference.

Benedict, replied, "My Queen, the Azure King himself has arrived. He is at your palace at this very moment."

Karina in her cold presence and responded calmly " I see lets him visit"

As the Azure King, Alastair Vanderbilt, and his royal guard entered the room, they found Crimson Queen engrossed in her painting. Karina, still in her cold and composed demeanor, acknowledged his presence. "To think that you, Alastair Vanderbilt, the Azure King, have graced my palace with your presence," she said calmly, her face unyielding.

Alastair responded, "Crimson Queen, I come in peace with a request."

"Even the Azure King, my sworn enemy, comes in peace. What is it that you wish, Alastair? Are you surrendering yourself?" Karina inquired, her tone laced with irony.

"I am here to propose a union between our houses. I wish for your daughter, Scarlett Winstanley, to marry my son, Ashfield Vanderbilt," Alastair declared.

Karina chuckled in response, her cold demeanor unwavering. "So, you believe that peace can be attained through the marriage of my daughter to your son? Do you forget what you did to my husband? I shall not allow my daughter to marry your son."

"If you are truly sincere about seeking peace, perhaps you should have the courage to reveal the secrets of your actions during The Void War," said Karina, the Crimson Queen, her piercing gaze fixed upon Alastair.

As the Azure King, deeply affected by the Crimson Queen's words, turned to leave and return to the Empire of Azure Star, his own domain, he happened to pass by Scarlett, the daughter of the Crimson Queen. She leaned against the wall beside the door. After the Azure King had left, Scarlett gently knocked on the door and entered the room.

"Mother, why did they come?" Scarlett asked, her voice tinged with both fear and respect.

"That man, Azure King, requested that his son marry you. I've never trusted that man," said the Crimson Queen.

"But why, Mother?" asked Scarlett.

The Crimson Queen remained silent, her focus on her painting.

"Mother, why? I'm your daughter, and if it's related to our family matters, I have a right to know. You don't have to keep it a secret," said Scarlett, doing her best to confront her mother despite her fear of her.

Suddenly, Karina stopped painting and rushed over to Scarlett. She reached out to her, and Scarlett instinctively defended herself, fearing her mother's wrath. But to her surprise, her mother, the Crimson Queen, hugged her and gently patted her head.

"I know it is, but I don't want to explain it to you just yet. Seeing you like this, I know you're still not ready, and that's why I've always acted this way towards everyone, even Azure King," her mother explained.

"Is it related to our father? Mother, I miss him so much," Scarlett said, her eyes filled with longing, not knowing the truth about her father's fate during the Void War when she was still a baby.

Karina remained silent for a moment before changing the subject. "What about your friend, Joseph, right? If you happen to meet him, tell him that I would like to see him," she said, her tone soft and uncharacteristically gentle.

Scarlett replied with a mixture of fear and respect, "Yes, Mother." She couldn't believe her eyes and ears. This was the first time she had ever seen her mother's soft side. Karina The Crimson Queen she used to know was always cold and strict, even towards her daughter. This change was something she never expected. It made her realize how different things were now.