The Will of Rulers

As Ashfield Vanderbilt entered Karina's chamber, Karina inquired, "What is the purpose of your visit?"

Ashfield replied, "It concerns my father."

Karina probed further, "Your father?"

Ashfield began to explain, "I am aware of your resentment towards my father, for all that he has done."

Karina maintained her composure and asked, "And?"

Ashfield continued, "Yesterday, I learned that he visited your palace. He intended to propose a marriage between me and your daughter, Scarlett Winstanley, but I refused."

Karina responded firmly, "Good. I have no intention of having my daughter marry into your family." She then added, "Ashfield, I recognize that you are a good man, different from your father. However, what your father has done makes it difficult for me to forgive him."

Unwavering in his determination to convey his remorse, Ashfield bowed deeply before Karina, offering a heartfelt apology for his father's actions. Though Karina did not immediately accept the apology, Ashfield knew he had done what he could. With a sense of conviction, he departed for the Empire of Azure Star, hoping that his actions would someday bridge the gap between their two worlds.

As he returned to Empire of Azure Star. The Empire of Azure Star, a land of unparalleled magnificence, stands as a beacon of technological marvels and power. Nestled within its gleaming, towering citadels, it is a testament to human innovation and ambition. Here, the skies are pierced by colossal skyscrapers that seem to scrape the heavens, adorned with shining glass and metal, reflecting the azure skies above.

The cityscape is a fusion of ancient traditions and cutting-edge technology, a place where history and progress coexist. Its heart pulses with the energy of countless industries, where the hum of machinery and the brilliance of neon lights illuminate the bustling streets.

The citizens of Azure Star live in a world where the possibilities of science and engineering know no bounds. Yet, amidst the grandeur and splendor.

As Ashfield returned to the Empire of Azure Star, his father, Alastair Vanderbilt, the Azure King himself, confronted him, his voice resonating authority and power, "My son, where have you been?"

Ashfield Vanderbilt hesitated briefly before responding, "I visited the Empire of Crimson Land, Father."

The Azure King raised an eyebrow, a hint of curiosity in his eyes. "And what was the reason for your visit?"

Unwilling to disclose the truth, Ashfield resorted to a lie, "It was concerning my potential marriage with Princess Scarlett, Father."

The Azure King's lips curled into a knowing smile. "So, what was her answer?"

Ashfield replied, his voice tinged with feigned disappointment, "It seems I was rejected, Father. But I am determined to try again."

A sinister laughter emanated from the Azure King. "You need not worry, my son. We won't require a second attempt. We will achieve our goal by more... we will kidnapping Crimson Queen daughter Princess Scarlett Winstanley ."

Ashfield's shock was palpable, leaving him silent and conflicted.

Meanwhile in the Empire of Crimson Land

As Scarlett knocked gently on her mother's door, she entered and inquired, "Mother, what was the reason he came here?"

Karina, known for her cold presence, replied, "He came regarding your potential marriage." She chose not to reveal the truth about the Azure King's intentions, shielding her daughter from the dark past.

Karina continued,"So? Do you wish to marry him?"

Scarlett replied with sincerity, "I apologize, Mother. I have no desire to marry him, even if he's from royal blood and quite handsome." Said Scarlett while she already had her feelings for Joseph.

By hearing those words from Scarlett, Karina fell into a contemplative silence. She then gently spoke to her daughter, "Feel free to invite him again, to visit us."

Scarlett, in joyful disbelief, asked, "You mean Joseph?"

Karina remained silent.

Scarlett beamed with happiness and gratitude. "Thank you, Mother. I will invite him again." She bowed respectfully toward her mother and left the room.

As her daughter departed, Karina, the Crimson Queen, couldn't help but smile softly. She murmured to the picture of Alice, "Even though I don't want you to marry Azure King's son, to think that this young man, Joseph, has managed to make my daughter happy... I wonder if you're happy too, Alice."

Meanwhile in Silver Prism Motherbase

Meanwhile, in the Silver Prism Motherbase, Eliza received a call. She nodded and said, "Yes, of course, okay." After ending the call, she summoned Joseph to her office. When Joseph arrived, she informed him, "Crimson Queen wants to see you again. Today is your rest day, so go visit them."

Joseph responded, "Again? Oh, alright. I'll go visit them."

As Joseph arrived at the entrance of the Empire of Crimson Land, he was warmly greeted by Scarlett. She approached him with a joyful smile. "Hey, Joseph, how have you been? I apologize if I've disturbed your day."

Joseph returned her smile. "Hey, Scarlett. It's been a while since I last visited. I'm doing well, and no need to apologize."

Scarlett continued, "My mother wanted to see you, Joseph."

Joseph nodded and replied, "Your mother? Alright, let's go visit her."

As Scarlett and Joseph took their seats, Karina the Crimson Queen began, "So, Joseph, how's your job?"

Joseph replied, "Yes, I'm doing fine." He continued, "Scarlett, do you remember the worm that attacked us during the test? We encountered it, but we managed to defeat it. Afterward, a mysterious boy suddenly appeared. He claimed to be that worm, with his soul trapped inside the machine. The boy told me he wanted me to save one of them, as many of these children have become mindless machines... they're from the Children of Eden."

As Karina and Scarlett heard that, Karina added, "I see... I never knew that the ARTIFICIAL was secretly involved with those children. There might be someone working together with the ARTIFICIAL for the Children of Eden project."

Scarlett chimed in, "I think so too, Mother."

Karina the Crimson Queen then turned to Joseph and asked, "So, Joseph, do you have any more questions?"

Joseph replied, "Oh yeah, I have one question... What is the sign that someone is meant to be the next ruler?"

Karina responded, "If you want to know the answer, come with me." She led Joseph and Scarlett to the outside of the palace, where they arrived at the Crimson Sea.

Karina continued, "To become a ruler, someone must marry an existing ruler or have royal blood within them. The greatest sign, however, is someone inheriting the Will of Rulers."

Joseph, in surprise, asked, "The Will of Rulers?"

Karina raised her hands and shouted at the Crimson Sea. The sea responded with its waves and flows. "This is the sign we call the Will of Rulers, although it's not yet fully realized."

Scarlett and Joseph were both in awe.

Joseph, for fun, raised his hand as well, and to his surprise, Karina the Crimson Queen responded "someone wants to be a ruler?" Joseph laughed, and then he added, "I guess I'm just full of imagination."

Scarlett chuckled at Joseph's playful attempt. Meanwhile, Karina, the Crimson Queen, remained silent for a moment, and then she continued, "You understand, don't you? Being a ruler is not easy. We have many responsibilities, and we do it to protect what matters most."

As Karina left the two of them and returned to her room, she couldn't help but dwell on the moment when Joseph raised his hand, at the Crimson Sea. She thought to herself, "How can this be? Is it true, or is it just my imagination? I have a feeling that this young man might have inherited The Will of Rulers, or perhaps I'm mistaken?"

As Joseph and Scarlett stood by the Crimson Sea, they enjoyed the moment together. Scarlett decided to make her feelings known and hesitantly began, "Joseph..."

Joseph turned to her and replied, "Yes, Scarlett?"

With her face turning a shade of red, Scarlett bravely confessed, "I... I'm in love with you, Joseph." Shyness filled her voice.

Joseph, taken aback, questioned, "Are you sure, Scarlett? You won't regret it? Loving someone of a lower class like me?"

Scarlett responded, "I don't care, Joseph. The more I resist these feelings, the stronger they become. I can't help it."

Joseph, conflicted, said, "But... I already have someone."

"I know, Joseph," Scarlett admitted. "But I can't help how I feel. It's okay for me and with the power I had, I can protect you Joseph."

Scarlett decide to begin her fist move by kissing Joseph. After their kiss, Joseph was briefly lost for words, but Scarlett smiled at him, bringing warmth to the moment. As she spoke, Joseph hesitated, "Y-yes, looks like I have to go."

Scarlett walked him to the entrance of the Empire of Crimson Land, and as he was about to leave, she waved goodbye. Joseph returned to the Silver Prism Motherbase, leaving Scarlett behind.

Upon her return to her mother, Karina, the Crimson Queen asked, "You love him, don't you?"

Scarlett, still a bit shocked by the direct question, managed to reply with a shy smile, "Y-yes, Mother... But..."

Karina, in her calm demeanor, inquired further, "But?"

Scarlett then explained her worries, "But, Mother, he has someone else..."

Karina the Crimson Queen reassured her, "Then it's okay if he has someone else. If he wants to marry both you and his lover, I don't mind. He's a good man. Don't let him slip away."

Scarlett, relieved by her mother's understanding, replied, "Yes, Mother. I will do my best."

Karina smiled and said, "That's my daughter."