On Duty

As Joseph and Hell Brothers return safely in the Silver Prism Motherbase. Erina and Jennifer rushed towards Joseph as he disembarked from GENESIS, their expressions filled with both relief and concern. Erina's eyes showing a mix of worry and joy. Jennifer, too, couldn't hide the anxiety she felt during the intense battle.

"Joseph, you had us so worried," Erina said, her voice a mixture of relief and scolding.

Jennifer added, "I can't believe the risks you take sometimes. But I'm glad you're safe."

Joseph, feeling the genuine concern from his friends, smiled and reassured them, "I'm okay, really. GENESIS and I made it through, thank you"

Eliza approached Joseph and Hell Brothers, a subtle sense of pride in her eyes. "You did well out there. Now, take some time to rest."

As Eliza made her way back to her room, a discreet message notification blinked on her holographic interface. It was a coded message from Jerricho, signifying the urgency of his secret operation. Without hesitation, she initiated contact with him, delving into the intricate web of covert communications.

Jerricho's voice resonated through the communication channel, carrying a tone of intrigue. "Hey boss, seems like there's something coming up that's right up your alley."

"What is it, Jerricho?" inquired Eliza, her curiosity piqued.

Jerricho's voice held a somber note as he revealed the grim details, "I witnessed a chilling collaboration between the Black Hound and the unknown white mech unit. They mercilessly attacked a village, leaving nothing but devastation. The streets ran red with blood, and the air was filled with the cries of the slain. However, there was a twisted method to their madness – they spared only the children, taking them captive."

I see..... during GENESIS next operation we encountered those Black Hound but... gladly... Joseph and Hell Brothers manage to survive" said Eliza

Concern etched her voice as she continued, "How about you, Jerricho? Any additional information? Are you holding up well?"

"I'm good, boss, dont worry" Jericho replied

Eliza with sigh of relief she continue " Good, now how many of them?"

Jerricho's voice held a somber tone as he responded, "It appears there are seven Black Hounds, and alongside them, another unknown white mech, also numbering seven."

"Can you take a picture, Jerricho?" Eliza requested.

Jerricho swiftly captured an image and sent it to Eliza. As she gazed at the image, shock overcame her. "This?!... This is... Seven Sword Unit."

Confused, Jerricho asked, "Seven Sword Unit? What do you mean, boss?"

Eliza's anger surfaced as she explained, "The Seven Sword, known as the Royal Knights of the Empire of the White Land. They serve directly under the White King."

In a frustrated tone, Eliza continued, "They are the most formidable unit. Not even the Crimson Knights from the Empire of Crimson Land can match them. Tskkk!"

Eliza slammed her hand on the table in frustration. "To think that... how can the White King himself be involved in such dirty work? What does it mean to be a ruler? How can a ruler attack innocent people?! Your mission is done Jerricho.. return to the motherbase safely"

Jerricho responded, "Yes, boss. I will return to the motherbase."

The next day, while everyone at the cafeteria enjoyed their meal, Eliza approached Asher and Felix. "Asher, Felix, when you're done eating, come with me."

Both replied in unison, "Understood, boss." After finishing their meals, Asher and Felix followed Eliza as she led them to the church. Curious, Felix asked, "Church? What are we doing here, boss?"

Eliza replied with a mysterious smile, "There's something I want to show you." Opening the door, a wave of excitement greeted her as a group of children rushed forward, joyfully exclaiming, "Eliza!"

Asher and Felix exchanged surprised glances. Eliza, as usual, smiled warmly and asked the children, "How are you?"

The children replied, "We are good," and inquisitively asked Eliza, "Eliza, who's there?"

Eliza, with a warm smile, introduced Asher and Felix, and the children eagerly approached them. "Asher, Felix, come play with us!" they exclaimed.

Felix hesitated, asking Asher, "Brother, what should we do? It's our first time, and we're not good with them." Asher, surprised, replied, "Huh? Yeah, sure. Let's play together." He added to Felix, "Yeah, but wouldn't the boss be happy if we play with them?"

As Eliza observed them playing together, she couldn't help but smile. The orphans meant everything to her, understanding the feeling of loss they experienced. Having been in their shoes before, she had decided to take care of them.

As Father Guera approached her, "Eliza, it's been a while. What brought you here?"

Eliza explained, "Father Guera, I brought some friends working under me, Asher and Felix. It looks like they've gotten along well with those children."

"I see. So, how are you, Eliza? It seems like a lot has happened to you, right?" Father Guera inquired.

Eliza, surprised, asked, "How did you know, Father?"

Father Guera kindly replied, "Eliza, I've known you for a year, and your face tells everything. Mind sharing?"

"It's okay, Father. A lot of things happened during our mech pilot missions, but I'm so glad they survived. Visiting those children cheers me up," Eliza explained.

Father Guera responded, "If you say that, I'm glad."

Eliza said to Father Guera, "Father, there is something I wanted to give you."

Father Guera asked, "What is it, Eliza?" as Eliza handed him a sunflower seed.

"A sunflower seed? Where did you get this, Eliza?" inquired Father Guera.

Eliza explained, "There is someone I know, and he gave me a sunflower seed. So, I decided to give it to you too, Father, and I hope those children will love it."

After Asher and Felix finished playing with the children, Eliza asked them, "So, how were the children?"

Asher replied, "Yeah, those children are very playful," and Felix added, "Yes, brother, you're right."

Eliza smiled and said, "Looks like you enjoyed it," and she continued, "Asher, Felix."

Asher and Felix said in unison, "Yes, boss?"

Eliza said to them, "When the day comes, and if anything happens, please, I want you to protect those children no matter what."

Asher replied, "Yes, we will... but why did you choose us?"

Eliza continued, "Because I believe in both of you. Asher, Felix, I know you used to be mercenaries. I know what you were before. But when I saw your actions toward those children, something told me that you are kind people."

Felix said to Asher, "So, what do you think, brother?" Asher replied to Eliza, "Yes, we will take care of these children since we owe you."

Eliza replied with a smile, "Thank you, Asher, Felix."

Meanwhile in the ARTIFICIAL tower

In the towering halls of the ARTIFICIAL Tower, Black Hound confronted the enigmatic Artificial Intelligence Being. With an air of wisdom and manners, the being inquired, "What has brought you here, Hassan?"

Hassan, with a sense of acknowledgment, replied to the Artificial Intelligence Being, "Looks like we messed up; you've seen the footage, right?"

The Artificial Intelligence Being responded with assurance, "Yes, do not worry. When our creation is complete, you will be the first to pilot it."

Hassan returned to his Black Hound base, where he was greeted by his subordinates saluting and saying, "Boss!"

Hassan inquired about their report, and his subordinates handed him the document. As he read through it, Hassan nodded in affirmation.

One of his subordinates asked, "Boss, when is our next target?"

Hassan, with a maniacal laugh, responded, "Hahahaha, our next target will soon be the Silver Prism."

One of Hassan's subordinates inquired, "Why, boss?"

Hassan chuckled and replied, "Why, you ask? Hahahaha! One of the pilots has finally met their match. Oh, how exciting! Soon, when it's ready, we will launch our attack on them."

As Hassan laughed maniacally, he abruptly stopped and noticed the hostage. He questioned his subordinates, "Who's there?"

His subordinates replied, "This is one of the hostages. We managed to capture one of them during our operation in collaboration with the Seven Sword Unit."

Hassan asked, "One of them? Why did you do that?" He approached the hostage, cut the rope, and removed the tape from its mouth. Hassan told the hostage, "You are free to go."

As the hostage tried to run away, Hassan shot his legs, causing the captive to stumble and fall. "We don't need hostages; our objective is to take those children. It's pointless if you take a hostage; it might be reported, and that could jeopardize our mission," Hassan explained. He continued shooting the hostage's legs, eliciting agonizing screams.

"So, you can talk, huh?" Hassan mercilessly shot the hostage's right arm and then the left. He taunted the captive, "Any last words?"

Before the hostage could respond, Hassan swiftly drew his knife and brutally stabbed it into the hostage's head.

As the lifeless body of the hostage lay on the ground, Hassan continued his maniacal laughter. With a sadistic grin, he ruthlessly kept stabbing the already deceased victim, the eerie echoes of his laughter filling the dark room. Each stab seemed to amplify the brutality of the act, creating a chilling atmosphere.

Hassan reveled in the gruesome scene, the gleam in his eyes betraying a disturbing satisfaction. The rhythmic sound of the stabbing reverberated through the cold, lifeless walls of the room, adding a sinister tone to the unfolding horror.

His subordinates watched in silence, their faces betraying a mix of fear and obedience as they witnessed the dark descent of their leader into madness. The macabre spectacle unfolded as Hassan continued his violent display, a stark reminder of the ruthlessness that fueled his ambitions.

Meanwhile at abandoned house

Within the shadows of an abandoned house, Alastair Vanderbilt, the enigmatic figure known as the Azure King, presided over a clandestine meeting with various mercenary groups. The dimly lit room echoed with hushed voices as the mercenaries gathered around a makeshift table.

Alastair, a commanding presence in his azure-themed attire, leaned forward and declared, "Our operation commences."

His words, a subtle orchestration of power, resonated through the room, capturing the attention of the assembled mercenaries. The air was thick with anticipation as Alastair set the stage for the covert endeavors that lay ahead.