Illegal Route Zone 3

After a well-deserved rest, Joseph, William, Asher, and Felix geared up, each donning their personalized mech pilot suits.Ready for action, they exchanged determined looks before heading towards the preparation area.

As Joseph, William, Asher, and Felix settled into their respective mechs, Eliza's voice echoed through their comms, filling the cockpit with her directives."Our target lies at the western fringes of Zone 2, an area harboring a covert illegal route into Zone 3. It's become a bandit stronghold, and your main goal is to capture their leader,"

Eliza's voice carried an urgent tone. "Stay vigilant, team. Failure is not an option."The team exchanged determined glances, nodding in unison as they prepared to embark on their mission.

As their mechs ignited and prepared for the mission, Luther's voice resonated through the intercom, reaching Joseph, Asher, and Felix."GENESIS, I've enhanced your sword. It's now coated with an anti-beam weapon,"

Luther's voice carried a tone of assurance. "Hell Brothers, I've fine-tuned your mechs for improved mobility. The plasma cannon's charging time has been significantly reduced. Good luck out there, everyone. Make me proud."

Joseph, represented by GENESIS, nodded in acknowledgment, feeling the reassuring weight of the improved sword. Hell Brothers, shared a glance, acknowledging Luther's upgrades with determination. They were ready to face the challenges ahead.

As they approached the bandit stronghold, William's voice broke over the comms, full of determination. "GENESIS, Hell Brothers. I'll cover you. Stay sharp." BEOWULF initiated its invisible cloak, ready to provide stealth cover for the team's advance.

Meanwhile inside the Bandit Stronghold

Inside the bandit stronghold, the Bandit leader's subordinate alerted him, "Boss, we've got a visitor."

The Bandit leader, with a sinister grin, replied, "Ah, I see. Let them enter."

"But, boss, are you sure?" the subordinate questioned.

"Absolutely. There's a plan. Tell the others to welcome our guests," the Bandit leader instructed.

As GENESIS and Hell Brothers stepped into the stronghold, Eliza's voice cautioned them, "Something's not right. Proceed with caution."Undeterred, they entered an elevator in the stronghold, aiming for the upper floors.

Suddenly, the Bandit leader's voice echoed through the speaker system, a sardonic tone filling the air. "Welcome, welcome to our humble abode. Hope you enjoy your stay," he taunted with a malicious laugh.

Without warning, the elevator jerked to a halt. The Bandit leader's voice continued, dripping with derision, "Hahaha! I know exactly why you're here." The bandits' mechs descended from the upper floors, ambushing GENESIS and Hell Brothers.

In the chaos, BEOWULF deployed a smoke bomb, shrouding the area and creating an opportunity for GENESIS and Hell Brothers to prepare for the confrontation. The bandits' mechs lunged forward, their attacks intensified by the obscured vision in the smoke-filled environment.

GENESIS unsheathed the enhanced anti-beam weapon-coated sword, slicing through the smog with precision strikes, deflecting incoming blasts. Hell Brothers' improved mobility allowed them to dart around, swiftly dodging enemy fire while charging up their plasma cannons.

BEOWULF, in its invisible cloak, stealthily maneuvered, creating confusion among the bandits. It struck from the shadows, disarming and disabling the mechs one by one. The combined efforts of GENESIS, BEOWULF, and Hell Brothers swiftly turned the tide of the battle.

Through strategic maneuvers and precise teamwork, they managed to subdue the bandit mechs, scattering the assailants and gaining control of the situation. The smoke slowly cleared, revealing the aftermath of the fierce battle. As the dust settled, the bandit mechs lay defeated, and GENESIS, BEOWULF, and Hell Brothers emerged victorious.

"Thank you, Luther. This weapon is the best," said Joseph, impressed by the upgraded sword.

Eliza's voice echoed through their comm, "Good strategy, all of you. Be cautious from here on."

Suddenly, the bandit leader's voice reverberated through the speaker, "Well done! To think that our guests managed to defeat us. I humbly apologize for causing you so much trouble." The elevator began to ascend once again, signaling a potential encounter with the bandit leader.The tension heightened as the elevator moved upward, the team prepared for whatever awaited them at the top.

As they reached the top floor, a mysterious mech suddenly emerged and dismantled the bandit leader's mech. Blood dripped from the wounded machine and the mysterious mech's scythe.

"what in the world is that?" exclaimed Asher.

"It seems our attempt to capture their leader has failed... Wait, that crest... could it be?" Eliza pondered.

"Black Hound?" William interjected, sensing the crest's significance.

As the sun set, the mysterious mech unveiled itself, displaying the emblem of Black Hound on its shoulder. This Black Hound mech was unlike any seen before, sporting four arms and four legs, its limb joints resembling a hybrid of mechanical spider and machine.

The voice of Black Hound echoed, addressing GENESIS, "Ah, so you are GENESIS. It's a pleasure to encounter you after your skirmish against Hassan."

Astonished, Asher and Felix exclaimed, "That voice?! It's you?!"

As Abu revealed himself, he admitted, "Yes, it's me, Abu. I never imagined that GENESIS would be a part of your team."

Joseph inquired anxiously, "So... what happened to the Bartender?"

Abu's laughter echoed chillingly. "He's... dead," Abu said bluntly.

Felix, shocked, demanded answers. "But wasn't he the one who freed you from slavery? What happened?"

Abu responded callously, "Ah, you see, it was all an act. We, the Black Hound, have been trained in deception since childhood. We masqueraded as innocent individuals, hidden among foster parents, concealing our true identities, while secretly being part of the Black Hound."

Abu continued with a twisted grin, "You want to know how the old man died? Ohhh, the sheer exhilaration of watching him being stabbed with my own knife."

Joseph interjected, his voice trembling, "What are you saying?!"Ignoring Joseph's shock,

Abu continued nonchalantly, "I can still hear his agonizing screams. Watching people being killed, it truly satisfies me, hahahaha."

After those chilling words slipped from Abu's lips, Asher couldn't contain his rage. Maneuvering his mech swiftly, he powered up the plasma gun and aimed at Abu.

"Abu! You despicable bastard!" Asher roared, his voice tinged with fury.

Abu piloted his fearsome Black Hound mech, a monstrous creation unlike any other, boasting four arms and legs. Its limb joints resembled a bizarre fusion of mechanical spider and cutting-edge machine technology.

As Asher unleashed a barrage of plasma gunshots, Abu swiftly maneuvered his mech. The four arms with scythe seamlessly rotated, transforming into a colossal shield-like intercepting and deflecting the searing plasma blasts.

Asher, in surprise, muttered, "He's deflecting it..."Abu's maniacal laughter filled the air, "Hahahahahah! You're powerless..Asher and Felix. The infamous Hell Brothers, known as the most fearsome siblings? What a complete joke."

Without hesitation, Abu unleashed an attack, one of his mech arms wielding a scythe. Suddenly, Joseph appeared in front of Asher, intercepting the strike."GENESIS!" Asher exclaimed in shock.

Joseph's voice resounded over Asher's disbelief, "Don't give up yet... we'll find another way to defeat him."

William's voice cut through the chaos, "I've got a plan! Genesis, Hell Brothers, buy me some time. Keep him busy. When there's a chance, I'll take a shot from a distance. But remember, this time's different—his mech is designed with eight eyes. Be careful!"

Eliza's urgent voice broke through their communication channels, "BEOWULF was right. GENESIS, Hell Brothers, give it your all. Make sure every single one of its eyes is fixated on you. When the opportunity arises, I'll signal."

Abu's mocking voice echoed, "You think you can defeat me? There are four of you!"

Joseph, taken aback, exclaimed, "What?"

Felix chimed in, "How did you know?"

"Hahahaha," Abu chuckled darkly, "The truth is, Tyrantula was designed and inspired by spiders. A spider's prowess lies not just in its eyes but in the sensitive hairs covering its body and legs. But Tyrantula? Its systems possess that very sensitivity. It can sense far beyond your imagination."

Tyrantula's terrifying abilities, mimicking the intricate sensory mechanisms of spiders, make it a formidable and chilling opponent in combat.