
Abu retorted, "If that's your stance." Tyrantula swiftly shot a steel-made spider web, attempting to ensnare GENESIS. Without hesitation, GENESIS sliced through the spider web, but Tyrantula seized the opportunity to swiftly ascend upwards.

Eliza's voice sounded urgent as she addressed William, "BEOWULF, the whole area is filled with its spider webs. We don't know Tyrantula's plan. Provide GENESIS with backup support as much as you can."

William responded with a determined, "Roger that."

Eliza added, "Good. I can't establish a connection to GENESIS. It feels like the connection has been blocked."

GENESIS surged upward, closing in on Tyrantula, but the mechanical spider leaped into another spider web. Suddenly, Tyrantula unleashed its swarm of spider minions.

William exclaimed in surprise, "What?! It's releasing its minions this time!"

BEOWULF diligently attempted to provide cover for GENESIS by firing at the spider minions from a distance. William voiced his concern to Eliza, "Eliza, were you able to reconnect with Joseph?"

Eliza responded regretfully, "Unfortunately, no. We're still unable to establish a connection. We're trying our best to break through the coding."

While BEOWULF diligently aimed to eliminate the spider minions, William expressed his frustration, "This is taking forever."

A plasma cannon shot zoomed past BEOWULF, obliterating a significant portion of the spider minions. William quickly recognized the source, "Hell Brothers!"

Despite their mechs being partially destroyed, Asher and Felix remained undeterred. Asher replied, "Don't overlook... We're doing our best to support GENESIS here."

Amidst the confrontation between GENESIS and Tyrantula, GENESIS initiated the assault by launching a barrage of missiles. However, Tyrantula, with a swift and precise strike, cleaved through the missile, causing it to detonate mid-air. Unexpectedly, GENESIS maneuvered behind Tyrantula and attempted a decisive strike, but the cunning Tyrantula countered, swiftly rotating its body backward to parry the blow with its scythe.

Erina and Jennifer watched the intense footage, their hearts pounding in unison with each move. Their hands intertwined in a silent prayer, hoping against hope for Joseph's luck and success in the ongoing battle. Every moment felt like an eternity as they held their breath, glued to the screen, wishing for a positive turn in the relentless combat.

As BEOWULF and the Hell Brothers managed to obliterate half of the spider minions, William's voice echoed over the comms to Asher and Felix, "Hell Brothers, I've got a plan. Hear me out."

Asher queried, "What plan?"

William instructed, "Charge up both of your plasma cannons, wait for the opportune moment, and unleash a combined blast toward that guy," he said, pointing at Tyrantula.

"Roger that. And what's your move?" Asher inquired.

"I'll initiate the attack first," William affirmed.

In the fierce confrontation against Tyrantula, BEOWULF swiftly joined GENESIS, aligning forces against the relentless assault. As Tyrantula surged forward, launching a barrage of attacks aimed at GENESIS, BEOWULF fired a precise shot from its rifle, catching Tyrantula off guard. The spider-like mech skillfully sliced the incoming bullet in a clean, effortless motion.

Meanwhile, GENESIS positioned itself strategically behind Tyrantula, anticipating its rotating maneuver. Tyrantula attempted its counterattack, but this time, BEOWULF swiftly retaliated, shocking Abu as its strike left a cracked mark on Tyrantula's body.

Seizing the opportunity created by the distraction, the Hell Brothers sprang into action. Their plasma cannons discharged, landing a direct hit on Tyrantula, momentarily causing the formidable mech to falter and freeze in place.

Without hesitation, GENESIS surged forward, plunging its sword into Tyrantula's body, forcefully thrusting upward. The scene turned intense as GENESIS' blade drew the mech's synthetic blood, asserting dominance and marking a crucial turning point in the battle against the menacing Tyrantula.

In a pained voice reverberating through the comm, Abu's strained words echoed, "Nicely done, GENESIS... but you still cannot kill me yet." Suddenly, Tyrantula intensified, emitting furious screams. The mech seemed to transcend control, as if it no longer required a pilot, operating autonomously.

William's shocked voice broke the tension, "What?! It's still moving!"

As Tyrantula surged toward GENESIS, William urgently called out, "Joseph!" BEOWULF swiftly intervened, darting in to push GENESIS away from the impending attack.

Tyrantula's onslaught tore through half of BEOWULF with its razor-sharp claws, but this time, its assault took a terrifying turn—its attack morphed into acidic destruction, leaving scorching marks on BEOWULF. The acid melted down half of BEOWULF's structure, a horrifying testament to Tyrantula's escalated ferocity.

In a sudden turn of events, Joseph was overcome by a profound surge of emotions, plunging into unconsciousness. At that moment, GENESIS seemingly took control autonomously. The emblematic letters spelling G.E.N.E.S.I.S vanished, leaving only the letter "G," now inscribed as "Grimness."

Eliza, startled by the transformation, questioned, "Grimness?" Even Karina, the Crimson Queen, was intrigued, expressing, "This is my first time seeing GENESIS like that..."

Erina, visibly concerned about Joseph, turned to Eliza, asking, "What happened to Joseph?"

Eliza responded with a sense of uncertainty, "We don't know what's happening to Joseph... It seems we're facing difficulty in establishing a connection with GENESIS. Its usual connections are mysteriously blocked."

As GENESIS underwent a sudden transformation, Abu responded with maniacal laughter. "Hahahaha! Yes! This is it, GENESIS! You're finally awakening! This is what I've been searching for!"

Without hesitation, Tyrantula surged forward, responding to Abu's manic energy by launching an attack on GENESIS. However, as Tyrantula made its move, GENESIS swiftly intercepted, grabbing one of Tyrantula's hands with lightning reflexes

In a surge of power, GENESIS's hand morphed into an energy sword, slicing through one of Tyrantula's arms in a sudden, stunning display of force.

After everyone at Silver Prism Motherbase witnessed the footage of GENESIS slicing through one of Tyrantula's arms, Eliza spoke up, her tone filled with relief and determination. "We've finally cracked the code and established contact with GENESIS."

With growing concern, Eliza tried reaching out urgently, calling out, "Joseph? JOSEPH?! Can you hear me?"

Frustration seeped into her voice as she muttered a disheartened "Tskk."

Amidst the tense situation, William's voice cut through the tension. "It seems Joseph is unconscious."

The two mechs clashed, their metallic limbs ripping through the air with deafening roars. GENESIS, emanating an eerie glow, charged forward, its arms transformed into deadly energy blades.

The clash intensified as GENESIS maneuvered swiftly, evading Tyrantula's onslaught. With a sudden surge of power, GENESIS launched a barrage of missiles that exploded around Tyrantula, causing devastating chaos.

In a brutal countermove, Tyrantula lunged forward, gripping GENESIS by its shoulder, tearing away chunks of metal. GENESIS retaliated fiercely, its chest opening to reveal a pulsating energy core. A surge of blinding energy burst forth, engulfing Tyrantula's torso and leaving it smoldering and damaged.

Amidst the chaos, as Tyrantula lay badly damaged, Abu couldn't contain his twisted joy. "Yes! It's been far too long since I've felt this rush," he exclaimed.

In an unexpected turn, GENESIS unleashed a surge of energy, incapacitating Tyrantula. With ruthless precision, GENESIS powered up its energy blade, cleaving through Tyrantula, splitting it in half.

Joseph, jolting back to consciousness, was bewildered. "What just happened?" he gasped, stunned by the sight of Tyrantula's demise. "Hey, William, are you alright?"

The response from William was barely audible, "I'm... fine."

The scene was surreal and eerie as Joseph tried to make sense of the carnage before him.

Eliza's voice cut through Joseph's confusion, "Joseph, are you okay?"

Confused, Joseph responded, "Yes, I'm fine... but why?"

Eliza brushed it aside, "We'll talk about that later. Do you realize what you actually did to Tyrantula?"

Joseph, baffled, muttered, "Huh?... So this is because of me..."

Abu, breathing his last, whispered before his final breath, "You don't remember? End my life now, before it's too late..."

Joseph, bewildered, questioned, "What do you mean?"

Abu revealed a startling truth, "The reality is, half of us in Black Hound suffer from Dissociative identity disorder." The words reverberated, leaving everyone at the Motherbase stunned.

Trying to gather his thoughts, Joseph asked Abu, "If you said that...about the Bartender's daughter"

Abu confessed, "Yes, it was a lie. I didn't kill her. The truth is, I saved her from her abusive father, the bartender. He freed me from slavery only to subject me to his own things. Eventually, he sold me to the ARTIFICIAL. I became one of the ARTIFICIAL's 'mad dogs'...after that the night all of you left, i had decide to end his life"

Abu's plea resonated with desperation as he continued, "Please, hurry... End my life before it's too late. I've committed countless sins. Free us from this torment."

In a deafening silence, Joseph stood frozen, overwhelmed by the sudden chaos unfolding before him.

Asher, with his partially destroyed mech, approached, uttering grimly, "I will end your life."

Abu, amidst the turmoil, whispered, "Thank you, Hell Brothers."

As Asher powered up his plasma cannon for the final strike, an unexpected scream pierced the air. Abu convulsed in agony, and in an abrupt explosion, Tyrantula erupted, engulfing everyone in shock and disbelief.

The abrupt turn of events shattered the eerie calm, leaving a scene of destruction and confusion in its wake.

As the chaos settled, Eliza's voice broke through the aftermath, "As long as everyone is safe, our mission is complete."

Returning to the Silver Prism, Eliza gathered the team. "It's alright. Even if we didn't retrieve any information about Princess Scarlett, seeing all four of you safe and sound is more than enough," she reassured Joseph, William, Asher, and Felix with a soft smile.

Erina sprinted toward Joseph and hugged him in a tight embrace, relieved tears streaming down her cheeks as she saw Joseph return safely.

Joseph gently patted Erina's head and offered her a reassuring smile. Eliza, with a keen interest in the recent events, prodded Joseph for an explanation about what had transpired.

"It seems I lost consciousness momentarily when GENESIS reacted to my emotions," Joseph explained as Eliza queued up the recorded footage. Watching the playback, Joseph's expression shifted to one of astonishment.

"So this is GENESIS... another level of its potential?" Joseph mused, struck by the machine's capabilities.

At that moment, both Crimson Queen and Lionel Lockhart arrived, Joseph expressing regret over their failure to acquire information about Princess Scarlett. As they discussed their next steps, Sally rushed in, breathless, and informed Eliza about an unexpected visitor.

"In a place like this? A visitor?" Eliza mused in surprise, as a mysterious figure stepped forward. Recognizing the newcomer, Crimson Queen began, "You are..."

Meanwhile in the Land of Dogma

In the Land of Dogma, a land draped in gothic architecture and shrouded in an eerie ambiance, the Black Queen reigned from her magnificent palace. Aiden, with utmost respect, approached her presence.

"My Queen... have you witnessed the clash between GENESIS and that mad dog?" Aiden inquired, his demeanor reverential.

The Black Queen, with a calm Black Queen replied, "Yes, Aiden. GENESIS is starting to unveil its true nature."