Operation Escort

The next day, Eliza's voice echoed through the speakers, "Joseph, Asher, and Felix, come to my office."

Upon hearing these words, Joseph, Asher, and Felix hurriedly made their way to Eliza's office. They knocked on the door and entered the room, saluting their boss in unison, "Boss!"

Eliza, waiting for them to settle in, began the briefing, "Looks like we've got a new operation."

The air in the room became charged with anticipation as the team prepared to receive details about their next mission. The salute reflected their disciplined respect, and Eliza's words set the tone for the upcoming operation.

Joseph, with a hint of urgency in his voice, asked, "What is it, Boss?"

Eliza, maintaining her composed demeanor, responded, "It's from Mr. President."

Surprised, Joseph exclaimed, "Mr. President?!"

Eliza continued by playing the voice recording, "The Silver Prism, this is Emma, Mr. President's secretary. A series of exhaust plumes has just been registered by our early warning missile detection system. We noticed that the launches appear to be from an unknown source. Today, Mr. President has to travel from the City of Utopia to the south. Along the way, we want you to escort Mr. President until he reaches his destination. We fear these warning missiles might pose a danger to Mr. President. We must act quickly, take up the position. Our defenses can't be relied upon to take out all targets. Your presence will be the deciding factor in this engagement."

The urgency in Emma's voice and the gravity of the situation added tension to the room as the team realized the importance of their mission.

As GENESIS and the Hell Brothers arrived, Mr. President's transport initiated its first move. Along the way, they meticulously checked for any signs of danger. Suddenly, Eliza's voice echoed through the communication system, "There! Now, destroy it!"

GENESIS, Raijin, and Fujin moved with precision as they engaged the incoming missiles. The sky became a battlefield as they maneuvered through the air, leaving trails of exhaust in their wake.

The HUD inside GENESIS displayed a cluster of red blips representing the incoming threats. Joseph, controlling GENESIS, calculated trajectories and fired a barrage of high-speed projectiles. The missiles exploded in the sky, their remnants fading like fleeting stars.

Raijin, piloted by Asher, intercepting missiles with pinpoint accuracy. The vibrant glow of Raijin's energy weapons illuminated the surrounding clouds, creating a stunning display of both destruction and skill.

Fujin, under the control of Felix, darted gracefully between the missiles, deploying flares and electronic countermeasures to disrupt their guidance systems. Swift and agile, Fujin sliced through the air, leaving a trail of disoriented missiles in its wake.

As the echoes of the destroyed missiles faded, a moment of tense silence enveloped the cockpit. Eliza, breaking the quiet, exclaimed, "What?!"

Joseph, alert and focused, responded to Eliza's distress, "What is it, boss?"

Eliza, eyes fixed on the radar, witnessed a sudden surge of incoming missiles. Her voice carried a mix of surprise and concern, "There are a lot of them! But how?"

GENESIS and the Hell Brothers, responding to the imminent threat, initiated their maneuvers to intercept the barrage of missiles.

In the midst of the chaos, Eliza's attention was diverted as she detected an unusual signal. A sense of realization and worry gripped her, "What is this... could it be... oh no!"

As the mysterious mech surged forward, the voice echoing in the cockpit, Joseph couldn't help but recognize it. "GENESIS, Hahahaha!, I finally FOUND you!" the laughter echoed, sending shivers through Joseph's spine. A sense of realization dawned on him, "What?! That voice... could it be?"

Asher, catching onto the revelation, interjected with determination, "I know that voice! That mad dog! Hassan!" With swift maneuvers, Asher engaged his maneuver gear, propelling Raijin forward.

Raijin, fueled by Asher's determination, ignited its thrusters and rushed towards Hassan. The clash was imminent as Raijin unleashed its blade. However, Hassan proved to be a formidable opponent, skillfully blocking Raijin's assault.

Eliza's voice cut through the tension, guiding their actions, "GENESIS, Fujin, eliminate the remaining missiles first. Let Raijin handle that Black Hound."

As GENESIS and Fujin tirelessly worked to eliminate the remaining missiles, the intense battle unfolded between Asher and Hassan. The taunting words from Hassan echoed in the cockpit, "Miss me?" attempting to provoke Asher.

Asher, unyielding, retorted, "Miss you? Huh, put that lame joke aside."

Hassan, the provocateur, continued to needle, "Oh, Hell Brother, do you want to know about your origin?"

Asher, caught off guard, questioned, "Huh? What do you mean? Do you know about me and Felix?"

Hassan, ever mysterious, simply replied, "Maybe." The ambiguity in his words only fueled Asher's frustration. With growing anger, Asher declared, "Enough! I don't have time to play with you!"

The tension in the cockpit escalated as the exchange between Hell Brothers added another layer of complexity to the ongoing confrontation.

As GENESIS and Fujin celebrated their success in eliminating the missiles, Hassan's ominous words pierced the air, "Who said that your mission is complete?" He snapped his fingers, and from the sky descended a group of mechs known as the Black Hound.

Felix, shocked, exclaimed, "Brother! Looks like they're not kidding this time."

Eliza, reacting to the unexpected turn of events, smacked the table in frustration, muttering, "Looks like we are doomed." The atmosphere shifted from relief to impending danger, creating a tense backdrop for the unfolding situation.

Hassan continued his taunts, "There were seven of us, but you managed to defeat Tyrantula. Now, there are six."

One of the Black Hound members interjected, "Hassan, which one is GENESIS?"

Hassan, with a touch of mockery, replied, "Ohhhh, Stein, are you blind? Did you see that? In front of you, that is GENESIS."

As Stein observed GENESIS, he remarked, "GENESIS... I see you're the one who managed to scratch down Hassan" With a swift motion, Stein engaged his mech maneuver gear, hurtling toward GENESIS. In a matter of seconds, his mech unleashed its axe, aiming to strike down GENESIS. However, Joseph skillfully maneuvered GENESIS to avoid the impending attack. The atmosphere intensified, filled with the adrenaline of combat and the clash of formidable mechs.

Suddenly, GENESIS was sent flying through the air as Hassan employed his mech to deliver a powerful kick, catching everyone off guard. Asher shouted, "Joseph!"

Stein, witnessing the unexpected turn, exclaimed, "Hassan?!"

Hassan chuckled, "Oh, I apologize. Hahaha! He is my prey; you just play with those Hell Brothers. I'm so bored playing with them." The sudden twist in the battle left a mix of shock and determination in the air, intensifying the tension between the mechs.

GENESIS, Raijin, and Fujin found themselves besieged by the relentless onslaught of the Black Hounds. The battlefield was a whirlwind of flashing lights, soaring mechs, and exploding missiles as the outnumbered Silver Prism mechs fought to hold their ground.

GENESIS evade the relentless strikes from multiple Black Hounds. Raijin, launched counterattacks, attempting to create openings in the overwhelming barrage of firepower. Meanwhile, Fujin, weaved through the chaos, desperately avoiding the synchronized assaults from the Black Hounds.

The Black Hounds, seemed to anticipate every move from the Silver Prism mechs. The battle unfolded like a relentless wave, the sheer numbers and coordinated attacks pushing GENESIS, Raijin, and Fujin to their limits.

As Asher shouted through the comms, "Fuck!, we're overwhelmed! There's too many of them!"

Eliza's voice echoed, "Hold your ground! We can't afford to lose this battle. Use every trick in the book!"

As the battle raged on, the Silver Prism mechs found themselves drawn into the relentless onslaught of the Black Hounds, their focus momentarily diverted from the crucial mission of escorting Mr. President. In the midst of the chaos, a Black Hound pilot named Aycali seized the opportunity, launching a missile directly towards the President's transport.

Hassan's triumphant laughter echoed through the comms, "Hahahaha, good job, Aycali!"

Joseph, realizing the imminent danger, shouted, "Noooo!"

Just as the missile hurtled towards its target, a mysterious mech materialized on the scene. Swift and precise, it sliced through the incoming missiles, causing them to explode harmlessly in the air.

Hassan, annoyed by the unexpected interference, barked, "Who dares to interrupt our battle?!"