Chapter 511 Timber

Wang Yongzhu nodded. "And what about the timber and tiles?" she asked.

"The tiles are from a kiln factory more than a dozen miles away. They specialize in those blue roof tiles, and they have only two kilns, not that big. If we hurry, they should be able to supply us. There's another kiln factory outside the town that makes those bright red tiles. They look pretty and auspicious, but unfortunately, they're all pre-ordered and can't spare the capacity to make ours. I've settled on the blue tiles," Song Chongjin said, glancing at Wang Yongzhu.

The people nearby, through Master Chiang's hands, mostly preferred the red tiles, finding them attractive and auspicious. A glance at the rooftops would show a striking red, quite eye-catching!

Song Chongjin was worried that Wang Yongzhu might also favor the red tiles, yet he had chosen blue, so he proceeded with caution.

Wang Yongzhu smiled. "The blue tiles are just fine. The red ones are too ostentatious for my taste," she said.