Chapter 522 Stirring Up Trouble

Dozens of men, in this weather, worked in the heat until sweat soaked through their backs; not even their padded jackets could withstand it, all stripped down to just their undershirts.

Some of those robust in physique even went bare-chested on purpose, showing off the muscles and sinews on their bodies.

Especially with so many men working together, crude jokes never ceased, leaving the younger men blushing and burning with embarrassment.

Sun Shitou's Wife finally managed to find the right place, but among the dozens of men, which one was her husband?

She stared and stared but couldn't find him, seeing nothing but a sea of muscle and flesh.

Sun Shitou's Wife was getting desperate. It was a matter of life and death! Stamping her feet, she had no choice but to shout at the top of her lungs, "Shitou——Shitou——"

But her voice, amid the men's roaring laughter over a dirty joke, was drowned out so completely that it couldn't be heard at all.