Invited to sleep over at Cassy's house for the first time, Lilly's inhibitions are weakened following a long dinner with too much wine. Wearing little more than a pair of panties and an ill-fitting tanktop, Lilly is lured by Cassy to her parent's bedroom. Alone with Mr. and Mrs. Vatspalt, Lilly is cunningly manipulated to reconsider the exhibiton of her body through their knowledge of erotic art, incest and the bible. The Swedish words for pussy, cunt and cock are used in these stories; they are not misspellings. Because of its length, this chapter is broken into two parts.


A month or so after their afternoon of sunbathing, Cassy invited Lilly for dinner, which happened nearly once or twice a week. "My parents said you can spend the night if you want. We can stay up late and watch movies."

"That sounds fun. Let me ask."

Lilly's parents approved as there were no other family activities planned for the weekend and they were nice enough to drop Lilly at the Vatspalt's house on their way to dinner with friends. As the girls and Mr. Vatspalt set the table that evening, he jokingly asked if he could place a wine glass at Lilly's plate.


All five of them stopped and stared at her. "Really?" Mrs. Vatspalt asked.

Cassy laughed and said, "No way! Next thing you know, she's going to stop wearing a bra." Louise and Erik chuckled but Mr. and Mrs. Vatspalt were stern-faced.

"Cassandra Anne Vatspalt, that kind of teasing is not tolerated in this house and you know better," said Cassy's mother. "If and when Lilly decides to stop wearing a bra it won't happen because you tease her into doing so. That's her decision. I am inclined to put you over my knee, pull your skirt up and spank your bare bottom." Louise and Erick both jumped in and started teasing, telling their mother that Cassy did need a spanking, although they went quiet when their mother looked at them with a furrowed brow.

Cassy was clearly shamed, her face crimson and downturned. "I'm sorry, Momma; sorry Lilly."

Lilly was sheepish. She imagined the humiliation Cassy would feel as she was forced to lay over her mother's knee, her skirt flipped up to reveal her bottom. She saw the sheet-white cheeks glowing ever more pink with each swat Mrs. Vatspalt delivered. In her head, she heard the sharp smacks and pitiful whimpering, saw the orbs of her firend's butt jiggle as she was punished. She was humilated daily and knew she didn't want her friend to go through it with her own family. "Don't worry about it, Cassy, it's fine. I knew you were joking." She looked back at Mrs. Vatspalt. "I'd like to try it."

Mr. Vatspalt tilted his head in a question. "Not wearing a bra?"

Slapping an arm across her chest, Lilly guffawed. "No! Not that! Having some wine." They all burst into laughter. "I'm not going home tonight so I don't have to worry about my parents."

"Well that's not a good idea, Lilly. You shouldn't hide drinking from your parents," said Mrs. Vatspalt. "There are some things they don't need to know about, but I don't think drinking is one of them." Nodding to her husband, Anna said, "Honey, don't give her a glass."

Thinking quickly and lying through her teeth, Lilly said, "Mrs. Vatspalt, I told them your family drinks wine with dinner and they are okay that I have some as long as adults are with us and we don't leave the house."

It was the first time she consumed wine and it tasted bitter. Mr. Vatspalt poured a little sugar into her glass and with each small gulp it went down a little easier. Nearly four bottles were consumed between them. They all drank more than she did but after two very full glasses, Lilly was giggling and light-headed and drunk long before the meal was finished. She enjoyed the loose and warm feeling of the alcohol and she was reminded of the afternoon in the pool with Cassy.

At the Vatspalt home, dinner never started before nine and always went long. The kids were tasked with kitchen duty and it was after 11 o'clock when Cassy and Lilly dried the last plate. Patting their bottoms, Cassy's mother said, "Thanks for cleaning up. Go put your pajamas on and I'll cut some pie and get the ice cream out." The girls scampered upstairs to Cassy's room, Lilly tipsy enough that she had to hold the handrail.

Once ready for bed, Lilly asked to use the bathroom. "Just use my parent's," Cassy said, pulling a thin red T-shirt over her nakedness. The garment fell only a few inches over her slight hips, granting peek-a-boo glimpses of her bottom and special place as she moved. "Their room is across the hall and two doors down." Cassy plopped on her bed, looking at her phone, her nightshirt bunched around her waist, legs akimbo. "I'll wait for you to come back before we go downstairs and have dessert."

"Okay." Lilly looked at herself in the closet mirror. She hadn't thought much about her pajamas when packing for the sleep-over. She now realized the pink cartoon kitty panties and old white tank top she wore at home required some cover when walking around the Vatspalt's. Both garments were many years old and while very comfortable, they were too small.

The underpants pulled into her special place and revealed most of her bottom. The top clung tightly to her curves; her nipples and areolas visible beneath the threadbare cotton. The lower third or her breasts hung below the ragged hemline because at some point she thought it would be cute to make it a belly shirt and haphazardly cropped it with scissors. Grabbing a short silky robe from Cassy's closet, she asked, "Can I borrow this?"

Cassy flipped over and made no move to cover her exposed fitta with her nightshirt; her knees falling open as she appraised Lilly's fashion conundrum. She finally shrugged. "Sure, you don't need to worry about anything, but if it will make you feel more comfortable, go ahead."

Lilly said, "My tits," because that explained everything.

"Whatever." Cassy flipped back over and looked at her phone. "You already know I think you should show them off, but whatever. No one here will care either way."

"Thanks." Lilly paused before leaving the room. Cassy was sprawled on the bed, her slender thighs spread widely and lazily kicking to some imaginary beat. Her tiny butthole - an adorable tight pink star surrounded by two perfectly round cheeks - and her puckered fitta lips were unabashedly displayed. Lilly grinned. Patting Cassy's creamy bottom, she said, "I'll be back in a minute, teacup butt!"

Consumed with whatever she was looking at on her phone, Cassy said, "Sounds good, I'll be here."

The bedroom was dark and very large. Floor-to-ceiling windows on two of the walls looked over the backyard and Lilly briefly wondered if she and Cassy had been spied on while sunbathing. It certainly was possible and she again imagined Mr. Vatspalt standing at the glass, stroking his cock at the sight of her naked body on the raft. Tonight, the giant swan floated silently on the dark water.

Turning, there was a seating area that was arranged toward a fireplace. Against one wall was a large four-poster bed that was beautifully covered in creamy linens and large, overstuffed pillows. There was a dresser on one wall with a mirror mounted over it and a set of double doors that Lilly assumed led to a closet. Across the large space was another door and she could see the bathroom beyond.

The room was illuminated by tiny spotlights that had been mounted over the artwork hung around the room. Lilly paused to take them in.

The painting over the bed was a charcoal line drawing of two men having sex with a woman. Her eyes were closed and she was on her hands and knees, accepting one man's thick cock in her mouth; a slight grin could be seen on her face. The man behind her had pushed two fingers into her butthole and his large cock tautly stretched her sex. The details were remarkable and the black lines against the white canvas were striking.

On another wall was a color photo. It was a studio portrait of two nude men, their oiled bodies tan and smooth, and perfectly lit to accentuate their strong musculature. They wore black leather masks that covered their heads entirely. Zippers covered the area over their mouths. Standing in profile, their large, heavily veined cocks were fully erect and pointing skyward. Between them was a naked woman who was shackled to a large brace shaped in an X. Her arms and legs were spread and shiny metal clamps affixed to her nipples were joined by a thin silver chain. She was blindfolded and the bright red ball gag in her mouth was shiny with her dripping saliva, which ran down her body in glistening streams. One of the men had hold of the chain and it was twisted in his clenched hand, her nipples being pulled savagely. From the middle of the brace, emerging just below the woman's shaved sex, a very large red dildo curved upward and into her straining pussy.

On the third wall was a much softer image. It was done in pale water colors and was highly detailed. It depicted two pixie girls, a brunette and a redhead, who wore nothing but angel wings on their backs. They were playing with a boy who was lying on the grass behind a flower-covered bush. He was naked and the redhead sat astride his face, her back arched and her bright pink nipples pointed to a baby-blue sky. The blond girl rode his dick, which was thick and wrapped in blue veins. She cupped his balls in one of her diminutive hands. The girls faced each other and both were grinning mischievously. In the distance was another girl. Like the boy, she was depicted as human. She sprawled across a blanket which lay next to a lake. Her dress was pushed up, exposing her slender thighs, which were spread widely to display her flushed sex. She had pushed two fingers into her hairless vale. Her other hand grasped her breast and she was looking into the distance, toward the boy. It was clear the pixies had seduced him, leaving her with nothing to do but satisfy herself.

But it was the fourth piece that Lilly was particularly drawn to. It was realistic enough to look like a photograph. The center image was a young man surrounded by four young women. They were depicted nude on a large carpet in front of a window that cast beautiful trails of light over their bodies. He had mounted one of the girls from behind. She was on her hands and knees and looking back at him over her shoulder, a pleasant grin on her angelic face. His hips were pulled back and his cock could be seen penetrating her vale. The other three girls were sprawled out around them, their bodies entwined with each other. They were pleasuring each other with their fingers and smiling up at the man, who smiled back at them. Four smaller pictures framed the larger image. It was clear each of them were depictions of the girls in the main scene. However, these images were different. They were in dark shadow and wore nervous expressions. Each girl stood nude and facing the artist, her arms locked tightly to her hips and her legs pressed tightly at the ankles. Lilly marveled at the details. She peered close and could see individual pubic hairs, minute skin blemishes, color striations in the eyes. It was remarkable.

"Like it?"

Startled, Lilly turned to see Mr. Vatspalt standing in the doorway. He stepped into the room and Mrs. Vatspalt followed. Thinking Cassy's family was downstairs, she hadn't bothered to close the robe and she hadn't heard them coming. "Yes, but it's kind of creepy," Lilly said, casually tying the garment closed. Sized for Cassy, it struggled to cover her breasts, which -- because of their size - pulled the hemline to her hips, keeping her panties in view. The cartoon kitten printed over her sex peeked out at Cassy's parents, neither of whom seemed to notice or care.

"It's titled Family, Innocence and Love," he said. "This is just a copy. The real piece hangs in the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. The painter is unknown although the still-life nature of the piece suggests it was painted sometime between 1500 and 1600."

Lilly felt uneasy looking at the painting. She said, "In the small images, the girls look worried. Scared even. And there is that black shadow behind them."

He stood next to her, their shoulders touching, and Lilly felt her heart skip. "There has been much debate over these shadows by art scholars. Some believe it represents genitalia since the shadow emanates from their midsections. But scholars can't decide which sex it represents; an erect penis, ready to penetrate her for the first time. Or, some surmise it signifies her freshly opened vagina, cleaved and gaping following her deflowering by the artist himself. The girls, many scholars surmise, are the artist's sisters. The center image is quite possibly a self portrait."

"He had sex with his sisters?" Lilly recoiled.

Mr. Vatspalt chuckled. "Although not discussed openly, it was common practice at this time in history for siblings to lose their virginity to each other. Young women engaged with their brothers before marrying. This was done to ensure her hymen was torn prior to her wedding night. It was to save her the embarrassment of bleeding on her husband's penis. For him, having sex with his sisters gave him the experience needed to properly make love to a woman. As the eldest and only male child of five, many scholars believe the artist was tasked by his parents with deflowering each of his sisters when they came of age on their 18th birthday."

Lilly stared at the painting, her eyes wide. "Oh, gosh!"

He said, "That's why art is so subjective and so incredibly thought-provoking, Lilly. I have my own interpretation."

"What do you think it is?" she asked.

His finger grazed over the dark spot looming behind one of the smaller images. "The shadow represents society's views on nudity at the time," he said. "Back then, people covered themselves in heavy robes and layers of clothing. To be nude was shameful. On the surface, the four images of his sisters appear very ominous." He thought for a moment. "But I believe it's actually quite an uplifting piece when you look at it in its entirety."

Trying to sound artsy and sophisticated, Lilly asked, "How is it uplifting? All the sisters are naked and look scared."

"Yes, but look at how happy they all appear once they are nude," Mrs. Vatspalt said. "Once they shed the inhibitions placed on them by society, they are free to express themselves."

Mr. Vatspalt asked, "Would you be nervous if someone painted you nude?"

"Completely and totally horrified," Lilly said. She didn't realize she looked down at her chest when she said it.

He looked quizzical. "Really? When you think about it, Lilly, being naked is our natural state. It's nothing to be afraid or ashamed of."

Mrs. Vatspalt said, "To be nervous about being nude around others is rather silly. We are born that way and are all essentially the same physically."

That wasn't at all how Lilly had been raised. The naked body was a private thing not meant to be shared. But after spending so much time with Vatspalts and witnessing the comfort they had with the exhibition of their bodies, she felt drawn to their open approach. It didn't feel wrong; it just felt a little different at first.

Mrs. Vatpalt was looking at Lilly now. "Mr. Vatspalt and Erik aren't any different than one another, are they?"

"Aside from their difference in age," Lilly said, "I suppose not."

"And all four women in this house are physically the same, too," said Mr. Vatspalt.

Lilly had never been referred to as a woman and she liked it. It sounded sophisticated. "Yes," she agreed, "we are all generally alike."

"Are you afraid of a woman's body?" asked Mrs. Vatspalt.

"No, of course not."

"Are you afraid of a man's body?" he asked.

Her eyes slid away from his, down to his crotch. He was wearing what he always wore around the house: thin white lounge pants that clung to his physique. He wasn't aroused but since he never wore underwear the distinct outline and veins of his cock were accentuated against the material. It was thick and weighted and hung pendulously between his thighs. "There are different kinds of fear," she said.

"Yes, I agree," said Mrs. Vatspalt. "But the male body doesn't do anything terrifying, does it? It doesn't have tentacles or fangs or talons. It contains no surprises, does it?"

Lilly flashed back to an article she had read on the internet. "The average length of the erect penis is six inches and nearly five inches around. However, it's not uncommon for the penis to reach a length of eight inches or more and it can grow to more than seven inches around when fully aroused." There were more than a dozen images of rock-hard cocks of varying sizes and some of them, while fascinating to look at, would surely have torn her apart.

And then Lilly thought of last summer, which wasn't frightening at all. And as impressively sized as it was, neither was what she could see between Cassy's father's legs. Cassy's parents made a lot of sense. "I guess you're right," she said. "I understand what you mean."

"You and Cassy are naked with each other every day, aren't you?" he asked.

She shrugged. "Sure."

"And you allowed Cassy to shave your vagina," he said.

Lilly gulped and said, "She told you!" She turned crimson and unknowingly placed a hand across Hello Kitty's face.

"Honey, don't embarrass her!" Mrs. Vatspalt playfully punched her husband on the shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Lilly. My point is that you are so comfortable being nude with my daughter that you allowed her to touch you in a very personal way, in a very special place, didn't you?"

Still blushing, Lilly looked at the floor and finally nodded. "Sometimes we take care of each other in the shower; shaving each other's legs or washing the other person's hair. And one day she just asked me and I let her do it."

Smiling, Mr. Vatspalt said, "And that wasn't scary, was it?

"No, it was okay." Cassy's attention had done more than change the appearance of Lilly's special place; it had made her feel better; had boosted her confidence. The ugly pubic hair no longer spilled out from her panties or the volleyball uniform. And as she hopped in front of the girls in her locker-room aisle after Cassy's shaving, even Shelly had commented that her pussy finally looked good enough to eat. Still, Lilly couldn't make eye contact with either of them.

"If I were naked at this moment, would you be afraid of me?" asked Mrs. Vatspalt.

She had to think about that. Finally she said, "No. I suppose that would be okay." She had seen so much of Mrs. Vatspalt's body by now, there was very little left to the imagination.

Mrs. Vatspalt continued, "Would you be afraid if my husband was naked and standing before you?"

Lilly's eyes were still downcast. They wavered to his crotch again, noting the subtle shadows created by the room's lighting and how well it defined his manhood, which now appeared noticeably fuller; the material straining against what lay beneath, his skin opaquely visible, the veins thick and dark and raised along the shaft. The head of his circumcised dick was fat and round. It looked amazing but she couldn't be honest about her feelings. "That's a little different."

"Really?" asked Mrs. Vatspalt. "Why?"

"He's...he's a man."

"So what?" Cassy's mother sounded incredulous and Lilly felt guilty and dumb for admitting the obvious.

"Are you not aware that a man has a penis?"

Mrs. Vatspalt was joking and Lilly giggled. "No, of course I know that."

"So if you know he has a penis and you know a penis doesn't do anything other than be a penis, why would it matter?"

Lilly didn't say anything. "A virtuous girl doesn't fantasize about a man's penis. It's designed tear your hymen!" That voice was her mother's, and it was becoming more distant by the day. Lilly determined she did have an answer to the question and it was spoken in total honesty when she said, "I guess it wouldn't matter."

"You guess?" Mrs. Vatspalt said. She looked unimpressed.

"It wouldn't matter if either of you were naked with me," Lilly said with as much confidence as she could muster. Her cheeks were hot.

"How would you react if Mr. Vatspalt became aroused?"

She thought of herself as ugly. How would such a dashing and sophisticated man like Mr. Vatspalt ever find her attractive? "I don't think that will ever happen."

"Why is that?" Mrs. Vatspalt asked. "Are you just learning that the penis becomes erect when aroused?"

They are so honest! "Yes, I know that happens."

Anna Vatspalt said, "Lilly, I believe you are wrong about how physically attractive you are." She looked to her husband. "Honey?"

Mr. Vatspalt said, "Lilly, you're stunningly beautiful. Trust me when I say any man would become aroused by viewing your nude body."

Lilly blushed. Then she giggled. Then she twirled her hair. "Really?"

"Really," he said. It was spoken with honest conviction and Lilly's tummy warmed. Between her legs, her special place stirred.

"Given what Mr. Vatspalt just said, why is the possibility of a male standing naked before you, his arousal as obvious as the nose on your face, make you uncomfortable? What's unnatural about that? Is there anything wrong with it?"

At this, Lilly realized she actually had no answer that would make sense. She could clearly see the impression Mr. Vatspalt's cock made against the clingy material of his pants and it wasn't scary. In fact, Lilly admitted to herself, she liked how it looked. "I, I don't know." They really were making sense.

"Lilly, look at me when I speak to you," Anna said. "You have nothing to be embarrassed about."

Lilly met Mrs. Vatspalt's eyes slowly. "Are you afraid of seeing his penis?" she asked.

"Well..." Fuck yes, I want to see it! And then she felt disgusted for thinking such a thing. He was so much older than she was. And he was married! And he was the father of her best friend! Why was she thinking like this?

"Aside from it being circumcised, or perhaps its length or thickness, or the direction it points when erect, do you think his penis looks much different than another man's?"

After a moment, Lilly said, "No, I suppose not."

Do you think Erik's penis would look much different than his father's?"

"Probably not." She'd glimpsed the shape and length of Erik's cock many times in similar pants to what Mr. Vatspalt wore this evening and already knew the answer.

"Are you afraid that if my husband were nude and fully erect at this moment he would force himself upon you?"

Please, would he? Would he bend me over and hold me down by the back of my neck as he fucked me like an animal? Lilly guffawed. "No, of course not!"

"Thank you, Lilly," Mr. Vatspalt whispered. "That means a lot to me."

Mrs. Vatspalt continued, "And if you haven't already seen your father's penis at some point, I bet you have found pictures of them online."

Lilly hadn't seen her father's penis - at least not that she could remember - but she had found no shortage of images on the Web and lately she was searching for them all the time. She enjoyed looking at pictures of naked men, wondering what it would be like to touch their bodies or be held in their arms. Looking at their cocks, she imagined lying beneath them and spreading her thighs. But that was embarrassing to admit so she said nothing. There was no need to mention what she'd seen last summer.

"Physically," said Mr. Vatspalt, "the only thing separating the male and female bodies are the sex organs. Every human has legs, and arms, breasts." They looked at her chest and he said, "Of course those vary greatly!" Mr. and Mrs. Vatspalt chuckled and Lilly smiled uncomfortably. He said, "We have the same internal organs. Essentially, we are the same."

Lilly couldn't argue with their reasoning. She nodded.

"Quite often it is society that rules our lives and we rarely stop to consider if society is correct or if there is a bigger picture to see," he said. "Siblings and even families have been having sex with each other for thousands of years and who are we to say if that is right or wrong? It's still practiced today and those families would tell you it's a loving and natural experience."

"Yes, but the Bible forbids it," Lilly said. The Vatspalts didn't attend her church but they did attend church and the Bible argument was one that was often used by her parents. She was interested to hear what the Vatspalts thought.

"Well, yes and no," he said. "Originally, it was permitted to begin the world's population. Later, however, it was forbidden."

Anna said, "But keep in mind that the Bible was written by multiple authors over thousands of years; it's essentially a reflection of morals and the social norms at any given time while it was being compiled. We could debate the morality of such relationships forever, but the real reason it was ultimately forbidden was to prevent inbreeding, which is a real concern." She looked at Lilly earnestly. "The Bible's authors, however, couldn't predict the future. Its writers could only reflect on society during their moment in time. Royal families were inbred and it led to terrible consequences, which is why incest was considered taboo."

"Today, long after the Bible was penned," said Mr. Vatspalt, "birth control and contraception prevents that kind of thing from happening." Nodding at the painting, he said, "Back then, there was no contraception. To prevent inbreeding or pregnancy, the male would pull out of the female prior to ejaculating, choosing instead to release hiself on his lover's tummy or her bottom."

"Or," Mrs. Vatspalt said, "she would take his penis in her mouth and allow him to ejaculate there. She could consume his sperm without fear of getting pregnant."

Lilly said nothing. What they said made sense. It really did come down to how moral one believed such a relationship was. In her house everything was so black and white. But the Vatspalts recognized shades of gray, which seemed to align with how the world really worked and - more importantly - how she was beginning to perceive it to be.

He continued. "In Germany, and many other parts of Europe, including Sweden, Spain, Russia and France it's common for entire families to sunbathe nude on public beaches and no one thinks twice about it. It's perfectly normal for a mother to apply sunscreen to her son's nude body, even his penis; or a brother to do the same for his sister, his hands caressing her breasts and bottom and vagina. Regardless, it's not for people in this part of the world to judge. Wouldn't you agree?"

Lilly was nodding. She suddenly felt like she'd been living in a cocoon her entire life. "So what you're saying is, just because something like that may not be acceptable to one person or even a group, we can't cast judgement on others who embrace such things." She smiled. "I get it."

"Honey," said Mrs. Vatspalt, "I think Lilly is starting to accept the larger world we live in."

Mr. Vatspalt's next move surprised Lilly. Slowly turning to his wife, he cupped her breast. He pumped it gently and ran his thumb across the plumped nipple. "My wife's breasts are visible through her shirt; does that make you uncomfortable?"

Tonight, Anna Vatspalt wore a sheer button-down navy-blue shirt that was cropped at the waist. Lilly guessed the shirt was probably designed to be worn over a fancy bralette but she had seen Mrs. Vatspalt's breasts on such a regular basis, she hardly noticed anymore. "No, it doesn't."

"Are you bothered that I'm touching her in this way?"

Watching him massage his wife was very pleasurable and she thought back to witnessing Cassy climax on the pool raft. She felt as if she was being included in something intimate and private, which was supremely enjoyable to witness. Outside of seeing couples make out, Lilly had never seen people touching each other this way in-person. It was vastly more enjoyable than taking in the pornogrpahy she searched out on the internet. As Mr. Vatspalt pumped, Lilly wondered how the warm caress of a man's hand upon her breast would feel.

But she shook her head, trying to act casual. "She's your wife and you can touch her however you want," she said. Mrs. Vatspalt's pointed nipple was fully aroused and Lilly couldn't avert her eyes as the woman leaned into her husband's hand.

"Well," he said. "That's not entirely true." Releasing her breast, he began unbuttoning his wife's shirt. "She's not my property." When he he flayed the garment open, Mrs. Vatspalt sighed softly. The woman's eyes were closed and the merest grin fell upon her lips. "I can't simply do whatever I want," he said as he took Mrs. Vatspalt's nipple between his fingers and playfully tugged. "It's not any different than Louise engaging in sex with four boys. All the parties have to agree." Anna moaned softly as her husband twisted her flesh.

"I understand," said Lilly. Her special place felt gooey and warm. "There is nothing wrong with touching each other as long as it's consensual." The Vatspalts smiled at her. She had impressed them and it felt great.

In a husky whisper Mrs. Vatspalt said, "Trust me Lilly, there is nothing Liam isn't allowed to do to me." She made a purring sound that Lilly felt between her thighs.

Turning to Lilly as he continued fondling his wife's breast, Mr. Vatspalt looked over her body from head to toe and said, "You're not wearing much in the way of clothes and we can clearly see your panties." He took a prolonged look at the cartoon kitty covering her special place and Lilly found this arousing. "Are you afraid to be near us?"

"No," she said, and added, "but I know you. And I trust you." She meant this.

"And you're right," said Mrs. Vatspalt, "We would never suggest you be naked around someone you didn't trust."

Releasing his wife, he said, "In Sweden, nudity is nothing to be ashamed of and as a family we are often naked in front of each other when inside our home, or even when we relax by the pool. Does that bother you?"

This didn't come as a revelation given that Cassy had admitted she showered with her siblings and that the family sunbathed nude around their pool. And then Lilly thought about what happened last month as she and Cassy sunbathed atop the float. It made sense. Plus, she didn't want the Vatspalts to think she was immature. "No, it doesn't bother me. You can do whatever you want in your own house," she said.

"And you can do whatever you want in our home, too, Lilly," said Mrs. Vatspalt. She made no move to button her blouse or even pull it closed. Her breasts stood stark in the bright light, her nipples pink and jutting. "We want you to feel comfortable here."

"Thank you," she said. "I do feel comfortable." And she really did.

Mr. Vatspalt turned back to the painting, considering. "There are a number of companion pieces to this work," he said. "Much like this center image, in them the unease and uncertainty of having sex has been washed away and they are engaging in joyous acts of intamacy."

Mrs. Vatspalt continued, "There are many other instances of sexual relationships amongst siblings in the art world, and they all follow the same general theme." As Mrs. Vatspalt spoke, Lilly's eyes followed the woman's hand as she grazed her husband's sex, which was now fully engorged, the white material of his pants stretched tight around his girth, the head a light-purple color through the thin fabric. It was swollen and pressed to his hip. "There are several far more...risqué paintings of the young man penetrating their vaginas and even their bottoms."

Lilly swallowed and found her throat parched. Mr. Vatspalt's cock was intoxicating to watch as his wife played with it. "A penis inside her bottom," she whispered.

The room tilted and she placed her hand against the wall. She was drunker than she thought. Her heart was racing and a rushing sound filled her ears. She watched Anna Vatspalt's fingers twirl and dance and realized she wanted to touch him. She wanted Mrs. Vatspalt to take her hand and press it to his sex, which had continued to grow, a tiny pearl of milky moisture had leaked from the tip of his kuk and saturated the fabric, turning it transparent.

But it didn't happen. Instead, the woman released her husband and he whispered, "Lilly, why are you ashamed of your body?"